Steps to Install and Deploy the Automated Goerli Development Environment on AWS, using AMB with Token Based Access. **Steps 1-8 are needed only the first time you are running this project on your machine.** **1. AWS CLI** The AWS CLI allows you to interact with AWS services from a terminal session. Make sure you have the latest version of the AWS CLI installed on your system. **2. AWS Account** To complete the setup, you will need to have access to an AWS account with an IAM user with appropriate accessor IAM role with an administrator access policy. **Configure Your Credentials** Open a terminal window and use aws configure to set up your environment. Type the access key ID and secret key and choose a default region (you can use us-east-1, eu-west-1, us-west-2 for example _aws configure_ And fill in the information from the console: _AWS Access Key ID [None]: \_ _AWS Secret Access Key [None]: \_ _Default region name [None]: \_ _Default output format [None]: \_ **3. NodeJS** To install Node.js visit the [Node.js website ]( . Make sure you use Node.js \>=8.12.0 _node --version_ **5. AWS CDK Toolkit** Next, we'll install the AWS CDK Toolkit. The toolkit is a command-line utility which allows you to work with CDK apps. Open a terminal session and run the following command: _npm install -g aws-cdk_ - Windows: you'll need to run this as an Administrator - POSIX: on some systems you may need to run this with sudo You can check the toolkit version with: _cdk –version_ **6. Clone the Git Repo** _git clone Change directory to automated-goerli-development-environment _cd_ _automated-goerli-development-environment_ **7. Create and Download an EC2 Key Pair/PEM file** Using the AWS console, you will need to create an Amazon EC2 Key Pair PEM file and download the pem file. The key needs to be created in the region configured in step 2. Save it to the ./Key directory and run: _chmod 0400 on the key file_ ## 8. Configuration Copy the file 'configs/config_template.json' to 'configs/config.json and edit it with your favorite editor: _{_ _"stackName": "BlogGoerliStack",_ _"ec2Name": "AMB\_Dev",_ _"nickName": "AMB\_Dev",_ _"ec2Class": "t3",_ _"ec2Size": "xlarge",_ _"keyName": "YOUR KEY NAME HERE",_ _"keyFile": "./Key/YOURKEY.pem",_ _"userDataFile": "./Scripts/startup\",_ _"cdkOut": "cdk-outputs.json",_ _"timeBomb": "30",_ _"awsConfig": "~/.aws",_ _"clientIpAddr": "Please add the CIDR IP address of client connecting to EC2"_ _"Mnemonic": "Mnemonic from a Wallet like Metamask, will need Goerli ETH_ _from a faucet"_ _}_ The cdkOut file can be named anything, but it should have a json extension since it will be a json data file. CDK writes data there that we use to automate other operations. ## 9. Deployment Make sure you are in automated-goerli-development-environment directory if you are setting this project up for the **first time** on your machine run these two commands: _npm install_ _cdk bootstrap_ Deploy the environment using this command: _cdk deploy_ Will take about 3 minutes, but **AMB node will not be usable for 40 minutes**, till the Blockchain data is synched Once the Deployment is completed, An EC2 instance with the tools and encvironment to develop,test,compile and deploy Smart Contract will be available. Other resources to access the Blockchain which include the VPC, Amazon Managed Blockchain(AMB) node, Accessor Token, security policies will be created. ## 9. Connecting to the EC2 instance Use the command below to connect to EC2 instance: ssh -i ./Key/YOURKEYNAME.pem ec2-user@INSTANCE\_IP\_ADDRESS INSTANCE\_IP\_ADDRESS is printed as a output to the cdk deploy command. Once logged into the EC2 instance, there is bolierplate solidity code for a simple Smart-Contract and also node.js code to access the blockchain, compile/deploy the smart-contract and access the smart-contract using the required transactions. _Hardhat_ is already installed with a sample script for testing the smart-contract. This will be the directory structure created: decentralized-app-for-goerli-nodejs: Parent Directory artifacts: Directory used by compiler cache:Directory used by compiler contracts: Solidity code of Smart-Contract CountPerAccount.sol DemoApps: node.js code for Blockchain and Smart-Contract Access test: Script to run some sample tests on Smart-Contract using Hardhat Run the following command to run the tests on Smart-Contract _cd decentralized-app-for-goerli-nodejs_ _npx hardhat test_ Other Hardhat tools and Commands are available to use in this directory To run node.js based applications which have pre-provided as bolierplate code you can perform the following commands. _cd DemoApps_ _node demoBlockChainAccess_ This is to access the blockchain, get the balances on the 10 accounts based on the Mnemonic, and also perform a transaction to transfer gEth from an account to another. _node demoContract_ This is to compile and deploy the smart-contract, the address of the deployed smart-contract is automatically configured to the environment for smart-contract access _node demoContractAccess_ This is to access the smart-contract, the transactions are signed and sent to the Blockchain and result printed ## 10. Remote Connection for VS Code 1. Go to [ ]( and download the Visual Studio Code for your appropriate environment. Detail instruction for the installation of Visual Studio can be found at: - macOS [ ]( - Windows [ ]( 2. Install Remote Development Extension for Visual Studio Code by going to [Remote Development Extension ]( 3.Configure ssh config file by going to VS Code Command Palette by clicking **Shift + Command + P** (macOS) and **Ctrl + Shift + P** (Windows) and start typing **remote** to see Remote-SSH: Open SSH Configuration File. Click on Remote-SSH: Open SSH Configuration File 4.VS will present few location for the configuration file, select the one in your **/Users** (macOS) **C:\Users** (windows) folder 5. Enter the following in the ssh config file _Host AMB\_DEV\_ENV_ _HostName_ _INSTANCE\_IP\_ADDRESS _User ec2-user_ _IdentityFile [location where the pem file you downloaded] (whole path like: "/users/…/Key/YOURKEY.pem"_ 6. Once the ssh configuration is saved, connect to EC2 instance by clicking on the **Green Icon** at the bottom left hand side of the VS Code screen. 7. Select **Connect to Host** and pick **AMB\_DEV\_ENV** from the dropdown ## 11. Cleaning up This command will delete the AWS resources we created. Please storethe code updates you may have made before running this command. _cdk destroy_ Be patient as this may take a few minutes. ##