# Sample web app for Automating broadcast video monitoring The web application is built using [AWS Amplify](https://docs.amplify.aws/), VueJS and uses AWS AppSync to communicate with backend databases. ## Project setup 1. If you haven't installed amplify CLI, do so: ```shell script sudo npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli ``` 1. In the project root, install node dependencies: ```shell script npm install ``` 1. Use pipenv to run a python script to replace template values with output from the backend cloudformation stack: ``` # make setup_config.py executable chmod +x setup_config.py pipenv install pipenv run ./setup_config.py ``` 1. To use the existing amplify backend, set up amplify configuration ``` $ amplify pull For more information on AWS Profiles, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-multiple-profiles.html ? Do you want to use an AWS profile? Yes ? Please choose the profile you want to use [default] <-- pick your own ? Which app are you working on? d2uuxfjdxgg2k4 <-- use the value presented by the CLI Backend environment 'dev' found. Initializing... ? Choose your default editor: Sublime Text <-- pick your own ? Choose the type of app that you're building javascript Please tell us about your project ? What javascript framework are you using vue ? Source Directory Path: src ? Distribution Directory Path: dist ? Build Command: npm run build ? Start Command: npm run serve ``` 1. pull backend environment setup from the cloud: ```shell script amplify pull ``` 1. Verify that in `src/` folder, you should see a file `aws-exports.js` generated from previous step ### Compiles and hot-reloads for local development ``` npm run serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` npm run build ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` npm run lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](https://cli.vuejs.org/config/).