Description: Master stack with both the processing backend and media ingestion Parameters: TemplatePath: Type: String Default: broadcast-monitoring-blog/cloudformation/ Description: S3Bucket Path where the templates are stored InputCodec: Description: Specify the codec of the src stream for MediaLive (AVC/HEVC/MPEG2) Type: String Default: AVC AllowedValues: - AVC - HEVC - MPEG2 InputType: Description: Specify the input type for MediaLive (Default parametrs are for the Demo video) Type: String Default: MP4_FILE AllowedValues: - RTMP_PULL - URL_PULL - MP4_FILE PriPullURL: Description: Specify the primary src URL for the PULL input stream Type: String Default: "s3://broadcast-monitoring-blog/assets/demo-6min.mp4" PriPullUser: Description: (Optional) Specify a Username for the primary src URL Type: String Default: "" PriPullPass: Description: (Optional) Specify a Password for the primary src URL Type: String Default: "" Resources: VideoProcessingStack: Type: "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack" Properties: TemplateURL: Fn::Sub: "${TemplatePath}/video-processing.yml" Tags: - Key: Name Value: Bradcast-Monitoring-video-processing MediaIngestionStack: Type: "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack" Properties: TemplateURL: Fn::Sub: "${TemplatePath}/media-ingestion.yml" Parameters: VideoProcessingBucket: Fn::GetAtt: - VideoProcessingStack - Outputs.VideoProcessingBucket InputCodec: !Ref InputCodec InputType: !Ref InputType PriPullURL: !Ref PriPullURL PriPullUser: !Ref PriPullUser PriPullPass: !Ref PriPullPass Tags: - Key: Name Value: Bradcast-Monitoring-Media-Ingestion Outputs: VideoProcessingBucket: Description: name of the bucket Value: Fn::GetAtt: - VideoProcessingStack - Outputs.VideoProcessingBucket CloudFrontHlsEnpoint: Description: HLS CloudFront HLS URL Value: Fn::GetAtt: - MediaIngestionStack - Outputs.CloudFrontHlsEnpoint