import boto3 import os from botocore.exceptions import ClientError def get_stack_outputs(): """ Gets asetuapi stack outputs if it exists """ cfn = boto3.client("cloudformation") try: asetuapi_stack = cfn.describe_stacks(StackName="asetuapi") except ClientError: print( "The frontend application will be bundled once asetuapi stack is deployed" ) return None else: return asetuapi_stack[0]["Outputs"] def generate_exports_and_bundle(): """ Generate aws-exports.js file by fetching output values from deployed cloudformation stack. Replace placeholders with these values in aws-exports-template.js Next it builds and exports the application as static files into the out directory so that it can be deployed to s3 """ # file paths template_path = "aws-exports-template.js" export_file_path = "aws-exports.js" out_path = "out" # change directory so that relative paths work cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir("client") # create directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.isdir(out_path): os.mkdir("out") stack_outputs = get_stack_outputs # create new export file only if it doesn't exist and backend stack is deployed if not os.path.isfile(export_file_path) and stack_outputs: template_values = {} for output in stack_outputs: if "ExportName" in output: template_values[output["ExportName"]] = output["OutputValue"] # replace placeholders in templates and write to file template = "" with open(template_path) as f: template = for key, value in template_values.items(): print(f"Writing {key} with {value}") template = template.replace(key, value) with open(export_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(template) # build and export app static files if exports.js exists if os.path.isfile(export_file_path): os.system("npm install && npm run build") # change working directory back os.chdir(cwd) if __name__ == "__main__": generate_exports_and_bundle()