interface ZIF_TRANSPOSER public . types: begin of TY_ROWS, row_indx type sy-tabix, col_indx type sy-tabix, cell_val type string, end of ty_rows . types: tt_rows type standard table of ty_rows . types: begin of ty_fields, field type string, end of ty_fields . types: tt_fields type standard table of ty_fields . data T_FIELDS type TT_FIELDS . data T_DATA type TT_ROWS . data O_DYNA_TABLE type ref to DATA . data O_DYNA_WA type ref to DATA . methods TRANSPOSE importing !IV_NO_HEADER type BOOLE optional returning value(RO_DATA) type ref to DATA . methods CREATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE . methods COLLECT_FIELDS importing !IV_NO_HEADER type BOOLE optional . endinterface.