import os import random as rnd from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageStat if not hasattr(Image, 'Resampling'): # Pillow<9.0 Image.Resampling = Image from trdg import computer_text_generator, background_generator, distorsion_generator from trdg.utils import mask_to_bboxes, make_filename_valid try: from trdg import handwritten_text_generator except ImportError as e: print("Missing modules for handwritten text generation.") class FakeTextDataGenerator(object): @classmethod def generate_from_tuple(cls, t): """ Same as generate, but takes all parameters as one tuple """ cls.generate(*t) @classmethod def generate( cls, index: int, text: str, font: str, out_dir: str, size: int, extension: str, skewing_angle: int, random_skew: bool, blur: int, random_blur: bool, background_type: int, distorsion_type: int, distorsion_orientation: int, is_handwritten: bool, name_format: int, width: int, alignment: int, text_color: str, orientation: int, space_width: int, character_spacing: int, margins: int, fit: bool, output_mask: bool, word_split: bool, image_dir: str, stroke_width: int = 0, stroke_fill: str = "#282828", image_mode: str = "RGB", output_bboxes: int = 0, ) -> Image: image = None margin_top, margin_left, margin_bottom, margin_right = margins horizontal_margin = margin_left + margin_right vertical_margin = margin_top + margin_bottom ########################## # Create picture of text # ########################## if is_handwritten: if orientation == 1: raise ValueError("Vertical handwritten text is unavailable") image, mask = handwritten_text_generator.generate(text, text_color) else: image, mask = computer_text_generator.generate( text, font, text_color, size, orientation, space_width, character_spacing, fit, word_split, stroke_width, stroke_fill, ) random_angle = rnd.randint(0 - skewing_angle, skewing_angle) rotated_img = image.rotate( skewing_angle if not random_skew else random_angle, expand=1 ) rotated_mask = mask.rotate( skewing_angle if not random_skew else random_angle, expand=1 ) ############################# # Apply distorsion to image # ############################# if distorsion_type == 0: distorted_img = rotated_img # Mind = blown distorted_mask = rotated_mask elif distorsion_type == 1: distorted_img, distorted_mask = distorsion_generator.sin( rotated_img, rotated_mask, vertical=(distorsion_orientation == 0 or distorsion_orientation == 2), horizontal=(distorsion_orientation == 1 or distorsion_orientation == 2), ) elif distorsion_type == 2: distorted_img, distorted_mask = distorsion_generator.cos( rotated_img, rotated_mask, vertical=(distorsion_orientation == 0 or distorsion_orientation == 2), horizontal=(distorsion_orientation == 1 or distorsion_orientation == 2), ) else: distorted_img, distorted_mask = distorsion_generator.random( rotated_img, rotated_mask, vertical=(distorsion_orientation == 0 or distorsion_orientation == 2), horizontal=(distorsion_orientation == 1 or distorsion_orientation == 2), ) ################################## # Resize image to desired format # ################################## # Horizontal text if orientation == 0: new_width = int( distorted_img.size[0] * (float(size - vertical_margin) / float(distorted_img.size[1])) ) resized_img = distorted_img.resize( (new_width, size - vertical_margin), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS ) resized_mask = distorted_mask.resize( (new_width, size - vertical_margin), Image.Resampling.NEAREST ) background_width = width if width > 0 else new_width + horizontal_margin background_height = size # Vertical text elif orientation == 1: new_height = int( float(distorted_img.size[1]) * (float(size - horizontal_margin) / float(distorted_img.size[0])) ) resized_img = distorted_img.resize( (size - horizontal_margin, new_height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS ) resized_mask = distorted_mask.resize( (size - horizontal_margin, new_height), Image.Resampling.NEAREST ) background_width = size background_height = new_height + vertical_margin else: raise ValueError("Invalid orientation") ############################# # Generate background image # ############################# if background_type == 0: background_img = background_generator.gaussian_noise( background_height, background_width ) elif background_type == 1: background_img = background_generator.plain_white( background_height, background_width ) elif background_type == 2: background_img = background_generator.quasicrystal( background_height, background_width ) else: background_img = background_generator.image( background_height, background_width, image_dir ) background_mask = "RGB", (background_width, background_height), (0, 0, 0) ) ############################################################## # Comparing average pixel value of text and background image # ############################################################## try: resized_img_st = ImageStat.Stat(resized_img, resized_mask.split()[2]) background_img_st = ImageStat.Stat(background_img) resized_img_px_mean = sum(resized_img_st.mean[:2]) / 3 background_img_px_mean = sum(background_img_st.mean) / 3 if abs(resized_img_px_mean - background_img_px_mean) < 15: print("value of mean pixel is too similar. Ignore this image") print("resized_img_st \n {}".format(resized_img_st.mean)) print("background_img_st \n {}".format(background_img_st.mean)) return except Exception as err: return ############################# # Place text with alignment # ############################# new_text_width, _ = resized_img.size if alignment == 0 or width == -1: background_img.paste(resized_img, (margin_left, margin_top), resized_img) background_mask.paste(resized_mask, (margin_left, margin_top)) elif alignment == 1: background_img.paste( resized_img, (int(background_width / 2 - new_text_width / 2), margin_top), resized_img, ) background_mask.paste( resized_mask, (int(background_width / 2 - new_text_width / 2), margin_top), ) else: background_img.paste( resized_img, (background_width - new_text_width - margin_right, margin_top), resized_img, ) background_mask.paste( resized_mask, (background_width - new_text_width - margin_right, margin_top), ) ############################################ # Change image mode (RGB, grayscale, etc.) # ############################################ background_img = background_img.convert(image_mode) background_mask = background_mask.convert(image_mode) ####################### # Apply gaussian blur # ####################### gaussian_filter = ImageFilter.GaussianBlur( radius=blur if not random_blur else rnd.random() * blur ) final_image = background_img.filter(gaussian_filter) final_mask = background_mask.filter(gaussian_filter) ##################################### # Generate name for resulting image # ##################################### # We remove spaces if space_width == 0 if space_width == 0: text = text.replace(" ", "") if name_format == 0: name = "{}_{}".format(text, str(index)) elif name_format == 1: name = "{}_{}".format(str(index), text) elif name_format == 2: name = str(index) else: print("{} is not a valid name format. Using default.".format(name_format)) name = "{}_{}".format(text, str(index)) name = make_filename_valid(name, allow_unicode=True) image_name = "{}.{}".format(name, extension) mask_name = "{}_mask.png".format(name) box_name = "{}_boxes.txt".format(name) tess_box_name = "{}.box".format(name) # Save the image if out_dir is not None:, image_name)) if output_mask == 1:, mask_name)) if output_bboxes == 1: bboxes = mask_to_bboxes(final_mask) with open(os.path.join(out_dir, box_name), "w") as f: for bbox in bboxes: f.write(" ".join([str(v) for v in bbox]) + "\n") if output_bboxes == 2: bboxes = mask_to_bboxes(final_mask, tess=True) with open(os.path.join(out_dir, tess_box_name), "w") as f: for bbox, char in zip(bboxes, text): f.write( " ".join([char] + [str(v) for v in bbox] + ["0"]) + "\n" ) else: if output_mask == 1: return final_image, final_mask return final_image