import random as rnd import string from typing import List import wikipedia def create_strings_from_file(filename: str, count: int) -> List[str]: """ Create all strings by reading lines in specified files """ strings = [] with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: lines = [l[0:200] for l in if len(l) > 0] if len(lines) == 0: raise Exception("No lines could be read in file") while len(strings) < count: if len(lines) >= count - len(strings): strings.extend(lines[0 : count - len(strings)]) else: strings.extend(lines) return strings def create_strings_from_dict( length: int, allow_variable: bool, count: int, lang_dict: List[str] ) -> List[str]: """ Create all strings by picking X random word in the dictionnary """ dict_len = len(lang_dict) strings = [] for _ in range(0, count): current_string = "" for _ in range(0, rnd.randint(1, length) if allow_variable else length): current_string += lang_dict[rnd.randrange(dict_len)] current_string += " " strings.append(current_string[:-1]) return strings def get_random_page_content() -> str: page_title = wikipedia.random(1) try: page_content = except (wikipedia.DisambiguationError, wikipedia.PageError): return get_random_page_content() return page_content def create_strings_from_wikipedia( minimum_length: int, count: int, lang: str ) -> List[str]: """ Create all string by randomly picking Wikipedia articles and taking sentences from them. """ wikipedia.set_lang(lang) sentences = [] while len(sentences) < count: page_content = get_random_page_content() processed_content = page_content.replace("\n", " ").split(". ") sentence_candidates = [ s.strip() for s in processed_content if len(s.split()) > minimum_length ] sentences.extend(sentence_candidates) return sentences[0:count] def create_strings_randomly( length: int, allow_variable: bool, count: int, let: bool, num: bool, sym: bool, lang: str, ) -> List[str]: """ Create all strings by randomly sampling from a pool of characters. """ # If none specified, use all three if True not in (let, num, sym): let, num, sym = True, True, True pool = "" if let: if lang == "cn": pool += "".join( [chr(i) for i in range(19968, 40908)] ) # Unicode range of CHK characters elif lang == "ja": pool += "".join( [chr(i) for i in range(12288, 12351)] ) # unicode range for japanese-style punctuation pool += "".join( [chr(i) for i in range(12352, 12447)] ) # unicode range for Hiragana pool += "".join( [chr(i) for i in range(12448, 12543)] ) # unicode range for Katakana pool += "".join( [chr(i) for i in range(65280, 65519)] ) # unicode range for Full-width roman characters and half-width katakana pool += "".join( [chr(i) for i in range(19968, 40908)] ) # unicode range for common and uncommon kanji # else: pool += string.ascii_letters if num: pool += "0123456789" if sym: pool += "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;?@[\\]^_`{|}~" if lang == "cn": min_seq_len = 1 max_seq_len = 2 elif lang == "ja": min_seq_len = 1 max_seq_len = 2 else: min_seq_len = 2 max_seq_len = 10 strings = [] for _ in range(0, count): current_string = "" for _ in range(0, rnd.randint(1, length) if allow_variable else length): seq_len = rnd.randint(min_seq_len, max_seq_len) current_string += "".join([rnd.choice(pool) for _ in range(seq_len)]) current_string += " " strings.append(current_string[:-1]) return strings