# Quick Notes (Archived) #### Deploy a full stack web app to help you organize your notes when you're on the go. 🛠Built with React, GraphQL, AWS Amplify, AWS AppSync, Amazon Transcribe, & Amazon Polly ### Features - 🎙 Record notes - 🔈 Play notes back - 📖 Read notes - 👮†Authenticated - 🔥 Serverless back end - 🚀 GraphQL - 💻 Deploy back end in minutes  ## Deploy the App To automatically deploy the app, click the big orange button 👇 [](https://console.aws.amazon.com/amplify/home#/deploy?repo=https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-amplify-quick-notes) > If you wish to manually deploy the app, follow the instructions below. ### Deploy the back end and run the app 1. Clone the repo & install the dependencies ```sh ~ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-amplify-quick-notes.git ~ cd aws-amplify-quick-notes ~ npm install ``` 2. Initialize and deploy the Amplify project ```sh ~ amplify init ? Enter a name for the environment: dev (or whatever you would like to call this env) ? Choose your default editor: <YOUR_EDITOR_OF_CHOICE> ? Do you want to use an AWS profile? Y ~ amplify push ? Are you sure you want to continue? Y ? Do you want to generate code for your newly created GraphQL API? N > We already have the GraphQL code generated for this project, so generating it here is not necessary. ``` 3. Start the app and register a new user ```sh ~ yarn start ``` ### Deploy the front end 1. Create a new repository with your git service of choice 2. Push the project to your new repository ```sh ~ git remote add origin <your_new_repository> ~ git push --set-upstream master ``` 3. Connect to [AWS Amplify Console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/amplify/home) and wait for build to start. You will be given a production URL and you are ready to take some notes! ### License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.