## CI/CD on Amazon EKS using AWS AppMesh and Gitlab CI ![EKS AppMesh Gitlab CI/CD](images/appmesh-eks-gitlab-cicd.jpg) ##### Steps 1. Check this [manual](infra/README.md), and execute the infrastructure commands to create EKS cluster and its dependencies. 2. Create an empty repo in Gitlab 3. Put following environment variables in CI/CD Settings of created empty repo(step 2). - `CLUSTER_NAME=` - `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=` - `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=` - `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=` 4. Add Gitlab as remote origin, then push this project into created repo in Gitlab ``` git remote set-url origin git remote -v git push origin master ``` **Sample Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline:** ![EKS AppMesh Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline](images/eks-appmesh-gitlabci-pipeline.png) ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.