## Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved ## ### SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 --- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Create AWS infrastructure to deploy .NET WebApi on AWS App Runner that talks to Aurora. Mappings: SubnetConfig: VPC: CIDR: '' PublicOne: CIDR: '' PublicTwo: CIDR: '' PrivateOne: CIDR: '' PrivateTwo: CIDR: '' Parameters: ECRRepo: Description: ECR Repository name Type: String Default: net-core-stack-ecr-repo DBUser: Type: String Default: root DBPassword: Type: String Default: netc0re123 DBName: Type: String Default: todo AppStackName: Description: An Application name that will be prefixed to resource names Type: String Default: net-core-stack Resources: DbVPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC Properties: EnableDnsSupport: true EnableDnsHostnames: true CidrBlock: !FindInMap ['SubnetConfig', 'VPC', 'CIDR'] Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref AppStackName - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS PublicSubnet1: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: Ref: DbVPC CidrBlock: !FindInMap ['SubnetConfig', 'PublicOne', 'CIDR'] AvailabilityZone: Fn::Select: - 0 - Fn::GetAZs: {Ref: 'AWS::Region'} MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} Public Subnet (AZ1) - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS PublicSubnet2: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: Ref: DbVPC CidrBlock: !FindInMap ['SubnetConfig', 'PublicTwo', 'CIDR'] AvailabilityZone: Fn::Select: - 1 - Fn::GetAZs: {Ref: 'AWS::Region'} MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} Public Subnet (AZ2) - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS PrivateSubnet1: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: Ref: DbVPC CidrBlock: !FindInMap ['SubnetConfig', 'PrivateOne', 'CIDR'] AvailabilityZone: Fn::Select: - 0 - Fn::GetAZs: {Ref: 'AWS::Region'} Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} Private Subnet (AZ1) - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS PrivateSubnet2: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: Ref: DbVPC CidrBlock: !FindInMap ['SubnetConfig', 'PrivateTwo', 'CIDR'] AvailabilityZone: Fn::Select: - 1 - Fn::GetAZs: {Ref: 'AWS::Region'} Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} Private Subnet (AZ2) - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS IGW: DependsOn: DbVPC Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} - Internet Gateway - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS VPCGatewayAttachment: DependsOn: IGW Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment Properties: VpcId: Ref: DbVPC InternetGatewayId: Ref: IGW NAT1EIP: DependsOn: VPCGatewayAttachment Type: AWS::EC2::EIP Properties: Domain: vpc NAT2EIP: DependsOn: VPCGatewayAttachment Type: AWS::EC2::EIP Properties: Domain: vpc NATGateway1: DependsOn: VPCGatewayAttachment Type: AWS::EC2::NatGateway Properties: AllocationId: Fn::GetAtt: - NAT1EIP - AllocationId SubnetId: Ref: PublicSubnet1 NATGateway2: DependsOn: VPCGatewayAttachment Type: AWS::EC2::NatGateway Properties: AllocationId: Fn::GetAtt: - NAT2EIP - AllocationId SubnetId: Ref: PublicSubnet2 PrivateSubnet1RouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: Ref: DbVPC Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} Private Route - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS PrivateSubnet1Route: Type: AWS::EC2::Route Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref 'PrivateSubnet1RouteTable' DestinationCidrBlock: NatGatewayId: Ref: NATGateway1 PrivateSubnet1RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: Ref: PrivateSubnet1 RouteTableId: Ref: PrivateSubnet1RouteTable PrivateSubnet2RouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: Ref: DbVPC Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} Private Route - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS PrivateSubnet2Route: Type: AWS::EC2::Route Properties: RouteTableId: Ref: PrivateSubnet2RouteTable DestinationCidrBlock: NatGatewayId: Ref: NATGateway2 PrivateSubnet2RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: Ref: PrivateSubnet2 RouteTableId: Ref: PrivateSubnet2RouteTable PublicSubnetRouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: Ref: DbVPC Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} Public Route - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS PublicSubnetRoute: Type: AWS::EC2::Route DependsOn: VPCGatewayAttachment Properties: RouteTableId: Ref: PublicSubnetRouteTable DestinationCidrBlock: GatewayId: Ref: IGW PublicSubnet1RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: Ref: PublicSubnet1 RouteTableId: Ref: PublicSubnetRouteTable PublicSubnet2RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: Ref: PublicSubnet2 RouteTableId: Ref: PublicSubnetRouteTable DBSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupName: !Sub ${AppStackName}-rds-db-sg GroupDescription: Access to the RDS VpcId: !Ref 'DbVPC' DBSecurityGroupIngressTCP: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress DependsOn: DBSecurityGroup Properties: Description: Ingress 3306 GroupId: !Ref 'DBSecurityGroup' IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 3306 ToPort: 3306 SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt DbVPC.DefaultSecurityGroup #Aurora SQL RDSCluster: Properties: DBClusterParameterGroupName: Ref: RDSDBClusterParameterGroup Engine: aurora EngineMode: serverless MasterUserPassword: Ref: DBPassword MasterUsername: Ref: DBUser DBClusterIdentifier: !Sub ${AppStackName} DatabaseName: Ref: DBName DBSubnetGroupName: Ref: DBSubnetGroup Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} Aurora Serverless Cluster - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS VpcSecurityGroupIds: - Ref: DBSecurityGroup Type: "AWS::RDS::DBCluster" DependsOn: DBSubnetGroup RDSDBClusterParameterGroup: Properties: Description: "CloudFormation Sample Aurora Cluster Parameter Group" Family: aurora5.6 Parameters: time_zone: US/Eastern Type: "AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup" DBSubnetGroup: Type: AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup Properties: DBSubnetGroupDescription: RDS Subnet group for Aurora DBSubnetGroupName: !Sub ${AppStackName}-aurora-subnet-group SubnetIds: - !Ref PrivateSubnet1 - !Ref PrivateSubnet2 Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AppStackName} RDS Subnet Group - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS RDSDBParameterGroup: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup' Properties: Description: CloudFormation Sample Aurora Parameter Group Family: aurora5.6 Parameters: sql_mode: IGNORE_SPACE max_allowed_packet: 1024 innodb_buffer_pool_size: '{DBInstanceClassMemory*3/4}' #Code Commit CodeCommitRepository: Type: AWS::CodeCommit::Repository Properties: RepositoryName: !Sub ${ECRRepo} RepositoryDescription: Respository to maintain code related to the Todo Api. #Code Build CodeBuildProject: Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project Properties: Name: !Sub ${AppStackName}-todo-codebuild Description: Todo Api application codebuild project. ServiceRole: !GetAtt CodeBuildRole.Arn Artifacts: Type: no_artifacts Environment: Type: ARM_CONTAINER ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL Image: aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:2.0 PrivilegedMode: true EnvironmentVariables: - Name: REPOSITORY_URI Type: PLAINTEXT Value: Fn::Join: - '' - - Ref: AWS::AccountId - '.dkr.ecr.' - Ref: AWS::Region - '.amazonaws.com/' - !Sub ${ECRRepo} - Name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Type: PLAINTEXT Value: Ref: AWS::Region - Name: ACCOUNT_NUMBER Type: PLAINTEXT Value: Ref: AWS::AccountId - Name: APP_SVC Type: PLAINTEXT Value: 'example/apprunnerdotnetsvc' Source: BuildSpec: config/buildspec.yml Location: Fn::Join: - '' - - 'https://git-codecommit.' - Ref: AWS::Region - '.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/' - !Sub ${ECRRepo} Type: CODECOMMIT SourceVersion: refs/heads/master TimeoutInMinutes: 10 CodeBuildRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCodeCommitFullAccess AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: ['sts:AssumeRole'] Effect: Allow Principal: Service: [codebuild.amazonaws.com] Version: '2012-10-17' Path: / Policies: - PolicyName: CodeBuildAccess PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Action: - 'logs:*' - 'ec2:CreateNetworkInterface' - 'ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces' - 'ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface' - 'ec2:DescribeSubnets' - 'ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups' - 'ec2:DescribeDhcpOptions' - 'ec2:DescribeVpcs' - 'ec2:CreateNetworkInterfacePermission' Effect: Allow Resource: '*' #CodeDeploy CodeDeployApplication: Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::Application Properties: ComputePlatform: ECS # CloudWatchEvents Code build Rold CloudWatchEventsCodeBuildRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Sub ${AppStackName}-cloud-watch-events-codebuild-role AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - events.amazonaws.com Action: sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: aws-events-code-build PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'codebuild:StartBuild' Resource: !GetAtt CodeBuildProject.Arn # CloudWatch Event Rule for codecommit build trigger CloudWatchEventCodeBuildEventRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: Description: "This event rule triggers the build on code commit event" EventPattern: source: - "aws.codecommit" detail-type: - "CodeCommit Repository State Change" detail: event: - "referenceCreated" - "referenceUpdated" referenceType: - "branch" referenceName: - "master" State: "ENABLED" Targets: - Arn: {'Fn::GetAtt': [CodeBuildProject, Arn]} Id: cloudwatch-codebuild-eventrules RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudWatchEventsCodeBuildRole.Arn #Amazon Systems Manager SystemsManagerBasicParameter: Type: "AWS::SSM::Parameter" Properties: Name: "/Database/Config/AuroraConnectionString" Type: "String" Value: !Join [ "", [ "server=", !Join [ "", [ !GetAtt RDSCluster.Endpoint.Address, "" ] ], ";port=", !GetAtt RDSCluster.Endpoint.Port, ";database=", !Join [ "", [ Ref: DBName, "" ] ], ";uid=", !Join [ "", [ Ref: DBUser, "" ] ], ";password=", !Join [ "", [ Ref: DBPassword, "" ] ], ";SSLMode=None" ] ] Description: "SSM Parameter for maintaining the Aurora DB connection string." Tags: "Environment": "DEV" SystemsManagerBasicDBNameParameter: Type: "AWS::SSM::Parameter" Properties: Name: "/Database/Config/DBName" Type: "String" Value: !Join [ "", [ Ref: DBName, "" ] ] Description: "SSM Parameter for maintaining the Aurora DBName." Tags: "Environment": "DEV" SystemsManagerBasicDBUserParameter: Type: "AWS::SSM::Parameter" Properties: Name: "/Database/Config/DBUser" Type: "String" Value: !Join [ "", [ Ref: DBUser, "" ] ] Description: "SSM Parameter for maintaining the Aurora DBUser." Tags: "Environment": "DEV" SystemsManagerBasicDBPasswordParameter: Type: "AWS::SSM::Parameter" Properties: Name: "/Database/Config/DBPassword" Type: "String" Value: !Join [ "", [ Ref: DBPassword, "" ] ] Description: "SSM Parameter for maintaining the Aurora DBPassword." Tags: "Environment": "DEV" SystemsManagerBasicDBHostParameter: Type: "AWS::SSM::Parameter" Properties: Name: "/Database/Config/DBHost" Type: "String" Value: !Join [ "", [ !GetAtt RDSCluster.Endpoint.Address, "" ] ] Description: "SSM Parameter for maintaining the Aurora DB Host." Tags: "Environment": "DEV" # AppRunner Service Access Role AppRunnerServiceAccessRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Sub ${AppStackName}-service-access-role ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSAppRunnerServicePolicyForECRAccess AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: [build.apprunner.amazonaws.com] Action: ['sts:AssumeRole'] Path: / Policies: - PolicyName: AmazonAppRunnerExecutionRolePolicy PolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'ecr:GetAuthorizationToken' - 'ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability' - 'ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer' - 'ecr:BatchGetImage' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' Resource: '*' AppRunnerInstanceRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Sub ${AppStackName}-instance-role ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRDSFullAccess - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMFullAccess AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: [tasks.apprunner.amazonaws.com] Action: ['sts:AssumeRole'] Path: / Policies: - PolicyName: net-core-instance-role-policy PolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:get*' Resource: '*' VpcConnector: Type: AWS::AppRunner::VpcConnector Properties: VpcConnectorName: !Sub ${AppStackName}-VpcConnector Subnets: - !Ref PrivateSubnet1 - !Ref PrivateSubnet2 SecurityGroups: - !GetAtt DbVPC.DefaultSecurityGroup AppRunner: DependsOn: RDSCluster Type: AWS::AppRunner::Service Properties: ServiceName: !Sub ${AppStackName}-AppRunnerSvc NetworkConfiguration: EgressConfiguration: EgressType: VPC VpcConnectorArn: !GetAtt VpcConnector.VpcConnectorArn SourceConfiguration: AuthenticationConfiguration: AccessRoleArn: !GetAtt AppRunnerServiceAccessRole.Arn AutoDeploymentsEnabled: true ImageRepository: ImageIdentifier: Fn::Join: - '' - - Ref: AWS::AccountId - '.dkr.ecr.' - Ref: AWS::Region - '.amazonaws.com/' - !Sub ${ECRRepo} - ':latest' ImageRepositoryType: ECR ImageConfiguration: Port: 8080 RuntimeEnvironmentVariables: - Name: Name Value: !Ref AppStackName - Name: PROJECT Value: .NET Core on App Runner InstanceConfiguration: Cpu: 1 vCPU Memory: 2 GB InstanceRoleArn: !GetAtt AppRunnerInstanceRole.Arn Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref AppStackName - Key: Project Value: .Net Core on AWS App Runner Outputs: AppRunnerServiceAccessRole: Description: The ARN of the App Runner Service role Value: !GetAtt 'AppRunnerServiceAccessRole.Arn' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'AppRunnerServiceAccessRole' ] ] AppRunnerInstanceRole: Description: The ARN of the App Runner Instance role Value: !GetAtt 'AppRunnerInstanceRole.Arn' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'AppRunnerInstanceRole' ] ] AppRunnerServiceUrl: Description: App Runner Service URL Healthcheck Endpoint Value: !Join [ "", [ "https://", !GetAtt AppRunner.ServiceUrl, "/api/values" ] ] CodeCommitRepositoryName: Description: The name of the CodeCommit Repository Value: !Ref 'CodeCommitRepository' CodeBuildName: Description: The name of the CodeBuild. Value: !Ref 'CodeBuildProject' PublicSubnet1: Description: Public subnet one Value: !Ref 'PublicSubnet1' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'PublicSubnet1' ] ] PublicSubnet2: Description: Public subnet two Value: !Ref 'PublicSubnet2' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'PublicSubnet2' ] ] PrivateSubnet1: Description: Private subnet one Value: !Ref 'PrivateSubnet1' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'PrivateSubnet1' ] ] PrivateSubnet2: Description: Private subnet two Value: !Ref 'PrivateSubnet2' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'PrivateSubnet2' ] ] RDSCluster: Description: RDSCluster where TODO database is created Value: !Join [ "", [ "server=", !Join [ "", [ !GetAtt RDSCluster.Endpoint.Address, "" ] ], ";port=", !GetAtt RDSCluster.Endpoint.Port, ";database=", !Join [ "", [ Ref: DBName, "" ] ], ";uid=", !Join [ "", [ Ref: DBUser, "" ] ], ";password=", ";SSLMode=None" ] ] VPCId: Description: The ID of the VPC that this stack is deployed in Value: !Ref 'DbVPC' Export: Name: !Join [ ':', [ !Ref 'AWS::StackName', 'DbVPC' ] ]