--- meta: | Your AWS Credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) looks like the following snippet [your-org-master] aws_access_key_id = your-access-key-id aws_secret_access_key = your-secret-access-key [your-org-account1] role_arn = arn:aws:iam::account1-id:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole source_profile = your-org-master [your-org-account1] role_arn = arn:aws:iam::account2-id:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole source_profile = your-org-master Notes: - Please make sure to replace the following values: - your-org-* -> with your actual AWS profile names - region -> with the target AWS region that you want to add to the inventory - In case you want to add/remove AWS resources, please update the Sheets section and it will be applied to all of your organization accounts while you still have the flexibility to use a customer sheets configurations (AWS Resources) for specific AWS account by changing 'sheets: *sheets' to your custom sheets array Sheets: &sheets - name: EC2Instances # sheet name on Excel service: ec2 # the boto3 client of an AWS service function: describe_instances # the client method of the service defined above result_key: Reservations # [optional]: The first key of the response dict - name: EBSVolumes service: ec2 function: describe_volumes result_key: Volumes - name: VPCs service: ec2 function: describe_vpcs result_key: Vpcs - name: RDSInstances service: rds function: describe_db_instances result_key: DBInstances - name: IAMUsers service: iam function: list_users result_key: Users - name: IAMGroups service: iam function: list_groups result_key: Groups - name: CodeCommitRepos service: codecommit function: list_repositories result_key: repositories - name: LambdaFunctions service: lambda function: list_functions result_key: Functions - name: CloudWatchLogGroups service: logs function: describe_log_groups result_key: logGroups - name: CloudFrontDistros service: cloudfront function: list_distributions result_key: DistributionList - name: LoadBalancers service: elbv2 function: describe_load_balancers result_key: LoadBalancers - name: ECR service: ecr function: describe_repositories result_key: repositories - name: NatGWs service: ec2 function: describe_nat_gateways result_key: repositories - name: S3Buckets service: s3 function: list_buckets result_key: Buckets inventories: - name: your-org-master aws: profile: your-org region: - us-east-1 excel: transpose: true sheets: *sheets - name: your-org-account1 aws: profile: your-org-account1 region: - us-east-1 excel: transpose: true sheets: *sheets - name: your-org-account2 aws: profile: your-org-account2 region: - us-east-1 excel: transpose: true sheets: *sheets