import os import boto3 import json import logging from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import shutil import io import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta import re s3 = boto3.client( "s3", ) dynamo = boto3.client("dynamodb") def export_json_file(file_labels, bucket, key): frame_duration = int(os.environ["frame_duration"]) # This function assumes that the mp4 we processed contains one or more frames, the time of the start # of the mp4 can be calculated from the filename index * frame duration # Assumption: the S3 prefixes are of the form: # - path_elems = key.split("/") file_elems = path_elems[-1].split(".") file = f"{file_elems[0]}.json" f = io.BytesIO(json.dumps(file_labels).encode()) upload_path = "/".join(path_elems[0:-1]) upload_key = f"{upload_path}/{file}""Uploading {bucket}/{upload_key}") s3.upload_fileobj(f, bucket, upload_key) # get the timestamp from the filename which will of the format # image_raw-2020-12-16T23_32_19.969307-0002.png year, month, day_time = file_elems[0].split('-')[1:4] # iso day_time = day_time.replace('_',':') iso = f'{year}-{month}-{day_time}' frame_time = datetime.fromisoformat(iso) camera = re.match("[A-Za-z_]*", path_elems[-2]).group(0) s3_key = "/".join([bucket, key]).replace("mp4", "png") table = os.environ["results_table"] db_key = {"timestamp": {"S": frame_time.isoformat()}, "camera": {"S": camera}} item = { "timestamp": {"S": frame_time.isoformat()}, "camera": {"S": camera}, "s3_loc": {"S": s3_key}, # "json" : {"S" : json.dumps(file_labels)} # handy for development but not necessary as the json is also in S3 } # Put the entry into the table dynamo.put_item(TableName=table, Item=item) # Upated the table with each detection ped_cnt = 0 bike_cnt = 0 motorbike_cnt = 0 for l in file_labels: # Keep a count of the number of people/bikes/motorbikes in the image name = l["Name"].replace(" ", "_") # Ignore items where there's no bounding box if "Instances" in l: count = len(l["Instances"]) if count == 0: continue if name == "Person": print(name) ped_cnt = ped_cnt + count elif name == "Bicycle": print(name) bike_cnt = bike_cnt + count elif name == "Motorcycle": print(name) motorbike_cnt = motorbike_cnt + count update_expression = f"SET {name} = :conf" condition_expression = f"attribute_not_exists({name}) OR {name} < :conf" # try: dynamo.update_item( TableName=table, Key=db_key, UpdateExpression=update_expression, ConditionExpression=condition_expression, ExpressionAttributeValues={":conf": {"N": f'{l["Confidence"]}'}}, ) except ClientError as e: logging.warning(e) try: dynamo.update_item( TableName=table, Key=db_key, UpdateExpression=f"SET Ped_Count = :peds, Bike_Count = :bikes, Motorbike_Count = :motorbikes ", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ":peds": {"N": f"{ped_cnt}"}, ":bikes": {"N": f"{bike_cnt}"}, ":motorbikes": {"N": f"{motorbike_cnt}"}, }, ) except ClientError as e: logging.warning(e) file_labels = [] def process_labels(bucket, key, labels): export_json_file(labels, bucket, key) def lambda_handler(event, context): print(json.dumps(event)) sqs = boto3.client("sqs") rek = boto3.client("rekognition") ddb = boto3.client("dynamodb") s3 = boto3.client("s3") messages = event["Records"] label_count = 0 sleep_time = 0 monitor_table = os.environ["monitor_table"] for m in messages: body = json.loads(m["body"]) print(f"Body: {body}") if "Records" not in body: continue bucket = body["Records"][0]["s3"]["bucket"]["name"] key = body["Records"][0]["s3"]["object"]["key"] s3_loc = "/".join([bucket, key]) receipt_handle = m["receiptHandle"] # only process raw images if key.contains('image_raw'): json_key = key.replace("png", "json") print(f'key: {key}') response = rek.detect_labels( Image={"S3Object": {"Bucket": bucket, "Name": key}} ) print(response) process_labels(bucket, key, response["Labels"]) ddb.update_item( TableName=monitor_table, Key={"img_file": {"S": s3_loc}}, UpdateExpression="SET #s = :sts, #e = :now", ExpressionAttributeNames={"#s": "Status", "#e": "End"}, ExpressionAttributeValues={ ":sts": {"S": "Complete"}, ":now": {"S":}, }, ) sqs.delete_message( QueueUrl=os.environ["job_queue_url"], ReceiptHandle=receipt_handle ) return {"status": 200}