import os import json import boto3 import logging import traceback from urllib.parse import unquote_plus import datetime sfn = boto3.client("stepfunctions") dynamo = boto3.client("dynamodb") dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb") logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def parse_s3_event(s3_event): """ Parse S3 Event for data relevant to the DynamoDB Batch metadata table :param s3_event: :return: """ d = { "bucket": s3_event["s3"]["bucket"]["name"], "key": unquote_plus(s3_event["s3"]["object"]["key"]), "size": int(s3_event["s3"]["object"]["size"] / 1024), "s3_event": s3_event, } d["bag_file"] = [x for x in d["key"].split("/") if "bag_file=" in x][0].replace( "bag_file=", "" ) d["topic"] = [x for x in d["key"].split("/")][0] return d def initialize_table(table): """ Initialize 'Latest' Item in DynamoDB if no LATEST item is found :param table: :return: """ batch_id = str(int( table.put_item( Item={ "BatchId": "LATEST", "Name": "LATEST", "FileSizeKb": 0, "NumFiles": 0, "BatchWindowStartTime": batch_id, } ) return batch_id def is_safe_to_run_new_execution(pipeline_arn, current_batch_id): """ Return true if no running executions found for that BatchId and a batch can be started - avoids duplicate clusters :param pipeline_arn: :param current_batch_id: :return: """ response = sfn.list_executions( stateMachineArn=pipeline_arn, statusFilter="RUNNING", maxResults=100 ).get("executions", []) if [x for x in response if x["name"] == f"BatchId_{current_batch_id}"]: return False else: return True def reset_batch(table, latest, pipeline_arn, execution_arn, cluster_name): """ When a batch run is triggered, reset the LATEST item to start collecting files for the next batch run. Also add batch metadata to DynamoDB for the batch run just triggered :param table: :param latest: :param pipeline_arn: :param execution_arn: :param cluster_name: :return: """ table.update_item( Key={ "BatchId": "LATEST", "Name": "LATEST", }, UpdateExpression="set FileSizeKb = :f, NumFiles = :n, BatchWindowStartTime = :t", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ":f": 0, ":n": 0, ":t": int(, }, ) table.put_item( Item={ "BatchId": "BatchMetadata", "Name": str(latest["BatchWindowStartTime"]), "FileSizeKb": latest["FileSizeKb"], "NumFiles": latest["NumFiles"], "BatchWindowStartTime": latest["BatchWindowStartTime"], "BatchWindowEndTime": int(, "PipelineArn": pipeline_arn, "ExecutionArn": execution_arn, "ClusterName": cluster_name, } ) def process_sns_message(record, table, current_batch_id): """ Parse S3 event record, add metadata to DynamoDB, assign to LATEST batch, and update LATEST batch metadata :param record: :param table: :param current_batch_id: :return: """ message = parse_s3_event(record) # Add new file to latest batch updated_item = table.update_item( Key={ "BatchId": current_batch_id, "Name": message["bag_file"], }, UpdateExpression="SET bag_file=:bf, files = list_append(if_not_exists(files, :empty_list), :new_object), topics = list_append(if_not_exists(topics, :empty_list), :topic)", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ":empty_list": [], ":new_object": [f"s3://{message['bucket']}/{message['key']}"], ":topic": [message["topic"]], ":bf": message["bag_file"], }, ReturnValues="ALL_NEW", )["Attributes"] # Update Latest latest = table.update_item( Key={ "BatchId": "LATEST", "Name": "LATEST", }, UpdateExpression="set FileSizeKb = FileSizeKb + :s, NumFiles = NumFiles + :n", ExpressionAttributeValues={":s": message["size"], ":n": 1}, ReturnValues="ALL_NEW", )["Attributes"] return latest, updated_item def should_lambda_trigger_pipeline(latest_batch, latest_bag_file): """ return true if pipeline should be triggered, else false based on values in LATEST item :param latest: :return: """ # FIXME: Trigger EMR if the latest bag_file has all of the topics in DynamoDB AND X+ number of bagfiles to process num_topics = int(os.environ["NUM_TOPICS"]) min_num_bags_to_process = 2 all_topics_in_dynamo = len(list(set(latest_bag_file["topics"]))) == num_topics number_of_bag_files_in_batch = latest_batch["NumFiles"] / num_topics return ( all_topics_in_dynamo and number_of_bag_files_in_batch >= min_num_bags_to_process ) def trigger_pipeline(current_batch_id, pipeline_arn, cluster_name): """ Triggers pipeline if there is no running execution for the given batch id :param current_batch_id: :return: """ pipeline_input = json.dumps( { "ClusterConfigurationOverrides": { "ClusterName": cluster_name, }, "StepArgumentOverrides": { "Synchronize Topics - PySpark Job": { "DynamoDB.BatchId": current_batch_id }, "Scene Detection - PySpark Job": {"DynamoDB.BatchId": current_batch_id}, }, "BatchId": current_batch_id, } ) if is_safe_to_run_new_execution(pipeline_arn, current_batch_id): execution = sfn.start_execution( stateMachineArn=pipeline_arn, input=pipeline_input, name=f"BatchId_{current_batch_id}", )"Started StateMachine {pipeline_arn} with input {pipeline_input}") return execution else: f"Batch already started for {pipeline_arn} with input {pipeline_input}" ) return None def handler(event, context): "Lambda metadata: {} (type = {})".format(json.dumps(event), type(event)) )"Received {} messages".format(len(event["Records"]))) try: table = dynamodb.Table(os.environ["TABLE_NAME"]) latest = table.get_item( Key={ "BatchId": "LATEST", "Name": "LATEST", } ).get("Item") if latest is None: current_batch_id = initialize_table(table) else: current_batch_id = str(latest["BatchWindowStartTime"]) for sns_event in event["Records"]:"Parsing S3 Event") sns_message_records = json.loads(sns_event["Sns"]["Message"])["Records"] for record in sns_message_records: latest_batch, latest_bag_file = process_sns_message( record, table, current_batch_id ) if should_lambda_trigger_pipeline(latest_batch, latest_bag_file): pipeline_arn = os.environ.get("PIPELINE_ARN", "") cluster_name = f"demo-scene-detection-{current_batch_id}" execution = trigger_pipeline(current_batch_id, pipeline_arn, cluster_name) if execution: reset_batch( table, latest_batch, pipeline_arn, execution["executionArn"], cluster_name, ) except Exception as e: trc = traceback.format_exc() s = "Failed parsing JSON {}: {}\n\n{}".format(str(event), str(e), trc) logger.error(s) raise e