# Cost Optimization Best Practices ## Financial Management ### CST_FNM_01: Quantify Business Value Delivered From Cost Optimization Quantify how much it costs to receive or send a single X-Road request in your environment. Consider not only the infrastructure costs, but also the recurring costs of managing the infrastructure (engineer time) and costs of incidents (incident response time, loss of trust / business). Consider environmental impact and sustainability as a part of delivering business value in a responsible manner. ## Expenditure Awareness ### CST_EXA_01: Monitor Cost and Usage Use the Billing Console, Cost Explorer with hourly granularity enabled and create a Cost and Usage Report to get the most accurate view of cost and usage across your entire organization. When possible, assign organization meaning to cost and usage by tagging your resources. This allows you to understand how your X-Road infrastructure costs relate to the cost of your entire infrastructure. **Recommended tools:** * [AWS Billing and Cost Management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/billing-what-is.html) ## Cost Effective Resources ### CST_RES_01: Select the Best Pricing Model AWS has multiple [pricing models](http://aws.amazon.com/pricing/) that allow you to pay for your resources in the most cost-effective way that suits your organization’s needs. Use On Demand or Spot capacity (if available) for short-lived Security Server instances, such as extra capacity to handle peak workloads or capacity to run ad hoc testing environments. Use Compute Savings Plans or EC2 Instance Savings Plans for the bulk of your Security Server workload to reduce server costs. **Recommended tools:** * [Savings Plans](https://aws.amazon.com/savingsplans/) --- **Previous Topic:** [Performance Efficiency](performance-efficiency.md)