# Natural Language Toolkit: Some texts for exploration in chapter 1 of the book
# Copyright (C) 2001-2015 NLTK Project
# Author: Steven Bird <stevenbird1@gmail.com>
# URL: <http://nltk.org/>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
from __future__ import print_function

from nltk.corpus import (gutenberg, genesis, inaugural,
                         nps_chat, webtext, treebank, wordnet)
from nltk.text import Text
from nltk.probability import FreqDist

print("*** Introductory Examples for the NLTK Book ***")
print("Loading text1, ..., text9 and sent1, ..., sent9")
print("Type the name of the text or sentence to view it.")
print("Type: 'texts()' or 'sents()' to list the materials.")

text1 = Text(gutenberg.words('melville-moby_dick.txt'))
print("text1:", text1.name)

text2 = Text(gutenberg.words('austen-sense.txt'))
print("text2:", text2.name)

text3 = Text(genesis.words('english-kjv.txt'), name="The Book of Genesis")
print("text3:", text3.name)

text4 = Text(inaugural.words(), name="Inaugural Address Corpus")
print("text4:", text4.name)

text5 = Text(nps_chat.words(), name="Chat Corpus")
print("text5:", text5.name)

text6 = Text(webtext.words('grail.txt'),
             name="Monty Python and the Holy Grail")
print("text6:", text6.name)

text7 = Text(treebank.words(), name="Wall Street Journal")
print("text7:", text7.name)

text8 = Text(webtext.words('singles.txt'), name="Personals Corpus")
print("text8:", text8.name)

text9 = Text(gutenberg.words('chesterton-thursday.txt'))
print("text9:", text9.name)

def texts():
    print("text1:", text1.name)
    print("text2:", text2.name)
    print("text3:", text3.name)
    print("text4:", text4.name)
    print("text5:", text5.name)
    print("text6:", text6.name)
    print("text7:", text7.name)
    print("text8:", text8.name)
    print("text9:", text9.name)

sent1 = ["Call", "me", "Ishmael", "."]
sent2 = ["The", "family", "of", "Dashwood", "had", "long",
         "been", "settled", "in", "Sussex", "."]
sent3 = ["In", "the", "beginning", "God", "created", "the",
         "heaven", "and", "the", "earth", "."]
sent4 = ["Fellow", "-", "Citizens", "of", "the", "Senate",
         "and", "of", "the", "House", "of", "Representatives", ":"]
sent5 = ["I", "have", "a", "problem", "with", "people",
         "PMing", "me", "to", "lol", "JOIN"]
sent6 = ['SCENE', '1', ':', '[', 'wind', ']', '[', 'clop', 'clop',
         'clop', ']', 'KING', 'ARTHUR', ':', 'Whoa', 'there', '!']
sent7 = ["Pierre", "Vinken", ",", "61", "years", "old", ",",
         "will", "join", "the", "board", "as", "a", "nonexecutive",
         "director", "Nov.", "29", "."]
sent8 = ['25', 'SEXY', 'MALE', ',', 'seeks', 'attrac', 'older',
         'single', 'lady', ',', 'for', 'discreet', 'encounters', '.']
sent9 = ["THE", "suburb", "of", "Saffron", "Park", "lay", "on", "the",
         "sunset", "side", "of", "London", ",", "as", "red", "and",
         "ragged", "as", "a", "cloud", "of", "sunset", "."]

def sents():
    print("sent1:", " ".join(sent1))
    print("sent2:", " ".join(sent2))
    print("sent3:", " ".join(sent3))
    print("sent4:", " ".join(sent4))
    print("sent5:", " ".join(sent5))
    print("sent6:", " ".join(sent6))
    print("sent7:", " ".join(sent7))
    print("sent8:", " ".join(sent8))
    print("sent9:", " ".join(sent9))