ó <¿CVc@såddlmZddlmZmZdd4fdd5fd d6fdd7fdd8fdd9fdd:fdd;fdd<fd!d=fd$d>fd(d?fd)d@fd,dAffZeeeƒZd0„Zd1„Ze d2kráeƒnd3S(Biÿÿÿÿ(tprint_function(tChatt reflectionssWe (.*)sWhat do you mean, 'we'?sDon't include me in that!s!I wouldn't be so sure about that.sYou should (.*)s Don't tell me what to do, buddy.sReally? I should, should I?s You\'re(.*)sMore like YOU'RE %1!sHah! Look who's talking.s"Come over here and tell me I'm %1.s You are(.*)s I can\'t(.*)s(You do sound like the type who can't %1.s<Hear that splashing sound? That's my heart bleeding for you.s&Tell somebody who might actually care.s I think (.*)s(I wouldn't think too hard if I were you.s-You actually think? I'd never have guessed...sI (.*)s-I'm getting a bit tired of hearing about you.s#How about we talk about me instead?s$Me, me, me... Frankly, I don't care.sHow (.*)sHow do you think?sTake a wild guess.s2I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.s What (.*)sDo I look like an encyclopedia?sFigure it out yourself.sWhy (.*)sWhy not?sCThat's so obvious I thought even you'd have already figured it out.s(.*)shut up(.*)sMake me.s?Getting angry at a feeble NLP assignment? Somebody's losing it.sSay that again, I dare you.s Shut up(.*)s Hello(.*)s'Oh good, somebody else to talk to. Joy.s'Hello'? How original...s(.*)s0I'm getting bored here. Become more interesting.s0Either become more thrilling or get lost, buddy.s1Change the subject before I die of fatal boredom.cCs:tdƒtdƒtddƒtdƒtjƒdS(NsCTalk to the program by typing in plain English, using normal upper-s@and lower-case letters and punctuation. Enter "quit" when done.t=iHsI suppose I should say hello.(tprintt rude_chatbottconverse(((s`/private/var/folders/cc/xm4nqn811x9b50x1q_zpkmvdjlphkp/T/pip-build-FUwmDn/nltk/nltk/chat/rude.pyt rude_chatPs    cCs tƒdS(N(R(((s`/private/var/folders/cc/xm4nqn811x9b50x1q_zpkmvdjlphkp/T/pip-build-FUwmDn/nltk/nltk/chat/rude.pytdemoXst__main__N(sWhat do you mean, 'we'?sDon't include me in that!s!I wouldn't be so sure about that.(s Don't tell me what to do, buddy.sReally? I should, should I?(sMore like YOU'RE %1!sHah! Look who's talking.s"Come over here and tell me I'm %1.(sMore like YOU'RE %1!sHah! Look who's talking.s"Come over here and tell me I'm %1.(s(You do sound like the type who can't %1.s<Hear that splashing sound? That's my heart bleeding for you.s&Tell somebody who might actually care.(s(I wouldn't think too hard if I were you.s-You actually think? I'd never have guessed...(s-I'm getting a bit tired of hearing about you.s#How about we talk about me instead?s$Me, me, me... Frankly, I don't care.(sHow do you think?sTake a wild guess.s2I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.(sDo I look like an encyclopedia?sFigure it out yourself.(sWhy not?sCThat's so obvious I thought even you'd have already figured it out.(sMake me.s?Getting angry at a feeble NLP assignment? Somebody's losing it.sSay that again, I dare you.(sMake me.s?Getting angry at a feeble NLP assignment? Somebody's losing it.sSay that again, I dare you.(s'Oh good, somebody else to talk to. Joy.s'Hello'? How original...(s0I'm getting bored here. Become more interesting.s0Either become more thrilling or get lost, buddy.s1Change the subject before I die of fatal boredom.( t __future__Rtnltk.chat.utilRRtpairsRRRt__name__(((s`/private/var/folders/cc/xm4nqn811x9b50x1q_zpkmvdjlphkp/T/pip-build-FUwmDn/nltk/nltk/chat/rude.pytsr