# Natural Language Toolkit: NKJP Corpus Reader # # Copyright (C) 2001-2015 NLTK Project # Author: Gabriela Kaczka # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT import functools import os import tempfile from nltk import compat from nltk.corpus.reader.util import concat from nltk.corpus.reader.xmldocs import XMLCorpusReader, XMLCorpusView import re def _parse_args(fun): """ Wraps function arguments: if fileids not specified then function set NKJPCorpusReader paths. """ @functools.wraps(fun) def decorator(self, fileids=None, **kwargs): if not fileids: fileids = self._paths return fun(self, fileids, **kwargs) return decorator class NKJPCorpusReader(XMLCorpusReader): WORDS_MODE = 0 SENTS_MODE = 1 HEADER_MODE = 2 RAW_MODE = 3 def __init__(self, root, fileids='.*'): """ Corpus reader designed to work with National Corpus of Polish. See http://nkjp.pl/ for more details about NKJP. use example: import nltk import nkjp from nkjp import NKJPCorpusReader x = NKJPCorpusReader(root='/home/USER/nltk_data/corpora/nkjp/', fileids='') # obtain the whole corpus x.header() x.raw() x.words() x.tagged_words(tags=['subst', 'comp']) #Link to find more tags: nkjp.pl/poliqarp/help/ense2.html x.sents() x = NKJPCorpusReader(root='/home/USER/nltk_data/corpora/nkjp/', fileids='Wilk*') # obtain particular file(s) x.header(fileids=['WilkDom', '/home/USER/nltk_data/corpora/nkjp/WilkWilczy']) x.tagged_words(fileids=['WilkDom', '/home/USER/nltk_data/corpora/nkjp/WilkWilczy'], tags=['subst', 'comp']) """ if isinstance(fileids, compat.string_types): XMLCorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids + '.*/header.xml') else: XMLCorpusReader.__init__(self, root, [fileid + '/header.xml' for fileid in fileids]) self._paths = self.get_paths() def get_paths(self): return [os.path.join(str(self._root), f.split("header.xml")[0]) for f in self._fileids] def fileids(self): """ Returns a list of file identifiers for the fileids that make up this corpus. """ return [f.split("header.xml")[0] for f in self._fileids] def _view(self, filename, tags=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a view specialised for use with particular corpus file. """ mode = kwargs.pop('mode', NKJPCorpusReader.WORDS_MODE) if mode is NKJPCorpusReader.WORDS_MODE: return NKJPCorpus_Morph_View(filename, tags=tags) elif mode is NKJPCorpusReader.SENTS_MODE: return NKJPCorpus_Segmentation_View(filename, tags=tags) elif mode is NKJPCorpusReader.HEADER_MODE: return NKJPCorpus_Header_View(filename, tags=tags) elif mode is NKJPCorpusReader.RAW_MODE: return NKJPCorpus_Text_View(filename, tags=tags, mode=NKJPCorpus_Text_View.RAW_MODE) else: raise NameError('No such mode!') def add_root(self, fileid): """ Add root if necessary to specified fileid. """ if self.root in fileid: return fileid return self.root + fileid @_parse_args def header(self, fileids=None, **kwargs): """ Returns header(s) of specified fileids. """ return concat([self._view(self.add_root(fileid), mode=NKJPCorpusReader.HEADER_MODE, **kwargs).handle_query() for fileid in fileids]) @_parse_args def sents(self, fileids=None, **kwargs): """ Returns sentences in specified fileids. """ return concat([self._view(self.add_root(fileid), mode=NKJPCorpusReader.SENTS_MODE, **kwargs).handle_query() for fileid in fileids]) @_parse_args def words(self, fileids=None, **kwargs): """ Returns words in specified fileids. """ return concat([self._view(self.add_root(fileid), mode=NKJPCorpusReader.WORDS_MODE, **kwargs).handle_query() for fileid in fileids]) @_parse_args def tagged_words(self, fileids=None, **kwargs): """ Call with specified tags as a list, e.g. tags=['subst', 'comp']. Returns tagged words in specified fileids. """ tags = kwargs.pop('tags', []) return concat([self._view(self.add_root(fileid), mode=NKJPCorpusReader.WORDS_MODE, tags=tags, **kwargs).handle_query() for fileid in fileids]) @_parse_args def raw(self, fileids=None, **kwargs): """ Returns words in specified fileids. """ return concat([self._view(self.add_root(fileid), mode=NKJPCorpusReader.RAW_MODE, **kwargs).handle_query() for fileid in fileids]) class NKJPCorpus_Header_View(XMLCorpusView): def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): """ HEADER_MODE A stream backed corpus view specialized for use with header.xml files in NKJP corpus. """ self.tagspec = ".*/sourceDesc$" XMLCorpusView.__init__(self, filename + 'header.xml', self.tagspec) def handle_query(self): self._open() header = [] while True: segm = XMLCorpusView.read_block(self, self._stream) if len(segm) == 0: break header.extend(segm) self.close() return header def handle_elt(self, elt, context): titles = elt.findall('bibl/title') title = [] if titles: title = '\n'.join(title.text.strip() for title in titles) authors = elt.findall('bibl/author') author = [] if authors: author = '\n'.join(author.text.strip() for author in authors) dates = elt.findall('bibl/date') date = [] if dates: date = '\n'.join(date.text.strip() for date in dates) publishers = elt.findall('bibl/publisher') publisher = [] if publishers: publisher = '\n'.join(publisher.text.strip() for publisher in publishers) idnos = elt.findall('bibl/idno') idno = [] if idnos: idno = '\n'.join(idno.text.strip() for idno in idnos) notes = elt.findall('bibl/note') note = [] if notes: note = '\n'.join(note.text.strip() for note in notes) return {'title': title, 'author': author, 'date': date, 'publisher': publisher, 'idno': idno, 'note': note} class XML_Tool(): """ Helper class creating xml file to one without references to nkjp: namespace. That's needed because the XMLCorpusView assumes that one can find short substrings of XML that are valid XML, which is not true if a namespace is declared at top level """ def __init__(self, root, filename): self.read_file = os.path.join(root, filename) self.write_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) def build_preprocessed_file(self): try: fr = open(self.read_file, 'r') fw = self.write_file line = ' ' while len(line): line = fr.readline() x = re.split(r'nkjp:[^ ]* ', line) #in all files ret = ' '.join(x) x = re.split('', ret) #in ann_segmentation.xml ret = ' '.join(x) x = re.split('', ret) #in ann_segmentation.xml ret = ' '.join(x) x = re.split('', ret) #in ann_segmentation.xml ret = ' '.join(x) x = re.split('', ret) #in ann_segmentation.xml ret = ' '.join(x) fw.write(ret) fr.close() fw.close() return self.write_file.name except Exception: self.remove_preprocessed_file() raise Exception def remove_preprocessed_file(self): os.remove(self.write_file.name) pass class NKJPCorpus_Segmentation_View(XMLCorpusView): """ A stream backed corpus view specialized for use with ann_segmentation.xml files in NKJP corpus. """ def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): self.tagspec = '.*p/.*s' #intersperse NKJPCorpus_Text_View self.text_view = NKJPCorpus_Text_View(filename, mode=NKJPCorpus_Text_View.SENTS_MODE) self.text_view.handle_query() #xml preprocessing self.xml_tool = XML_Tool(filename, 'ann_segmentation.xml') #base class init XMLCorpusView.__init__(self, self.xml_tool.build_preprocessed_file(), self.tagspec) def get_segm_id(self, example_word): return example_word.split('(')[1].split(',')[0] def get_sent_beg(self, beg_word): #returns index of beginning letter in sentence return int(beg_word.split(',')[1]) def get_sent_end(self, end_word): #returns index of end letter in sentence splitted = end_word.split(')')[0].split(',') return int(splitted[1]) + int(splitted[2]) def get_sentences(self, sent_segm): #returns one sentence id = self.get_segm_id(sent_segm[0]) segm = self.text_view.segm_dict[id] #text segment beg = self.get_sent_beg(sent_segm[0]) end = self.get_sent_end(sent_segm[len(sent_segm)-1]) return segm[beg:end] def remove_choice(self, segm): ret = [] prev_txt_end = -1 prev_txt_nr = -1 for word in segm: txt_nr = self.get_segm_id(word) #get increasing sequence of ids: in case of choice get first possibility if self.get_sent_beg(word) > prev_txt_end-1 or prev_txt_nr != txt_nr: ret.append(word) prev_txt_end = self.get_sent_end(word) prev_txt_nr = txt_nr return ret def handle_query(self): try: self._open() sentences = [] while True: sent_segm = XMLCorpusView.read_block(self, self._stream) if len(sent_segm) == 0: break for segm in sent_segm: segm = self.remove_choice(segm) sentences.append(self.get_sentences(segm)) self.close() self.xml_tool.remove_preprocessed_file() return sentences except Exception: self.xml_tool.remove_preprocessed_file() raise Exception def handle_elt(self, elt, context): ret = [] for seg in elt: ret.append(seg.get('corresp')) return ret class NKJPCorpus_Text_View(XMLCorpusView): """ A stream backed corpus view specialized for use with text.xml files in NKJP corpus. """ SENTS_MODE = 0 RAW_MODE = 1 def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): self.mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 0) self.tagspec = '.*/div/ab' self.segm_dict = dict() #xml preprocessing self.xml_tool = XML_Tool(filename, 'text.xml') #base class init XMLCorpusView.__init__(self, self.xml_tool.build_preprocessed_file(), self.tagspec) def handle_query(self): try: self._open() x = self.read_block(self._stream) self.close() self.xml_tool.remove_preprocessed_file() return x except Exception: self.xml_tool.remove_preprocessed_file() raise Exception def read_block(self, stream, tagspec=None, elt_handler=None): """ Returns text as a list of sentences. """ txt = [] while True: segm = XMLCorpusView.read_block(self, stream) if len(segm) == 0: break for part in segm: txt.append(part) return [' '.join([segm for segm in txt])] def get_segm_id(self, elt): for attr in elt.attrib: if attr.endswith('id'): return elt.get(attr) def handle_elt(self, elt, context): #fill dictionary to use later in sents mode if self.mode is NKJPCorpus_Text_View.SENTS_MODE: self.segm_dict[self.get_segm_id(elt)] = elt.text return elt.text class NKJPCorpus_Morph_View(XMLCorpusView): """ A stream backed corpus view specialized for use with ann_morphosyntax.xml files in NKJP corpus. """ def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): self.tags = kwargs.pop('tags', None) self.tagspec = '.*/seg/fs' self.xml_tool = XML_Tool(filename, 'ann_morphosyntax.xml') XMLCorpusView.__init__(self, self.xml_tool.build_preprocessed_file(), self.tagspec) def handle_query(self): try: self._open() words = [] while True: segm = XMLCorpusView.read_block(self, self._stream) if len(segm) == 0: break for part in segm: if part is not None: words.append(part) self.close() self.xml_tool.remove_preprocessed_file() return words except Exception: self.xml_tool.remove_preprocessed_file() raise Exception def handle_elt(self, elt, context): word = '' flag = False is_not_interp = True #if tags not specified, then always return word if self.tags is None: flag = True for child in elt: #get word if 'name' in child.keys() and child.attrib['name'] == 'orth': for symbol in child: if symbol.tag == 'string': word = symbol.text elif 'name' in child.keys() and child.attrib['name'] == 'interps': for symbol in child: if 'type' in symbol.keys() and symbol.attrib['type'] == 'lex': for symbol2 in symbol: if 'name' in symbol2.keys() and symbol2.attrib['name'] == 'ctag': for symbol3 in symbol2: if 'value' in symbol3.keys() and self.tags is not None and symbol3.attrib['value'] in self.tags: flag = True elif 'value' in symbol3.keys() and symbol3.attrib['value'] == 'interp': is_not_interp = False if flag and is_not_interp: return word