# Natural Language Toolkit: Switchboard Corpus Reader # # Copyright (C) 2001-2015 NLTK Project # Author: Edward Loper # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from nltk.tag import str2tuple, map_tag from nltk import compat from nltk.corpus.reader.util import * from nltk.corpus.reader.api import * @compat.python_2_unicode_compatible class SwitchboardTurn(list): """ A specialized list object used to encode switchboard utterances. The elements of the list are the words in the utterance; and two attributes, ``speaker`` and ``id``, are provided to retrieve the spearker identifier and utterance id. Note that utterance ids are only unique within a given discourse. """ def __init__(self, words, speaker, id): list.__init__(self, words) self.speaker = speaker self.id = int(id) def __repr__(self): if len(self) == 0: text = '' elif isinstance(self[0], tuple): text = ' '.join('%s/%s' % w for w in self) else: text = ' '.join(self) return '<%s.%s: %r>' % (self.speaker, self.id, text) class SwitchboardCorpusReader(CorpusReader): _FILES = ['tagged'] # Use the "tagged" file even for non-tagged data methods, since # it's tokenized. def __init__(self, root, tagset=None): CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, self._FILES) self._tagset = tagset def words(self): return StreamBackedCorpusView(self.abspath('tagged'), self._words_block_reader) def tagged_words(self, tagset=None): def tagged_words_block_reader(stream): return self._tagged_words_block_reader(stream, tagset) return StreamBackedCorpusView(self.abspath('tagged'), tagged_words_block_reader) def turns(self): return StreamBackedCorpusView(self.abspath('tagged'), self._turns_block_reader) def tagged_turns(self, tagset=None): def tagged_turns_block_reader(stream): return self._tagged_turns_block_reader(stream, tagset) return StreamBackedCorpusView(self.abspath('tagged'), tagged_turns_block_reader) def discourses(self): return StreamBackedCorpusView(self.abspath('tagged'), self._discourses_block_reader) def tagged_discourses(self, tagset=False): def tagged_discourses_block_reader(stream): return self._tagged_discourses_block_reader(stream, tagset) return StreamBackedCorpusView(self.abspath('tagged'), tagged_discourses_block_reader) def _discourses_block_reader(self, stream): # returns at most 1 discourse. (The other methods depend on this.) return [[self._parse_utterance(u, include_tag=False) for b in read_blankline_block(stream) for u in b.split('\n') if u.strip()]] def _tagged_discourses_block_reader(self, stream, tagset=None): # returns at most 1 discourse. (The other methods depend on this.) return [[self._parse_utterance(u, include_tag=True, tagset=tagset) for b in read_blankline_block(stream) for u in b.split('\n') if u.strip()]] def _turns_block_reader(self, stream): return self._discourses_block_reader(stream)[0] def _tagged_turns_block_reader(self, stream, tagset=None): return self._tagged_discourses_block_reader(stream, tagset)[0] def _words_block_reader(self, stream): return sum(self._discourses_block_reader(stream)[0], []) def _tagged_words_block_reader(self, stream, tagset=None): return sum(self._tagged_discourses_block_reader(stream, tagset)[0], []) _UTTERANCE_RE = re.compile('(\w+)\.(\d+)\:\s*(.*)') _SEP = '/' def _parse_utterance(self, utterance, include_tag, tagset=None): m = self._UTTERANCE_RE.match(utterance) if m is None: raise ValueError('Bad utterance %r' % utterance) speaker, id, text = m.groups() words = [str2tuple(s, self._SEP) for s in text.split()] if not include_tag: words = [w for (w,t) in words] elif tagset and tagset != self._tagset: words = [(w, map_tag(self._tagset, tagset, t)) for (w,t) in words] return SwitchboardTurn(words, speaker, id)