# Natural Language Toolkit: Word Finder # # Copyright (C) 2001-2015 NLTK Project # Author: Steven Bird # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT # Simplified from PHP version by Robert Klein # http://fswordfinder.sourceforge.net/ from __future__ import print_function import random # reverse a word with probability 0.5 def revword(word): if random.randint(1,2) == 1: return word[::-1] return word # try to insert word at position x,y; direction encoded in xf,yf def step(word, x, xf, y, yf, grid): for i in range(len(word)): if grid[xf(i)][yf(i)] != "" and grid[xf(i)][yf(i)] != word[i]: return False for i in range(len(word)): grid[xf(i)][yf(i)] = word[i] return True # try to insert word at position x,y, in direction dir def check(word, dir, x, y, grid, rows, cols): if dir==1: if x-len(word)<0 or y-len(word)<0: return False return step(word, x, lambda i:x-i, y, lambda i:y-i, grid) elif dir==2: if x-len(word)<0: return False return step(word, x, lambda i:x-i, y, lambda i:y, grid) elif dir==3: if x-len(word)<0 or y+(len(word)-1)>=cols: return False return step(word, x, lambda i:x-i, y, lambda i:y+i, grid) elif dir==4: if y-len(word)<0: return False return step(word, x, lambda i:x, y, lambda i:y-i, grid) def wordfinder(words, rows=20, cols=20, attempts=50, alph='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'): """ Attempt to arrange words into a letter-grid with the specified number of rows and columns. Try each word in several positions and directions, until it can be fitted into the grid, or the maximum number of allowable attempts is exceeded. Returns a tuple consisting of the grid and the words that were successfully placed. :param words: the list of words to be put into the grid :type words: list :param rows: the number of rows in the grid :type rows: int :param cols: the number of columns in the grid :type cols: int :param attempts: the number of times to attempt placing a word :type attempts: int :param alph: the alphabet, to be used for filling blank cells :type alph: list :rtype: tuple """ # place longer words first words = sorted(words, key=len, reverse=True) grid = [] # the letter grid used = [] # the words we used # initialize the grid for i in range(rows): grid.append([""] * cols) # try to place each word for word in words: word = word.strip().upper() # normalize save = word # keep a record of the word word = revword(word) for attempt in range(attempts): r = random.randint(0, len(word)) dir = random.choice([1,2,3,4]) x = random.randint(0,rows) y = random.randint(0,cols) if dir==1: x+=r; y+=r elif dir==2: x+=r elif dir==3: x+=r; y-=r elif dir==4: y+=r if 0<=x