# Natural Language Toolkit: GUI Demo for Glue Semantics with Discourse # Representation Theory (DRT) as meaning language # # Author: Dan Garrette # # Copyright (C) 2001-2015 NLTK Project # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT from nltk import compat # this fixes tkinter imports for Python 2.x try: from tkinter.font import Font from tkinter import (Button, Frame, IntVar, Label, Listbox, Menu, Scrollbar, Tk) from nltk.draw.util import CanvasFrame, ShowText except ImportError: """Ignore ImportError because tkinter might not be available.""" from nltk.util import in_idle from nltk.tag import RegexpTagger from nltk.parse import MaltParser from nltk.sem.logic import Variable from nltk.sem.drt import DrsDrawer, DrtVariableExpression from nltk.sem.glue import DrtGlue class DrtGlueDemo(object): def __init__(self, examples): # Set up the main window. self._top = Tk() self._top.title('DRT Glue Demo') # Set up key bindings. self._init_bindings() # Initialize the fonts.self._error = None self._init_fonts(self._top) self._examples = examples self._readingCache = [None for example in examples] # The user can hide the grammar. self._show_grammar = IntVar(self._top) self._show_grammar.set(1) # Set the data to None self._curExample = -1 self._readings = [] self._drs = None self._drsWidget = None self._error = None self._init_glue() # Create the basic frames. self._init_menubar(self._top) self._init_buttons(self._top) self._init_exampleListbox(self._top) self._init_readingListbox(self._top) self._init_canvas(self._top) # Resize callback self._canvas.bind('', self._configure) ######################################### ## Initialization Helpers ######################################### def _init_glue(self): tagger = RegexpTagger( [('^(David|Mary|John)$', 'NNP'), ('^(walks|sees|eats|chases|believes|gives|sleeps|chases|persuades|tries|seems|leaves)$', 'VB'), ('^(go|order|vanish|find|approach)$', 'VB'), ('^(a)$', 'ex_quant'), ('^(every)$', 'univ_quant'), ('^(sandwich|man|dog|pizza|unicorn|cat|senator)$', 'NN'), ('^(big|gray|former)$', 'JJ'), ('^(him|himself)$', 'PRP') ]) depparser = MaltParser(tagger=tagger) self._glue = DrtGlue(depparser=depparser, remove_duplicates=False) def _init_fonts(self, root): # See: self._sysfont = Font(font=Button()["font"]) root.option_add("*Font", self._sysfont) # TWhat's our font size (default=same as sysfont) self._size = IntVar(root) self._size.set(self._sysfont.cget('size')) self._boldfont = Font(family='helvetica', weight='bold', size=self._size.get()) self._font = Font(family='helvetica', size=self._size.get()) if self._size.get() < 0: big = self._size.get()-2 else: big = self._size.get()+2 self._bigfont = Font(family='helvetica', weight='bold', size=big) def _init_exampleListbox(self, parent): self._exampleFrame = listframe = Frame(parent) self._exampleFrame.pack(fill='both', side='left', padx=2) self._exampleList_label = Label(self._exampleFrame, font=self._boldfont, text='Examples') self._exampleList_label.pack() self._exampleList = Listbox(self._exampleFrame, selectmode='single', relief='groove', background='white', foreground='#909090', font=self._font, selectforeground='#004040', selectbackground='#c0f0c0') self._exampleList.pack(side='right', fill='both', expand=1) for example in self._examples: self._exampleList.insert('end', (' %s' % example)) self._exampleList.config(height=min(len(self._examples), 25), width=40) # Add a scrollbar if there are more than 25 examples. if len(self._examples) > 25: listscroll = Scrollbar(self._exampleFrame, orient='vertical') self._exampleList.config(yscrollcommand = listscroll.set) listscroll.config(command=self._exampleList.yview) listscroll.pack(side='left', fill='y') # If they select a example, apply it. self._exampleList.bind('<>', self._exampleList_select) def _init_readingListbox(self, parent): self._readingFrame = listframe = Frame(parent) self._readingFrame.pack(fill='both', side='left', padx=2) self._readingList_label = Label(self._readingFrame, font=self._boldfont, text='Readings') self._readingList_label.pack() self._readingList = Listbox(self._readingFrame, selectmode='single', relief='groove', background='white', foreground='#909090', font=self._font, selectforeground='#004040', selectbackground='#c0f0c0') self._readingList.pack(side='right', fill='both', expand=1) # Add a scrollbar if there are more than 25 examples. listscroll = Scrollbar(self._readingFrame, orient='vertical') self._readingList.config(yscrollcommand = listscroll.set) listscroll.config(command=self._readingList.yview) listscroll.pack(side='right', fill='y') self._populate_readingListbox() def _populate_readingListbox(self): # Populate the listbox with integers self._readingList.delete(0, 'end') for i in range(len(self._readings)): self._readingList.insert('end', (' %s' % (i+1))) self._readingList.config(height=min(len(self._readings), 25), width=5) # If they select a example, apply it. self._readingList.bind('<>', self._readingList_select) def _init_bindings(self): # Key bindings are a good thing. self._top.bind('', self.destroy) self._top.bind('', self.destroy) self._top.bind('', self.destroy) self._top.bind('n', self.next) self._top.bind('', self.next) self._top.bind('p', self.prev) self._top.bind('', self.prev) def _init_buttons(self, parent): # Set up the frames. self._buttonframe = buttonframe = Frame(parent) buttonframe.pack(fill='none', side='bottom', padx=3, pady=2) Button(buttonframe, text='Prev', background='#90c0d0', foreground='black', command=self.prev,).pack(side='left') Button(buttonframe, text='Next', background='#90c0d0', foreground='black', command=self.next,).pack(side='left') def _configure(self, event): self._autostep = 0 (x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._cframe.scrollregion() y2 = event.height - 6 self._canvas['scrollregion'] = '%d %d %d %d' % (x1,y1,x2,y2) self._redraw() def _init_canvas(self, parent): self._cframe = CanvasFrame(parent, background='white', #width=525, height=250, closeenough=10, border=2, relief='sunken') self._cframe.pack(expand=1, fill='both', side='top', pady=2) canvas = self._canvas = self._cframe.canvas() # Initially, there's no tree or text self._tree = None self._textwidgets = [] self._textline = None def _init_menubar(self, parent): menubar = Menu(parent) filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) filemenu.add_command(label='Exit', underline=1, command=self.destroy, accelerator='q') menubar.add_cascade(label='File', underline=0, menu=filemenu) actionmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) actionmenu.add_command(label='Next', underline=0, command=self.next, accelerator='n, Space') actionmenu.add_command(label='Previous', underline=0, command=self.prev, accelerator='p, Backspace') menubar.add_cascade(label='Action', underline=0, menu=actionmenu) optionmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) optionmenu.add_checkbutton(label='Remove Duplicates', underline=0, variable=self._glue.remove_duplicates, command=self._toggle_remove_duplicates, accelerator='r') menubar.add_cascade(label='Options', underline=0, menu=optionmenu) viewmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) viewmenu.add_radiobutton(label='Tiny', variable=self._size, underline=0, value=10, command=self.resize) viewmenu.add_radiobutton(label='Small', variable=self._size, underline=0, value=12, command=self.resize) viewmenu.add_radiobutton(label='Medium', variable=self._size, underline=0, value=14, command=self.resize) viewmenu.add_radiobutton(label='Large', variable=self._size, underline=0, value=18, command=self.resize) viewmenu.add_radiobutton(label='Huge', variable=self._size, underline=0, value=24, command=self.resize) menubar.add_cascade(label='View', underline=0, menu=viewmenu) helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) helpmenu.add_command(label='About', underline=0, command=self.about) menubar.add_cascade(label='Help', underline=0, menu=helpmenu) parent.config(menu=menubar) ######################################### ## Main draw procedure ######################################### def _redraw(self): canvas = self._canvas # Delete the old DRS, widgets, etc. if self._drsWidget is not None: self._drsWidget.clear() if self._drs: self._drsWidget = DrsWidget( self._canvas, self._drs ) self._drsWidget.draw() if self._error: self._drsWidget = DrsWidget( self._canvas, self._error ) self._drsWidget.draw() ######################################### ## Button Callbacks ######################################### def destroy(self, *e): self._autostep = 0 if self._top is None: return self._top.destroy() self._top = None def prev(self, *e): selection = self._readingList.curselection() readingListSize = self._readingList.size() # there are readings if readingListSize > 0: # if one reading is currently selected if len(selection) == 1: index = int(selection[0]) # if it's on (or before) the first item if index <= 0: self._select_previous_example() else: self._readingList_store_selection(index-1) else: #select its first reading self._readingList_store_selection(readingListSize-1) else: self._select_previous_example() def _select_previous_example(self): #if the current example is not the first example if self._curExample > 0: self._exampleList_store_selection(self._curExample-1) else: #go to the last example self._exampleList_store_selection(len(self._examples)-1) def next(self, *e): selection = self._readingList.curselection() readingListSize = self._readingList.size() # if there are readings if readingListSize > 0: # if one reading is currently selected if len(selection) == 1: index = int(selection[0]) # if it's on (or past) the last item if index >= (readingListSize-1): self._select_next_example() else: self._readingList_store_selection(index+1) else: #select its first reading self._readingList_store_selection(0) else: self._select_next_example() def _select_next_example(self): #if the current example is not the last example if self._curExample < len(self._examples)-1: self._exampleList_store_selection(self._curExample+1) else: #go to the first example self._exampleList_store_selection(0) def about(self, *e): ABOUT = ("NLTK Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) Glue Semantics Demo\n"+ "Written by Daniel H. Garrette") TITLE = 'About: NLTK DRT Glue Demo' try: from tkMessageBox import Message Message(message=ABOUT, title=TITLE).show() except: ShowText(self._top, TITLE, ABOUT) def postscript(self, *e): self._autostep = 0 self._cframe.print_to_file() def mainloop(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Enter the Tkinter mainloop. This function must be called if this demo is created from a non-interactive program (e.g. from a secript); otherwise, the demo will close as soon as the script completes. """ if in_idle(): return self._top.mainloop(*args, **kwargs) def resize(self, size=None): if size is not None: self._size.set(size) size = self._size.get() self._font.configure(size=-(abs(size))) self._boldfont.configure(size=-(abs(size))) self._sysfont.configure(size=-(abs(size))) self._bigfont.configure(size=-(abs(size+2))) self._redraw() def _toggle_remove_duplicates(self): self._glue.remove_duplicates = not self._glue.remove_duplicates self._exampleList.selection_clear(0, 'end') self._readings = [] self._populate_readingListbox() self._readingCache = [None for ex in self._examples] self._curExample = -1 self._error = None self._drs = None self._redraw() def _exampleList_select(self, event): selection = self._exampleList.curselection() if len(selection) != 1: return self._exampleList_store_selection(int(selection[0])) def _exampleList_store_selection(self, index): self._curExample = index example = self._examples[index] self._exampleList.selection_clear(0, 'end') if example: cache = self._readingCache[index] if cache: if isinstance(cache, list): self._readings = cache self._error = None else: self._readings = [] self._error = cache else: try: self._readings = self._glue.parse_to_meaning(example) self._error = None self._readingCache[index] = self._readings except Exception as e: self._readings = [] self._error = DrtVariableExpression(Variable('Error: ' + str(e))) self._readingCache[index] = self._error #add a star to the end of the example self._exampleList.delete(index) self._exampleList.insert(index, (' %s *' % example)) self._exampleList.config(height=min(len(self._examples), 25), width=40) self._populate_readingListbox() self._exampleList.selection_set(index) self._drs = None self._redraw() def _readingList_select(self, event): selection = self._readingList.curselection() if len(selection) != 1: return self._readingList_store_selection(int(selection[0])) def _readingList_store_selection(self, index): reading = self._readings[index] self._readingList.selection_clear(0, 'end') if reading: self._readingList.selection_set(index) self._drs = reading.simplify().normalize().resolve_anaphora() self._redraw() class DrsWidget(object): def __init__(self, canvas, drs, **attribs): self._drs = drs self._canvas = canvas canvas.font = Font(font=canvas.itemcget(canvas.create_text(0, 0, text=''), 'font')) canvas._BUFFER = 3 self.bbox = (0, 0, 0, 0) def draw(self): (right, bottom) = DrsDrawer(self._drs, canvas=self._canvas).draw() self.bbox = (0, 0, right+1, bottom+1) def clear(self): self._canvas.create_rectangle(self.bbox, fill="white", width="0" ) def demo(): examples = ['John walks', 'David sees Mary', 'David eats a sandwich', 'every man chases a dog', # 'every man believes a dog yawns', # 'John gives David a sandwich', 'John chases himself', # 'John persuades David to order a pizza', # 'John tries to go', # 'John tries to find a unicorn', # 'John seems to vanish', # 'a unicorn seems to approach', # 'every big cat leaves', # 'every gray cat leaves', # 'every big gray cat leaves', # 'a former senator leaves', # 'John likes a cat', # 'John likes every cat', # 'he walks', # 'John walks and he leaves' ] DrtGlueDemo(examples).mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': demo()