## Synopsis Install instructions for the blog post - https://blogs.aws.amazon.com/bigdata/post/Tx3RS3V80XNRJH3/Real-time-in-memory-OLTP-and-Analytics-with-Apache-Ignite-on-AWS ## Install 1) sudo yum install git 2) git clone https://github.com/awslabs/aws-big-data-blog.git 3) cd aws-big-data-blog/aws-blog-real-time-in-memory-oltp-and-analytics-with-apache-ignite ## Run sample code to push data to DynamoDB In ```sample/dummyOrderGenerator.py```, modify the below two lines in the python code with your region and DynamoDB table name ``` conn = boto.dynamodb.connect_to_region('') table = conn.get_table('') ``` ## Create Lambda function using this sample code to process ddb streams In ```sample/ddbStreamstoFirehose.py```, modify the below line in the python function and deploy it to Lambda: ``` DeliveryStreamName='' ``` ## Modify KCL code with your endpoint information In ```src/main/java/com/amazon/dynamostreams/clientlibrary/StreamsToIgnite.properties```, modify these lines with your information: ``` streamsEndpoint = streams.dynamodb..amazonaws.com streamArn = arn:aws:dynamodb:::table/OrderDetails/stream/2016-01-16T21:59:00.129 dynamodbEndpoint = dynamodb.region.amazonaws.com --Modify this with your Ignite cluster IP endpoints hostList =,, -- Modify with your Ignite cache Name cacheName = dynamocache -- kinesis settings applicationName = ddbstreamsprocessing maxRecords = 1000 initialPositionInStream = LATEST ``` ## Compile ```mvn clean && mvn install```