## AWS Bioinformatics Workshop This repository is meant to be used with the AWS Bioinformatics Workshop (ADD URL). ## Repo structure ```bash . └── code └── batch_jobs <-- A directory containing sample job files to use be submitted to AWS Batch └── containers <-- A directory containing bioinformatics containers and containers building tools └── bcftools/bwa/fastqc/samtools <-- Directories containing bioinformatics Dockerfiles └── build.sh <-- A utility script to build and register containers └── entry.dockerfile <-- A Dockerfile used by the build utility └── entrypoint.sh <-- A shell script to be used in the containers for staging data on S3 └── scripts └── resize.sh <-- A volume resize utility └── vpc <-- A directory containing a CDK app to launch a VPC ``` ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.