import boto3 import json import fnmatch import os import re import datetime import calendar import logging from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from botocore.config import Config logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(os.getenv('log_level', logging.INFO)) # Configure boto retries BOTO_CONFIG = Config(retries=dict(max_attempts=5, mode='standard')) ROLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 900 def get_assume_role_credentials(account_id,cross_account_role): sts_client = boto3.client('sts') try: assume_role_response = sts_client.assume_role(RoleArn="arn:aws:iam::{}:role/{}".format(account_id,cross_account_role), RoleSessionName=cross_account_role, DurationSeconds=ROLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) return assume_role_response['Credentials'] except ClientError as ex: if 'AccessDenied' in ex.response['Error']['Code']: ex.response['Error']['Message'] = "Lambda function does not have permission to assume the IAM role." else: ex.response['Error']['Message'] = "InternalError" ex.response['Error']['Code'] = "InternalError" raise ex def get_client(service, account_id,cross_account_role): temp_access = get_assume_role_credentials(account_id,cross_account_role) ACCESS_KEY = temp_access['AccessKeyId'] SECRET_KEY = temp_access['SecretAccessKey'] SESSION_TOKEN = temp_access['SessionToken'] return boto3.client( service, aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET_KEY, aws_session_token=SESSION_TOKEN, config=BOTO_CONFIG ) # Validates role pathname allowlist as passed via AWS CloudFormation parameters and returns a list of comma separated patterns. def validate_allow_list(unvalidated_role_pattern_allowlist): # Names of users, groups, roles must be alphanumeric, including the following common # characters: plus (+), equal (=), comma (,), period (.), at (@), underscore (_), and hyphen (-). valid_character_regex = '^[-a-zA-Z0-9+=,.@_/|*]+' if not unvalidated_role_pattern_allowlist: return None regex = re.compile(valid_character_regex) if not raise ValueError("[Error] Provided allowlist has invalid characters") return unvalidated_role_pattern_allowlist.split('|') # This uses Unix filename pattern matching (as opposed to regular expressions), as documented here: # Please note that if using a wildcard, e.g. "*", you should use # it sparingly/appropriately. # If the rolename matches the pattern, then it is allowed def is_allowed_role(role_pathname, pattern_list): if not pattern_list: return False # If role_pathname matches pattern, then return True, else False # eg. /service-role/aws-codestar-service-role matches pattern /service-role/* # for pattern in pattern_list: if fnmatch.fnmatch(role_pathname, pattern): return True return False # Form an evaluation as a dictionary. Suited to report on scheduled rules. More info here: # def build_finding(sec_account_id, member_account, role_name, role_arn, role_owner, notification_creation_time, reason,max_days_for_last_used): finding = {} finding['SchemaVersion'] = "2018-10-08" finding['Title'] = "Unused IAM Role {} in account {}".format(role_name, member_account) finding['Description'] = reason finding['ProductArn'] = "arn:aws:securityhub:us-west-2:{}:product/{}/default".format(sec_account_id,sec_account_id) finding['AwsAccountId'] = sec_account_id finding['Id'] = role_arn finding['GeneratorId'] = "CUSTOM:checkUnusedRoleLambdaFunction" finding['CreatedAt'] = notification_creation_time finding['UserDefinedFields'] = {'OwnerEmail': role_owner, 'RoleName': role_name, 'TargetAccountId':member_account, 'MaxDays': str(max_days_for_last_used)} finding['Severity'] = {"Label": "MEDIUM"} finding['Resources'] = [{"Type": "AwsIamRoleDetails", "Id": role_arn}] finding['Types'] = ['Software and Configuration Checks/TPPs/Initial Access'] finding['UpdatedAt'] = notification_creation_time finding['RecordState'] = 'ACTIVE' return finding def check_finding_exists(sechub_client, sec_account_id, role_arn): product_arn = "arn:aws:securityhub:us-west-2:{}:product/{}/default".format(sec_account_id,sec_account_id) filters = { "ProductArn": [{ "Value": product_arn, "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "Id": [{ "Value": role_arn, "Comparison": "EQUALS" }], "RecordState": [{ "Value": "NEW", "Comparison": "EQUALS" }] } get_findings_response = sechub_client.get_findings( Filters=filters ) #verify that there is a finding returned back. findings = get_findings_response["Findings"] if findings: return True else: return False # Determine if any roles were used to make an AWS request def determine_last_used(sechub_client, sec_account_id, role_name, role_last_used, max_days_for_last_used, notification_creation_time, member_account, role_arn, role_owner): last_used_date = role_last_used.get('LastUsedDate', None) used_region = role_last_used.get('Region', None) #check if there are findings related to this IAM role existing_findings = check_finding_exists(sechub_client, sec_account_id, role_arn) if last_used_date is None: return None days_unused = ( - last_used_date.replace(tzinfo=None)).days if days_unused > max_days_for_last_used: if not existing_findings: reason = "NON_COMPLIANT: Role was used {} days ago in {}".format(days_unused, used_region) return build_finding(sec_account_id,member_account, role_name, role_arn, role_owner, notification_creation_time, reason, max_days_for_last_used) else: return None # Returns a list of docts, each of which has authorization details of each role. More info here: # def get_role_authorization_details(iam_client): roles_authorization_details = [] roles_list = iam_client.get_account_authorization_details(Filter=['Role']) while True: roles_authorization_details += roles_list['RoleDetailList'] if 'Marker' in roles_list: roles_list = iam_client.get_account_authorization_details(Filter=['Role'], Marker=roles_list['Marker']) else: break return roles_authorization_details # Check the compliance of each role by determining if role last used is > than max_days_for_last_used def lambda_handler(event, context): sec_account_id = context.invoked_function_arn.split(":")[4] member_account = "" notification_creation_time = "" role_owner = "" #retrieve State Machine Arn state_machine_arn = os.environ.get('state_machine_arn','') # if the scope is aws account, retrieve the account number from env variables if os.environ.get('member_account'): member_account = os.environ.get('member_account') notification_creation_time = str(event['time']) else: #if the scope is organization or OU, retrieve the account number from SNS message member_account = event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'] notification_creation_time = str(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Timestamp']) #retrieve the cross account role name from env variable cross_account_role cross_account_role = os.environ.get('cross_account_role') # Initialize AWS clients iam_client = get_client('iam', member_account,cross_account_role) sechub_client = boto3.client('securityhub') stepfunc_client = boto3.client('stepfunctions') # List of findings generated from resource evaluations to return back to AWS Security Hub non_compliance_findings = [] # List of dicts of each role's authorization details as returned by boto3 all_roles = get_role_authorization_details(iam_client) # Maximum allowed days that a role can be unused, or has been last used for an AWS request max_days_for_last_used = int(os.environ.get('max_days_for_last_used', '60')) allowed_role_pattern_list = validate_allow_list(os.environ.get('role_allowed_list', '')) # Iterate over all our roles. If the creation date of a role is <= max_days_for_last_used, it is compliant for role in all_roles: role_name = role['RoleName'] role_path = role['Path'] role_arn = role['Arn'] role_creation_date = role['CreateDate'] role_last_used = role['RoleLastUsed'] #retrieve Role Owner address from Tags. #Otherwise retrieve default email provided by IT Sec Team for tag in role['Tags']: if tag['Key'] == 'Owner': role_owner = tag['Value'] role_owner = os.environ.get('default_email') role_age_in_days = ( - role_creation_date.replace(tzinfo=None)).days if is_allowed_role(role_path + role_name, allowed_role_pattern_list): continue if role_age_in_days <= max_days_for_last_used: continue new_finding = determine_last_used(sechub_client,sec_account_id, role_name, role_last_used, max_days_for_last_used, notification_creation_time, member_account, role_arn, role_owner) if new_finding is not None: non_compliance_findings.append(new_finding) #need to reduce role name length to fit with state machine start_execution syntax #require 'name' to be less than 80 char long if len(role_name) > 56: role_name = role_name[0:55] stepfunc_client.start_execution( stateMachineArn=state_machine_arn, name=member_account+"-"+role_name+"-"+str(calendar.timegm(, input=json.dumps(new_finding) ) # Iterate over our findings 100 at a time, as batch_import_findings only accepts a max of 100 evals. non_compliance_findings_copy = non_compliance_findings[:] while non_compliance_findings_copy: sechub_client.batch_import_findings(Findings=non_compliance_findings_copy[:100]) del non_compliance_findings_copy[:100]