-- SSB dataset -- UNLOAD Queries -- UNLOAD Query 1 -- This query unloads the results from the aggregated table created by ELT Query 1 to S3 with parquet file format and proper partitioning UNLOAD ('select * from elt_monthly_revenue_by_region_manufacturer_category_brand') to 's3://eltblogpost/unload_parquet/monthly_revenue_by_region_manufacturer_category_brand' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam:::role/redshift-elt-test-role' maxfilesize 96 mb FORMAT AS PARQUET PARTITION BY (year, month, supplier_region) allowoverwrite; -- UNLOAD Query 2 -- This query unloads the results from the aggregated table created by ELT Query 2 to S3 with parquet file format and proper partitioning UNLOAD ('select * from elt_monthly_revenue_by_region_city_brand') to 's3://eltblogpost/unload_parquet/monthly_revenue_by_region_city_brand' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam:::role/redshift-elt-test-role' maxfilesize 96 mb FORMAT AS PARQUET PARTITION BY (year, month, supplier_region) allowoverwrite; -- UNLOAD Query 3 -- This query unloads the results from the aggregated table created by ELT Query 3 to S3 with parquet file format and proper partitioning UNLOAD ('select * from elt_yearly_revenue_by_city') to 's3://eltblogpost/unload_parquet/yearly_revenue_by_city' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam:::role/redshift-elt-test-role' maxfilesize 96 mb FORMAT AS PARQUET PARTITION BY (year, month) allowoverwrite;