# Copyright 2017-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for # the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. import json import sys import datetime import boto3 import botocore try: import liblogging except ImportError: pass ############## # Parameters # ############## # Define the default resource to report to Config Rules DEFAULT_RESOURCE_TYPE = 'AWS::EC2::Instance' # Set to True to get the lambda to assume the Role attached on the Config Service (useful for cross-account). ASSUME_ROLE_MODE = False # Other parameters (no change needed) CONFIG_ROLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 900 ############# # Main Code # ############# def evaluate_compliance(event, configuration_item, valid_rule_parameters): """Form the evaluation(s) to be return to Config Rules Return either: None -- when no result needs to be displayed a string -- either COMPLIANT, NON_COMPLIANT or NOT_APPLICABLE a dictionary -- the evaluation dictionary, usually built by build_evaluation_from_config_item() a list of dictionary -- a list of evaluation dictionary , usually built by build_evaluation() Keyword arguments: event -- the event variable given in the lambda handler configuration_item -- the configurationItem dictionary in the invokingEvent valid_rule_parameters -- the output of the evaluate_parameters() representing validated parameters of the Config Rule Advanced Notes: 1 -- if a resource is deleted and generate a configuration change with ResourceDeleted status, the Boilerplate code will put a NOT_APPLICABLE on this resource automatically. 2 -- if a None or a list of dictionary is returned, the old evaluation(s) which are not returned in the new evaluation list are returned as NOT_APPLICABLE by the Boilerplate code 3 -- if None or an empty string, list or dict is returned, the Boilerplate code will put a "shadow" evaluation to feedback that the evaluation took place properly """ ############################### # Add your custom logic here. # ############################### ec2_client = get_client('ec2', event) compliant = 'EC2 Instance {} has no unjustified open ports' non_compliant = 'EC2 Instance {} has public ports {} without a valid exception' ec2_instance = json.loads(event['invokingEvent'])['configurationItem']['configuration'] instance_id = ec2_instance['instanceId'] raw_tags = ec2_instance['tags'] tags = {} for tag in raw_tags: tags[tag['key']] = tag['value'] allowed_ports_raw = tags.get('AllowedPorts', '').replace(' ', '').split(',') allowed_ports = [] for port in allowed_ports_raw: # Ensure the port is a valid integer by converting and storing as int try: allowed_ports.append(int(port)) except ValueError: continue instances = ec2_client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id])['Reservations'][0] instance = instances['Instances'][0] security_group_ids = [] open_ports = [] network_interfaces = instance['NetworkInterfaces'] for interface in network_interfaces: for group in interface.get('Groups', []): security_group_ids.append(group['GroupId']) security_groups = ec2_client.describe_security_groups(GroupIds=security_group_ids) security_groups = security_groups.get('SecurityGroups', []) for security_group in security_groups: for permission in security_group['IpPermissions']: # If there is no port(s) in the SG rule, move on to the next if not permission.get('FromPort'): continue # We are not worried about accessible IP ranges for ports in the allowed ports list # If the port is in the list, move on to the next if permission['FromPort'] in allowed_ports or permission['ToPort'] in allowed_ports: continue for ip in permission['IpRanges']: # indicates the port is accessible to the Internet if ip['CidrIp'] == '': # For the purposes of this PoC, we are not going to fully consider port ranges, # but will only take the from and to port from that range. In a production environment, # you'll likely want to pull out each port in that range to ensure it is accounted for. if permission['FromPort'] == permission['ToPort']: open_ports.append(permission['FromPort']) else: open_ports.append(permission['FromPort']) open_ports.append(permission['ToPort']) unjustified_open_ports = list(set(open_ports) - set(allowed_ports)) if unjustified_open_ports: return build_evaluation_from_config_item( configuration_item, 'NON_COMPLIANT', annotation=build_annotation(non_compliant.format(instance_id, unjustified_open_ports)) ) else: return build_evaluation_from_config_item( configuration_item, 'COMPLIANT', annotation=build_annotation(compliant.format(instance_id)) ) def evaluate_parameters(rule_parameters): """Evaluate the rule parameters dictionary validity. Raise a ValueError for invalid parameters. Return: anything suitable for the evaluate_compliance() Keyword arguments: rule_parameters -- the Key/Value dictionary of the Config Rules parameters """ valid_rule_parameters = rule_parameters return valid_rule_parameters #################### # Helper Functions # #################### # Build an error to be displayed in the logs when the parameter is invalid. def build_parameters_value_error_response(ex): """Return an error dictionary when the evaluate_parameters() raises a ValueError. Keyword arguments: ex -- Exception text """ return build_error_response(internal_error_message="Parameter value is invalid", internal_error_details="An ValueError was raised during the validation of the Parameter value", customer_error_code="InvalidParameterValueException", customer_error_message=str(ex)) # This gets the client after assuming the Config service role # either in the same AWS account or cross-account. def get_client(service, event, region=None): """Return the service boto client. It should be used instead of directly calling the client. Keyword arguments: service -- the service name used for calling the boto.client() event -- the event variable given in the lambda handler region -- the region where the client is called (default: None) """ if not ASSUME_ROLE_MODE: return boto3.client(service, region) credentials = get_assume_role_credentials(get_execution_role_arn(event), region) return boto3.client(service, aws_access_key_id=credentials['AccessKeyId'], aws_secret_access_key=credentials['SecretAccessKey'], aws_session_token=credentials['SessionToken'], region_name=region ) # This generate an evaluation for config def build_evaluation(resource_id, compliance_type, event, resource_type=DEFAULT_RESOURCE_TYPE, annotation=None): """Form an evaluation as a dictionary. Usually suited to report on scheduled rules. Keyword arguments: resource_id -- the unique id of the resource to report compliance_type -- either COMPLIANT, NON_COMPLIANT or NOT_APPLICABLE event -- the event variable given in the lambda handler resource_type -- the CloudFormation resource type (or AWS::::Account) to report on the rule (default DEFAULT_RESOURCE_TYPE) annotation -- an annotation to be added to the evaluation (default None). It will be truncated to 255 if longer. """ eval_cc = {} if annotation: eval_cc['Annotation'] = build_annotation(annotation) eval_cc['ComplianceResourceType'] = resource_type eval_cc['ComplianceResourceId'] = resource_id eval_cc['ComplianceType'] = compliance_type eval_cc['OrderingTimestamp'] = str(json.loads(event['invokingEvent'])['notificationCreationTime']) return eval_cc def build_evaluation_from_config_item(configuration_item, compliance_type, annotation=None): """Form an evaluation as a dictionary. Usually suited to report on configuration change rules. Keyword arguments: configuration_item -- the configurationItem dictionary in the invokingEvent compliance_type -- either COMPLIANT, NON_COMPLIANT or NOT_APPLICABLE annotation -- an annotation to be added to the evaluation (default None). It will be truncated to 255 if longer. """ eval_ci = {} if annotation: eval_ci['Annotation'] = build_annotation(annotation) eval_ci['ComplianceResourceType'] = configuration_item['resourceType'] eval_ci['ComplianceResourceId'] = configuration_item['resourceId'] eval_ci['ComplianceType'] = compliance_type eval_ci['OrderingTimestamp'] = configuration_item['configurationItemCaptureTime'] return eval_ci #################### # Boilerplate Code # #################### # Get execution role for Lambda function def get_execution_role_arn(event): role_arn = None if 'ruleParameters' in event: rule_params = json.loads(event['ruleParameters']) role_name = rule_params.get("ExecutionRoleName") if role_name: execution_role_prefix = event["executionRoleArn"].split("/")[0] role_arn = "{}/{}".format(execution_role_prefix, role_name) if not role_arn: role_arn = event['executionRoleArn'] return role_arn # Build annotation within Service constraints def build_annotation(annotation_string): if len(annotation_string) > 256: return annotation_string[:244] + " [truncated]" return annotation_string # Helper function used to validate input def check_defined(reference, reference_name): if not reference: raise Exception('Error: ', reference_name, 'is not defined') return reference # Check whether the message is OversizedConfigurationItemChangeNotification or not def is_oversized_changed_notification(message_type): check_defined(message_type, 'messageType') return message_type == 'OversizedConfigurationItemChangeNotification' # Check whether the message is a ScheduledNotification or not. def is_scheduled_notification(message_type): check_defined(message_type, 'messageType') return message_type == 'ScheduledNotification' # Get configurationItem using getResourceConfigHistory API # in case of OversizedConfigurationItemChangeNotification def get_configuration(resource_type, resource_id, configuration_capture_time): result = AWS_CONFIG_CLIENT.get_resource_config_history( resourceType=resource_type, resourceId=resource_id, laterTime=configuration_capture_time, limit=1) configuration_item = result['configurationItems'][0] return convert_api_configuration(configuration_item) # Convert from the API model to the original invocation model def convert_api_configuration(configuration_item): for k, v in configuration_item.items(): if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): configuration_item[k] = str(v) configuration_item['awsAccountId'] = configuration_item['accountId'] configuration_item['ARN'] = configuration_item['arn'] configuration_item['configurationStateMd5Hash'] = configuration_item['configurationItemMD5Hash'] configuration_item['configurationItemVersion'] = configuration_item['version'] configuration_item['configuration'] = json.loads(configuration_item['configuration']) if 'relationships' in configuration_item: for i in range(len(configuration_item['relationships'])): configuration_item['relationships'][i]['name'] = configuration_item['relationships'][i]['relationshipName'] return configuration_item # Based on the type of message get the configuration item # either from configurationItem in the invoking event # or using the getResourceConfigHistiry API in getConfiguration function. def get_configuration_item(invoking_event): check_defined(invoking_event, 'invokingEvent') if is_oversized_changed_notification(invoking_event['messageType']): configuration_item_summary = check_defined(invoking_event['configuration_item_summary'], 'configurationItemSummary') return get_configuration(configuration_item_summary['resourceType'], configuration_item_summary['resourceId'], configuration_item_summary['configurationItemCaptureTime']) if is_scheduled_notification(invoking_event['messageType']): return None return check_defined(invoking_event['configurationItem'], 'configurationItem') # Check whether the resource has been deleted. If it has, then the evaluation is unnecessary. def is_applicable(configuration_item, event): try: check_defined(configuration_item, 'configurationItem') check_defined(event, 'event') except: return True status = configuration_item['configurationItemStatus'] event_left_scope = event['eventLeftScope'] if status == 'ResourceDeleted': print("Resource Deleted, setting Compliance Status to NOT_APPLICABLE.") return status in ('OK', 'ResourceDiscovered') and not event_left_scope def get_assume_role_credentials(role_arn, region=None): sts_client = boto3.client('sts', region) try: assume_role_response = sts_client.assume_role(RoleArn=role_arn, RoleSessionName="configLambdaExecution", DurationSeconds=CONFIG_ROLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) if 'liblogging' in sys.modules: liblogging.logSession(role_arn, assume_role_response) return assume_role_response['Credentials'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as ex: # Scrub error message for any internal account info leaks print(str(ex)) if 'AccessDenied' in ex.response['Error']['Code']: ex.response['Error']['Message'] = "AWS Config does not have permission to assume the IAM role." else: ex.response['Error']['Message'] = "InternalError" ex.response['Error']['Code'] = "InternalError" raise ex # This removes older evaluation (usually useful for periodic rule not reporting on AWS::::Account). def clean_up_old_evaluations(latest_evaluations, event): cleaned_evaluations = [] old_eval = AWS_CONFIG_CLIENT.get_compliance_details_by_config_rule( ConfigRuleName=event['configRuleName'], ComplianceTypes=['COMPLIANT', 'NON_COMPLIANT'], Limit=100) old_eval_list = [] while True: for old_result in old_eval['EvaluationResults']: old_eval_list.append(old_result) if 'NextToken' in old_eval: next_token = old_eval['NextToken'] old_eval = AWS_CONFIG_CLIENT.get_compliance_details_by_config_rule( ConfigRuleName=event['configRuleName'], ComplianceTypes=['COMPLIANT', 'NON_COMPLIANT'], Limit=100, NextToken=next_token) else: break for old_eval in old_eval_list: old_resource_id = old_eval['EvaluationResultIdentifier']['EvaluationResultQualifier']['ResourceId'] newer_founded = False for latest_eval in latest_evaluations: if old_resource_id == latest_eval['ComplianceResourceId']: newer_founded = True if not newer_founded: cleaned_evaluations.append(build_evaluation(old_resource_id, "NOT_APPLICABLE", event)) return cleaned_evaluations + latest_evaluations def lambda_handler(event, context): if 'liblogging' in sys.modules: liblogging.logEvent(event) global AWS_CONFIG_CLIENT #print(event) check_defined(event, 'event') invoking_event = json.loads(event['invokingEvent']) rule_parameters = {} if 'ruleParameters' in event: rule_parameters = json.loads(event['ruleParameters']) try: valid_rule_parameters = evaluate_parameters(rule_parameters) except ValueError as ex: return build_parameters_value_error_response(ex) try: AWS_CONFIG_CLIENT = get_client('config', event) if invoking_event['messageType'] in ['ConfigurationItemChangeNotification', 'ScheduledNotification', 'OversizedConfigurationItemChangeNotification']: configuration_item = get_configuration_item(invoking_event) if is_applicable(configuration_item, event): compliance_result = evaluate_compliance(event, configuration_item, valid_rule_parameters) else: compliance_result = "NOT_APPLICABLE" else: return build_internal_error_response('Unexpected message type', str(invoking_event)) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as ex: if is_internal_error(ex): return build_internal_error_response("Unexpected error while completing API request", str(ex)) return build_error_response("Customer error while making API request", str(ex), ex.response['Error']['Code'], ex.response['Error']['Message']) except ValueError as ex: return build_internal_error_response(str(ex), str(ex)) evaluations = [] latest_evaluations = [] if not compliance_result: latest_evaluations.append(build_evaluation(event['accountId'], "NOT_APPLICABLE", event, resource_type='AWS::::Account')) evaluations = clean_up_old_evaluations(latest_evaluations, event) elif isinstance(compliance_result, str): if configuration_item: evaluations.append(build_evaluation_from_config_item(configuration_item, compliance_result)) else: evaluations.append(build_evaluation(event['accountId'], compliance_result, event, resource_type=DEFAULT_RESOURCE_TYPE)) elif isinstance(compliance_result, list): for evaluation in compliance_result: missing_fields = False for field in ('ComplianceResourceType', 'ComplianceResourceId', 'ComplianceType', 'OrderingTimestamp'): if field not in evaluation: print("Missing " + field + " from custom evaluation.") missing_fields = True if not missing_fields: latest_evaluations.append(evaluation) evaluations = clean_up_old_evaluations(latest_evaluations, event) elif isinstance(compliance_result, dict): missing_fields = False for field in ('ComplianceResourceType', 'ComplianceResourceId', 'ComplianceType', 'OrderingTimestamp'): if field not in compliance_result: print("Missing " + field + " from custom evaluation.") missing_fields = True if not missing_fields: evaluations.append(compliance_result) else: evaluations.append(build_evaluation_from_config_item(configuration_item, 'NOT_APPLICABLE')) # Put together the request that reports the evaluation status result_token = event['resultToken'] test_mode = False if result_token == 'TESTMODE': # Used solely for RDK test to skip actual put_evaluation API call test_mode = True # Invoke the Config API to report the result of the evaluation evaluation_copy = [] evaluation_copy = evaluations[:] while evaluation_copy: AWS_CONFIG_CLIENT.put_evaluations(Evaluations=evaluation_copy[:100], ResultToken=result_token, TestMode=test_mode) del evaluation_copy[:100] # Used solely for RDK test to be able to test Lambda function return evaluations def is_internal_error(exception): return ((not isinstance(exception, botocore.exceptions.ClientError)) or exception.response['Error']['Code'].startswith('5') or 'InternalError' in exception.response['Error']['Code'] or 'ServiceError' in exception.response['Error']['Code']) def build_internal_error_response(internal_error_message, internal_error_details=None): return build_error_response(internal_error_message, internal_error_details, 'InternalError', 'InternalError') def build_error_response(internal_error_message, internal_error_details=None, customer_error_code=None, customer_error_message=None): error_response = { 'internalErrorMessage': internal_error_message, 'internalErrorDetails': internal_error_details, 'customerErrorMessage': customer_error_message, 'customerErrorCode': customer_error_code } print(error_response) return error_response