# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ####################################### ####################################### # This sample Terraform is provided to deliver a working example which may be iterated upon. # It is expected that most customers would use the modules in their own Terraform infrastructure # rather that using this example as-is. # A such stylistic concerns such as spliting this file into logical groupings have not been followed. ####################################### ####################################### ########################## ## Terraform Backend ########################## provider "aws" { region = "eu-west-1" default_tags { tags = local.tags } } terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "123456789012-terraform-backend" key = "blu-age-infrastructure.tfstate" region = "eu-west-1" dynamodb_table = "terraform-lock" encrypt = true } } terraform { required_version = "~> 1.2" required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "4.63.0" } } } ########################## ## Data ########################## # Data Source (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/region) data "aws_region" "current" {} # Data Source (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/caller_identity) data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {} ########################## ## Variables ########################## variable "stack_prefix" { description = "Identifier to prepend to resources" type = string default = "blu-age" } variable "vpc_cidr" { description = "The CIDR range for the VPC" type = string default = "" } variable "az_count" { description = "The number of Availability Zones to use" type = number default = 2 } variable "rds_instance_type" { description = "Instance type for the Aurora PostgreSQL compute" type = string default = "db.t4g.large" } # Format for ECR is ".dkr.ecr..amazonaws.com/:" variable "container_image" { description = "The Image path and version for the blu age container" type = string default = "public.ecr.aws/amazonlinux/amazonlinux:latest" } variable "target_environment" { description = "The target environment being built, e.g. dev/test/prod" type = string default = "dev" } variable "additional_nlb_igress_cidrs" { description = "A network address prefix in CIDR notation for network load balancer ingress" type = list(any) default = ["", ""] } variable "direct_internet_access_required" { description = "Conditional resouces if outbound internet access is required" type = bool default = false } ########################## ## Locals ########################## locals { # Default tags to apply to all resources, adjust these values as appropriate tags = { owner = "Mainframe Team" project = "Blu Age Migration" created_with = "Terraform" created_by = "Richard Milner-Watts - AWS" } # Override the module execution time to ensure consistent test results module1_export_time_list = { "default" = "" "dev" = "--forceDate=2022-06-14T12:00:00+00:00" "test" = "--forceDate=2022-06-14T12:00:00+00:00" "prod" = "" } module1_export_time = local.module1_export_time_list["${var.target_environment}"] module2_export_time_list = { "default" = "" "dev" = "--forceDate=2022-06-14T12:00:00+00:00" "test" = "--forceDate=2022-06-14T12:00:00+00:00" "prod" = "" } module2_export_time = local.module2_export_time_list["${var.target_environment}"] # Configuration details for each batch task to be deployed # Terraform will loop through "bluage_batch_modules" # These will deploy as ECS tasks bluage_batch_modules = [ { module_name = "module1" module_heap_max = "" module_fargate_cpu = "512" module_fargate_memory = "1024" debug_enabled = "TRUE" database_name = "bluage_database" force_execution_time = local.module1_export_time # ECS storage must be between 21 and 200 GiB task_ephemeral_storage = "21" jdbc_parameters = "defaultRowFetchSize=1500" }, { module_name = "module2" module_heap_max = "-Xmx8192m" module_fargate_cpu = "2048" module_fargate_memory = "12288" debug_enabled = "FALSE" database_name = "bluage_database" force_execution_time = local.module2_export_time task_ephemeral_storage = "50" jdbc_parameters = "defaultRowFetchSize=1500" }, ] # Values for an ECS Service example realtime_heap_max = "" realtime_force_execution_time = "--forceDate=2022-07-01T12:00:00+00:00" realtime_jdbc_parameters = "defaultRowFetchSize=1500" realtime_database_name = "bluage_database" } ########################## ## Resources ########################## resource "aws_ecr_repository" "ecs_ecr_repo" { # checkov:skip=CKV_AWS_136:The default ECR protections are sufficient, using AES256 name = "${var.stack_prefix}-ecr" image_tag_mutability = "IMMUTABLE" image_scanning_configuration { scan_on_push = true } tags = { Name = "${var.stack_prefix}-ecr" } } resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "ecs_container_cloudwatch_loggroup" { # checkov:skip=CKV_AWS_158:Relying on default CloudWatch protections, encryption with a specific KMS key is not required name = "${var.stack_prefix}-cloudwatch-log-group" retention_in_days = 365 tags = { Name = "${var.stack_prefix}-cloudwatch-log-group" } } resource "aws_ecs_cluster" "ecs_cluster" { name = "${var.stack_prefix}-ecs-cluster" setting { name = "containerInsights" value = "enabled" } tags = { Name = "${var.stack_prefix}-ecs-fargate-cluster" } } module "bluage_network" { source = "./modules/bluage_network" stack_prefix = var.stack_prefix vpc_cidr = var.vpc_cidr az_count = var.az_count additional_nlb_igress_cidrs = var.additional_nlb_igress_cidrs direct_internet_access_required = var.direct_internet_access_required } module "bluage_s3" { source = "./modules/bluage_s3" stack_prefix = var.stack_prefix } module "bluage_kms" { source = "./modules/bluage_kms" stack_prefix = var.stack_prefix } module "bluage_rds" { source = "./modules/bluage_rds" stack_prefix = var.stack_prefix rds_security_group_id = module.bluage_network.rds_sg_id kms_key_arn = module.bluage_kms.kms_key_arn subnets = module.bluage_network.private_subnets rds_instance_type = var.rds_instance_type } module "bluage_iam" { source = "./modules/bluage_iam" stack_prefix = var.stack_prefix input_s3_bucket_arn = module.bluage_s3.input_bucket_arn output_s3_bucket_arn = module.bluage_s3.output_bucket_arn db_secret_arn = module.bluage_rds.db_secret_arn db_user_secret_arn = module.bluage_rds.user_secret_arn ssm_rds_endpoint_arn = module.bluage_rds.ssm_rds_endpoint_arn kms_key_arn = module.bluage_kms.kms_key_arn } # For each Batch module, create an ECS task module "looped_batch_task" { for_each = { for index, module in local.bluage_batch_modules: index => module } source = "./modules/bluage_batch_task" stack_prefix = var.stack_prefix module_name = each.value.module_name batch_ecs_task_role_arn = module.bluage_iam.batch_ecs_task_role_arn batch_ecs_task_execution_role_arn = module.bluage_iam.batch_ecs_task_execution_role_arn private_subnets = module.bluage_network.private_subnets task_memory_allocation = each.value.module_fargate_memory task_cpu_allocation = each.value.module_fargate_cpu cloudwatch_log_group_name = aws_cloudwatch_log_group.ecs_container_cloudwatch_loggroup.name input_s3_bucket_id = module.bluage_s3.input_bucket_id output_s3_bucket_id = module.bluage_s3.output_bucket_id user_secret_arn = module.bluage_rds.user_secret_arn ssm_rds_endpoint_arn = module.bluage_rds.ssm_rds_endpoint_arn container_image = var.container_image stepfunction_role_arn = module.bluage_iam.stepfunction_role_arn ecs_cluster_arn = aws_ecs_cluster.ecs_cluster.arn rds_sg_id = module.bluage_network.rds_sg_id database_name = each.value.database_name java_max_heap = each.value.module_heap_max debug_enabled = each.value.debug_enabled force_execution_time = each.value.force_execution_time task_ephemeral_storage = each.value.task_ephemeral_storage jdbc_parameters = each.value.jdbc_parameters } # Reatime module deployed as an ECS Service module "realtime_module" { source = "./modules/bluage_realtime_service" stack_prefix = var.stack_prefix rds_sg_id = module.bluage_network.rds_sg_id ecs_service_sg_id = module.bluage_network.ecs_service_sg_id public_subnets = module.bluage_network.public_subnets vpc_id = module.bluage_network.vpc_id realtime_ecs_service_role_arn = module.bluage_iam.realtime_ecs_service_role_arn realtime_ecs_service_execution_role_arn = module.bluage_iam.realtime_ecs_service_execution_role_arn task_memory_allocation = "1024" task_cpu_allocation = "512" cloudwatch_log_group_name = aws_cloudwatch_log_group.ecs_container_cloudwatch_loggroup.name input_s3_bucket_id = module.bluage_s3.input_bucket_id output_s3_bucket_id = module.bluage_s3.output_bucket_id user_secret_arn = module.bluage_rds.user_secret_arn ssm_rds_endpoint_arn = module.bluage_rds.ssm_rds_endpoint_arn container_image = var.container_image container_count = 2 ecs_cluster_arn = aws_ecs_cluster.ecs_cluster.arn private_subnets = module.bluage_network.private_subnets database_name = local.realtime_database_name java_max_heap = local.realtime_heap_max force_execution_time = local.realtime_force_execution_time jdbc_parameters = local.realtime_jdbc_parameters } module "bluage_monitoring" { source = "./modules/bluage_monitoring" stack_prefix = var.stack_prefix kms_key_id = module.bluage_kms.kms_key_id rds_cluster_id = module.bluage_rds.rds_cluster_id rds_instance_ids = module.bluage_rds.rds_instance_ids input_s3_bucket_id = module.bluage_s3.input_bucket_id output_s3_bucket_id = module.bluage_s3.output_bucket_id db_secret_arn = module.bluage_rds.db_secret_arn user_secret_arn = module.bluage_rds.user_secret_arn db_secret_name = "${var.stack_prefix}-db-password" user_secret_name = "${var.stack_prefix}-user-database-password" loadbalancer_arn_suffix = module.realtime_module.loadbalancer_arn_suffix targetgroup_arn_suffix = module.realtime_module.targetgroup_arn_suffix ecs_cluster_name = "${var.stack_prefix}-ecs-cluster" ecs_service_name = module.realtime_module.ecs_service_name }