using Amazon.CDK; using Constructs; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.APIGateway; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs; namespace Infra { public class InfraStack : Stack { internal InfraStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props) { var buildOption = new BundlingOptions() { Image = Runtime.DOTNET_6.BundlingImage, User = "root", OutputType = BundlingOutput.ARCHIVED, Command = new string[]{ "/bin/sh", "-c", " dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools"+ " && dotnet build"+ " && dotnet lambda package --output-package /asset-output/" } }; var lambdaFunctionOne = new Function(this, "my-funcOne", new FunctionProps { Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_6, MemorySize = 1024, LogRetention = RetentionDays.ONE_DAY, Handler = "FunctionOne", Code = Code.FromAsset("../apps/src/FunctionOne/", new Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3.Assets.AssetOptions { Bundling = buildOption }), }); var lambdaFunctionTwo = new Function(this, "my-funcTwo", new FunctionProps { Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_6, MemorySize = 1024, LogRetention = RetentionDays.ONE_DAY, Handler = "FunctionTwo", Code = Code.FromAsset("../apps/src/FunctionTwo/", new Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3.Assets.AssetOptions { Bundling = buildOption }), }); var lambdaFunctionThree = new Function(this, "my-funcThree", new FunctionProps { Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_6, MemorySize = 1024, LogRetention = RetentionDays.ONE_DAY, Handler = "FunctionThree", Code = Code.FromAsset("../apps/src/FunctionThree/", new Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3.Assets.AssetOptions { Bundling = buildOption }), }); //Proxy all request from the root path "/" to Lambda Function One var restAPI = new LambdaRestApi(this, "Endpoint", new LambdaRestApiProps { Handler = lambdaFunctionOne, Proxy = true, }); //Proxy all request from path "/functiontwo" to Lambda Function Two var apiFunctionTwo = restAPI.Root.AddResource("functiontwo", new ResourceOptions { DefaultIntegration = new LambdaIntegration(lambdaFunctionTwo) }); apiFunctionTwo.AddMethod("ANY"); apiFunctionTwo.AddProxy(); //Proxy all request from path "/functionthree" to Lambda Function Three var apiFunctionThree = restAPI.Root.AddResource("functionthree", new ResourceOptions { DefaultIntegration = new LambdaIntegration(lambdaFunctionThree) }); apiFunctionThree.AddMethod("ANY"); apiFunctionThree.AddProxy(); new CfnOutput(this, "apigwtarn", new CfnOutputProps { Value = restAPI.ArnForExecuteApi() }); } } }