To do: - Some missing dates in here: - labco/create-react-app weird dates - Detect forks (aka dedupe the 14k create-react-app) - Support [Unreleased] as in gitbrent/pptxgenjs - weird date in alhadis/atom-mocha - Adjust autocomplete fragment scoring so that fragments at the start of the complete phrase have higher scores than fragments at the end of the phrase - If the version changes are just a diff link then put that link the generated HTML: ianchi/ESpression, tomchentw/react-prism, also do something about filtering out diff links: digidem/openrosa-request-middleware and brodybits/prettierx - missed date here: - An inline code block broken here: soeasy/meta-validate - bad parse: - Support getting the releases from Github as well? Maybe do: - Figure out something to deal with people do dates like DD.MM.YYYY as in: tonyganch/gonzales-pe, and kevinqqnj/cordova-template-vuetify-webpack Done: - ember-lifeline/ember-lifeline random version number interpreted as date - hucy/component-build-script has no dates - jpeer264/toastr doesn't parse correctly - kevinqqnj/cordova-template-vuetify-webpack has dates as version numbers - jhnns/rewire - Filter out 0.0.0-semantically-released autogenerated crap as in: nodkz/graphql-compose-mongoose - Investigate random 1998 date in tsqllint/tsqllint - Filter out these random version numbers: flickr/flickr-sdk - Normalize all changelogs by sorting the version descending: spencermountain/wtf_wikipedia - random invalid date: beautify-web/js-beautify - Remove all content inside HTML comments: catamphetamine/react-responsive-ui, apache/incubator-openwhisk-composer