from io import BytesIO from datetime import datetime import os from pathlib import Path import boto3 from PIL import Image from source.model import Image2Vec class ImageProcessor: ''' Provided an existing S3 bucket and a Dynamo DB table, is used to read a txt file in the S3 bucket (formated as paths to objects in the same S3 bucket), load the object one-by-one, vectorize the content, and upload the results to the Dynamo DB table. ''' def __init__(self, s3_bucket_name, dynamodb_table_name, dynamodb_region): self._s3 = boto3.resource('s3') self._bucket_name = s3_bucket_name self._dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=dynamodb_region) self._dynamodb_table = self._dynamodb.Table(dynamodb_table_name) self._img2vec_model = Image2Vec() def _s3_read_object(self, key): s3_object = self._s3.Object(self._bucket_name, key) return s3_object.get()['Body'].read() def _s3_read_image_file(self, key): return def _s3_read_textual_file(self, key): return self._s3_read_object(key).decode('utf-8') def _read_paths_from_source(self, s3_source_file_path): return self._s3_read_textual_file(s3_source_file_path).splitlines() def _dynamodb_itemize(self, key, vector): time ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") vector_string = vector.tostring() vector_dimension = len(vector) vector_data_type = str(vector.dtype) return { 'ImageId': key, 'Created': time, 'Vector': vector_string, 'Dimension': vector_dimension, 'DataType': vector_data_type } def _dynamodb_put(self, item): return self._dynamodb_table.put_item(Item=item) def _vectorize(self, image): image = image.convert('RGB') return self._img2vec_model.to_vector(image) def process(self, s3_source_file_path, early_stop=False): ''' Read a s3 txt file with paths to images in the s3 bucket, process images and store the results to a Dynamo DB table. Method returns tuple consisting of: number of succefully processed images, and total number of images to be processed ''' image_paths = self._read_paths_from_source(s3_source_file_path) image_keys = map(lambda path: Path(path).stem, image_paths) images = map(self._s3_read_image_file, image_paths) vectors = map(self._vectorize, images) results = zip(image_keys, vectors) dynamodb_items = map( lambda pair: self._dynamodb_itemize(pair[0], pair[1]), results) responses = map(self._dynamodb_put, dynamodb_items) status_codes = map( lambda response: response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'], responses) for count, status_code in enumerate(status_codes): if status_code is not 200 and early_stop is True: return count, len(image_paths) return len(image_paths), len(image_paths)