This Electron app is a proof of concept that demonstrates the ability to build an Electron app that can operate on an AWS account using both SDK and CDK. It provides a model for deploying pre-built CDK apps, and for composing and deploying a CDK app on the fly. It can also do CDK bootstrapping, deploy standard CloudFormation templates and run SDK commands.
Paste your credentials here. You can provide either an IAM user's AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, or temporary credentials that include the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. It's not necessary to add "export" to each line, but it's ok if you do.
Loading regions...please wait...
Select the region you want to work in first.
This button will run an S3 list-buckets SDK command.
Bootstrap CDK will bootstrap the account for the chosen region.
Create a simple stack in code and deploy it (see source in preload.js). Specify a bucket name that will be used to name the bucket that will be created by CDK.
Dynamically compose CodePipeline pipelines for CDK apps bundled into the Electron app.
These credentials are currently being used: