# Adding translations to the AWS CDK Worshop Thank you for your interest in translating the CDK workshop! To add a translation (here for the fictitious 'MyLang' language) * Copy the English content into a new directory and begin localizing. ``` mv content/english content/mylang ``` * Update `config.toml` to include a new language ```toml [languages.ml] languageName="MyLang" contentDir="content/mylang" ``` * Create the appropriate i18n file. In `i18n`, create `ml.yaml` based on the `en.yaml` file Don't be afraid to translate comments in code! The reason for this level of customization is to make sure that code is readable in all languages, not just the original English. # i18n files The YAML files within the i18n directory define a handful of language-specific tweaks to that language. In particular: * Font to use for the main body/headings/code, as well as a Google Fonts URL that is used to import any non-system fonts that might be used. The *Roboto* font is included by default. The English localization uses the PT Mono typeface for code samples, falling back to Monospace (as defined by the browser), whereas the Japanese localization uses a specific Gothic Coder typeface with a latin fallback.