#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import aws_cdk as cdk # For consistency with TypeScript code, `cdk` is the preferred import name for # the CDK's core module. The following line also imports it as `core` for use # with examples from the CDK Developer's Guide, which are in the process of # being updated to use `cdk`. You may delete this import if you don't need it. from cdk_pipelines.cdk_pipelines import CdkPipelineStack app = cdk.App() CdkPipelineStack(app, "AWSomeServiceCatalogPipeline", description="CI/CD CDK Pipelines for Service Catalog Example", env={ 'region': app.node.try_get_context("region"), 'account': app.node.try_get_context("pipeline_account") } ) app.synth()