[default] app=nodered env=dev [nodered-dev] awsRegion=ap-southeast-2 awsAccount= ###### networking & dns config vpcCidrBlock= natGatewayCount=1 # allowed admin IPs adminIps= ###### database # if you want a database to be created, you can set this to either 'instance' or 'cluster' # to delete a db you previously created, you can set this to 'none' and redeploy the stack dbConfig=instance dbSnapshot= dbSecretName= # you can specify mysql or postgres dbEngine=mysql dbMajorVersion=8.0 dbFullVersion=8.0.28 dbClusterSize=2 dbInstanceType=t4g.micro # set to yes or no preventDeletion=yes ###### config for the admin and fleet ASGs minMaxAdminInstances=[1,1] minMaxFleetInstances=[1,1] adminInstanceType=t4g.nano fleetInstanceType=t4g.nano # the parameter store value with the AMI ID in it amiParameter=/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-arm64-gp2 # EFS config efsMountDir=/var/www/html efsProvisionedThroughputMb= # the port that the targets will communicate on targetPort=1880 # user data commands in an array. efs_fs_id, efs_mount_dir, site_hostname and db_secret_command will be interpolated into the strings if requested adminUserData=["sudo yum install amazon-efs-utils jq gcc-c++ make -y", "mkdir -p {efs_mount_dir}", "echo \"{efs_fs_id}:/ {efs_mount_dir} efs _netdev,noresvport,tls,iam 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab", "mount -a -t efs -o tls,iam {efs_fs_id} {efs_mount_dir}", "curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -", "yum install -y nodejs", "sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red", "node-red -u {efs_mount_dir}"] fleetUserData=["sudo yum install amazon-efs-utils jq gcc-c++ make -y", "mkdir -p {efs_mount_dir}", "echo \"{efs_fs_id}:/ {efs_mount_dir} efs _netdev,noresvport,tls,iam 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab", "mount -a -t efs -o tls,iam {efs_fs_id} {efs_mount_dir}", "curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -", "yum install -y nodejs", "sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red", "sudo npm install -g nodemon", "cd {efs_mount_dir}", "nodemon -L -e json /bin/node-red -u {efs_mount_dir}"] adminUserDataScript= fleetUserDataScript= adminBuildTime=10 fleetBuildTime=5 ###### cloudfront/WAF parameters hostedZone=example.com # if you want to specify it, otherwise will be created from app name and env values subdomain= # these paths won't be cached by CloudFront uncachedPaths=["/*"] # these cookies will be forwarded in the origin request forwardedCookies=["*"] # allowed networks, can specify multiple ranges, comma-separated # to disable the allowlist, set allowedIps=* allowedIps= managedWafRules=["AWSManagedRulesAmazonIpReputationList","AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet","AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet","AWSManagedRulesAnonymousIpList","AWSManagedRulesLinuxRuleSet"] [nodered-test] awsRegion=ap-southeast-2 awsAccount= ###### networking & dns config hostedZone=example.com vpcCidrBlock= natGatewayCount=2 # allowed admin IPs adminIps= # if you want to specify it, otherwise will be created from app name and env values subdomain= ###### database # if you want a database to be created, you can set this to either 'instance' or 'cluster' # to delete a db you previously created, you can set this to 'none' and redeploy the stack dbConfig=instance dbSnapshot= dbSecretName= # you can specify mysql or postgres dbEngine=postgres dbMajorVersion=14 dbFullVersion=14.4 dbInstanceType=t4g.micro dbClusterSize=2 # set to yes or no preventDeletion=yes ###### config for the admin and fleet ASGs minMaxAdminInstances=[1,1] minMaxFleetInstances=[1,1] adminInstanceType=t4g.nano fleetInstanceType=t4g.nano # the parameter store value with the AMI ID in it amiParameter=/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-arm64-gp2 # EFS config efsMountDir=/var/www/html efsProvisionedThroughputMb=1 # the port that the targets will communicate on targetPort=1880 # user data commands in an array. efs_fs_id, efs_mount_dir, site_hostname and db_secret_command will be interpolated into the strings if requested adminUserData=["sudo yum install amazon-efs-utils jq gcc-c++ make -y", "mkdir -p {efs_mount_dir}", "echo \"{efs_fs_id}:/ {efs_mount_dir} efs _netdev,noresvport,tls,iam 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab", "mount -a -t efs -o tls,iam {efs_fs_id} {efs_mount_dir}", "curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -", "yum install -y nodejs", "sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red", "node-red -u {efs_mount_dir}"] fleetUserData=["sudo yum install amazon-efs-utils jq gcc-c++ make -y", "mkdir -p {efs_mount_dir}", "echo \"{efs_fs_id}:/ {efs_mount_dir} efs _netdev,noresvport,tls,iam 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab", "mount -a -t efs -o tls,iam {efs_fs_id} {efs_mount_dir}", "curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -", "yum install -y nodejs", "sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red", "sudo npm install -g nodemon", "cd {efs_mount_dir}", "nodemon -L -e json /bin/node-red -u {efs_mount_dir}"] adminUserDataScript= fleetUserDataScript= adminBuildTime=10 fleetBuildTime=5 ###### cloudfront/WAF parameters # these paths won't be cached by CloudFront uncachedPaths=["/*"] # these cookies will be forwarded in the origin request forwardedCookies=["*"] # allowed networks, can specify multiple ranges, comma-separated # to disable the allowlist, set allowedIps=* allowedIps= managedWafRules=["AWSManagedRulesAmazonIpReputationList","AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet","AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet","AWSManagedRulesAnonymousIpList","AWSManagedRulesLinuxRuleSet"] [wp-dev] appName=wordpress awsRegion=ap-southeast-2 awsAccount= ###### networking & dns config hostedZone=example.com vpcCidrBlock= natGatewayCount=1 # allowed admin IPs adminIps= # if you want to specify it, otherwise will be created from app name and env values subdomain= ###### database # if you want a database to be created, you can set this to either instance or cluster dbConfig=instance dbSnapshot= dbSecretName= dbEngine=mysql dbMajorVersion=8.0 dbFullVersion=8.0.28 dbClusterSize=2 dbInstanceType=t4g.micro # set to yes or no preventDeletion=yes # EFS config efsMountDir=/var/www/html efsProvisionedThroughputMb= ###### config for the admin and fleet ASGs amiParameter=/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-arm64-gp2 minMaxAdminInstances=[1,1] minMaxFleetInstances=[1,1] adminInstanceType=t4g.micro fleetInstanceType=t4g.micro # the port that the targets will communicate on targetPort=80 # user data commands in an array. efs_fs_id, efs_mount_dir, site_hostname and db_secret_command will be interpolated into the strings if requested adminUserData=["sudo yum install -y amazon-linux-extras amazon-efs-utils jq", "sudo amazon-linux-extras enable php7.4", "sudo yum clean metadata", "sudo yum install php php-{{pear,cgi,common,curl,mbstring,gd,mysqlnd,gettext,bcmath,json,xml,fpm,intl,zip,imap}}", "sudo yum install php-cli php-gd php-imagick php-intl php-pdo php-mbstring php-fpm php-json php-xml php-mysqlnd php-opcache httpd mariadb -y", "sudo usermod -a -G apache ec2-user", "sudo systemctl enable httpd", "systemctl enable php-fpm", "sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.requires", "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/htcacheclean.service /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.requires", "mkdir -p {efs_mount_dir}", "echo \"{efs_fs_id}:/ {efs_mount_dir} efs _netdev,noresvport,tls,iam 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab", "mount -a -t efs -o tls,iam {efs_fs_id} {efs_mount_dir}"] fleetUserData=["sudo yum install -y amazon-linux-extras amazon-efs-utils jq", "sudo amazon-linux-extras enable php7.4", "sudo yum clean metadata", "sudo yum install php php-{{pear,cgi,common,curl,mbstring,gd,mysqlnd,gettext,bcmath,json,xml,fpm,intl,zip,imap}}", "sudo yum install php-cli php-gd php-imagick php-intl php-pdo php-mbstring php-fpm php-json php-xml php-mysqlnd php-opcache httpd mariadb -y", "sudo usermod -a -G apache ec2-user", "sudo systemctl enable httpd", "systemctl enable php-fpm", "sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.requires", "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/htcacheclean.service /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.requires", "mkdir -p {efs_mount_dir}", "echo \"{efs_fs_id}:/ {efs_mount_dir} efs _netdev,noresvport,tls,iam 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab", "mount -a -t efs -o tls,iam {efs_fs_id} {efs_mount_dir}"] adminUserDataScript=configure_apache_install_wordpress_and_config.sh fleetUserDataScript=configure_apache.sh adminBuildTime=10 fleetBuildTime=7 ###### cloudfront/WAF parameters uncachedPaths=["/wp-login.php","/wp-admin/*","/wp-json/*","/contact/","/.well-known/*","/wp-cron.php","/xmlrpc.php","/wp-trackback.php","/wp-signup.php","*rest_route*"] forwardedCookies=["cookiescomment_author_*","comment_author_email_*","comment_author_url_*","wordpress_logged_in_*","wordpress_test_cookie","wp-settings-*","PHPSESSID","wordpress_*","wordpress_sec_*"] # allowed networks, can specify multiple ranges, comma-separated # to disable the allowlist, set allowedIps=* allowedIps= managedWafRules=["AWSManagedRulesAmazonIpReputationList","AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet","AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet","AWSManagedRulesAnonymousIpList","AWSManagedRulesLinuxRuleSet","AWSManagedRulesWordPressRuleSet"]