import boto3 import time import datetime import os def set_region_tz(): timezone_var = None #print(os.environ) time_now = print("Time Now : " + str(time_now)) try: timezone_var = os.environ['REGION_TZ'] print("Lambda Environment Variable Key REGION_TZ available : " + str(timezone_var)) except Exception as e: timezone_var = os.environ['TZ'] print("Lambda Environment Variable Key REGION_TZ not available : " + str(timezone_var)) print("Timezone Var : " + str(timezone_var)) if timezone_var is None or timezone_var == '': timezone = 'UTC' else: timezone = timezone_var print("Timezone : " + str(timezone)) os.environ['TZ'] = str(timezone) time.tzset() return def lambda_handler(event, context): flag = False set_region_tz() time_now = print("Time Now : " + str(time_now)) week_day = # Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7 time_plus = time_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) time_minus = time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) aest_time = format(time_now, '%H:%M') print("Week Day : " + str(week_day)) print("Time Now in HH:MM : " + aest_time) max_aest_time = format(time_plus,'%H:%M') min_aest_time = format(time_minus,'%H:%M') count = 0 region = os.environ['AWS_REGION'] print("Region : " + str(region)) ec2 = boto3.client("ec2", region_name=region) description = ec2.describe_instances() for instances in description["Reservations"]: for instance in instances["Instances"]: #print ('instance :- ' + str(instance)) count = count + 1 if 'Tags' in instance: for tag in instance["Tags"]: if (tag["Key"] == "StopWeekEnd"): StopWeekEnd_TagFound = True stopTime = tag["Value"] print("StopWeekEnd Stop Time : " + stopTime) if (min_aest_time <= stopTime <= max_aest_time and 6 <= week_day <= 7): print('StopWeekEnd schedule matched : ' + instance["InstanceId"]) if instance["State"]["Name"] == "running": print("Stopping instance : " + instance["InstanceId"]) ec2 = boto3.resource("ec2", region_name=region) instance = ec2.Instance(instance["InstanceId"]) instance.stop() flag = True else: print("Instance not in Running state : " + instance["InstanceId"]) else: print("StopWeekEnd schedule not matched : " + instance["InstanceId"]) break else: StopWeekEnd_TagFound = False if not StopWeekEnd_TagFound: print("StopWeekEnd Tag Not Found...") if not flag: print ("Instances not available to stop") print("Total Instance Count : " + str(count))