<# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 This sample, non-production-ready PowerShell script performs EnergyPlus simulations for HPC workloads on HPC Pack cluster worker nodes. ©¿½ 2021 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. This AWS Content is provided subject to the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement available at http://aws.amazon.com/agreement or other written agreement between Customer and either Amazon Web Services, Inc. or Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL or both. #> #set case variable that pulls from parametric job * iteration param([Int32]$case=1) #set instance id from metadata $instanceId = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") $stackName = Get-EC2Tag | ` Where-Object {$_.ResourceId -eq $instanceId -and $_.Key -eq 'aws:cloudformation:stack-name'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value $S3BucketName = ((get-cfnstack $stackName).Parameters | where {$_.ParameterKey -eq 'S3BucketName'}).ParameterValue $S3BucketRegion = ((get-cfnstack $stackName).Parameters | where {$_.ParameterKey -eq 'S3Region'}).ParameterValue $S3OutputBucketName = ((get-cfnstack $stackName).Parameters | where {$_.ParameterKey -eq 'S3OutputBucketName'}).ParameterValue $HPCPackUrl = ((Get-CFNStack -StackName $stackName).Outputs | where {$_.OutputKey -eq 'URL'}).OutputValue Write-Host "running EnergyPlus simulation for case $case..." #make output directory mkdir C:\output\$case\ cd C:\output\$case\ #get idf end epw input files $idfinputfile = Get-ChildItem "C:\EnergyPlus\EnergyPlus-9.5.0-de239b2e5f-Windows-x86_64\ExampleFiles\5ZoneAirCooled_*.idf" | get-random -count 1 | % { $_.FullName } $epwinputfile = "C:\EnergyPlus\EnergyPlus-9.5.0-de239b2e5f-Windows-x86_64\WeatherData\USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.epw" #run simulation C:\EnergyPlus\EnergyPlus-9.5.0-de239b2e5f-Windows-x86_64\energyplus -i \Energy+.idd -w $epwinputfile $idfinputfile #write output files to s3 Write-S3Object -BucketName $S3OutputBucketName -Folder C:\output\$case\ -KeyPrefix output\$case\ -Region $S3BucketRegion #simulation completed Write-Host "Finished simulation for case $case" Write-Host "Instance that performed simulation: $instanceId" Write-Host "S3Bucket: $S3BucketName" Write-Host "S3 Output Bucket: $S3OutputBucketName" Write-Host "HPC Pack Portal: $HPCPackUrl" Write-Host "Done"