# CI/CD With GitHub ## CI/CD Pipeline for AWS CloudFormation Templates This repository contains code and examples for deploying AWS CloudFormation or AWS CDK using a CI/CD pipeline. It provides a framework to validate infrastructure as code (IaC) using tools like cfn-guard, cfn-lint, and taskcat to test templates. ## Deploy To deploy this example you will need the AWS CLI, access to an AWS Account, and GitHub repository. ```bash aws cloudformation package \ --template-file main.yaml \ --s3-bucket ${BUCKET_NAME} \ --output-template-file main.packaged.yaml aws cloudformation deploy \ --template-file main.packaged.yaml --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} \ --parameter-overrides GitHubUser=${GITHUB_USERNAME} \ GitHubRepoName=${GITHUB_REPO} \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM ```