version: 0.2 phases: install: commands: - echo Entered the install phase... - apt-get update -y - sudo apt-get install zip gzip tar -y - pip3 install --upgrade pip - ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip /usr/bin/pip pre_build: commands: - echo Entered the pre_build phase... - echo Current directory is $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR - ls -la - export dirname=${PWD##*/} - echo Directory name $dirname - cd .. - mv $dirname $PROJECTNAME - ls -la - cd $PROJECTNAME - git config --global url."".insteadOf "" - git init - git remote add origin https://$$GITHUBUSER/$PROJECTNAME.git - git fetch - git checkout -ft origin/$SOURCEBRANCH - git submodule init - git submodule update --recursive - ls -lR - cd .. - echo Upgrading AWS CLI using pip3... - pip install --upgrade awscli - echo Installing Taskcat using pip3... - pip install taskcat==0.9.13 - echo Verifying Taskcat installation... - taskcat - echo Configuring aws cli... - aws configure set default.region us-west-2 build: commands: - echo Entered the build phase... - cd $PROJECTNAME - taskcat test run -l - | if $(grep -Fq "CREATE_FAILED" taskcat_outputs/index.html) then echo Quickstart FAILED! exit 1 else echo Quickstart Passed! exit 0 fi finally: - ls -1 taskcat_outputs - ls -1 taskcat_outputs | while read LOG; do cat taskcat_outputs/${LOG}; done - echo Zipping and uploading report to $ARTIFACT_BUCKET S3 bucket - zip -r taskcat_outputs - aws s3 cp s3://$ARTIFACT_BUCKET/taskcat_reports/$