# Architecture Deploying this Quick Start with **default parameters** builds the following CI/CD pipeline environment in the AWS Cloud\. ![\[CI/CD pipeline for CloudFormation templates on AWS\]](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/quickstart/latest/cicd-taskcat/images/pipeline-workflow.png) **Figure 1: CI/CD pipeline for CloudFormation templates on AWS** The Quick Start sets up the following: + A pipeline created by CodePipeline, which is triggered when a commit is made to the referenced branch of the Github repository used in the source stage\. + A build project in CodeBuild to run TaskCat and launch AWS CloudFormation templates for testing\. + A Lambda function that merges the source branch of the Github repository with the release branch\. + AWS Identity and Access Management \(IAM\) roles for the Lambda function and the build project\. + An S3 bucket to stash the build artifacts temporarily and to store the TaskCat report\.