# Prepare for incidents using Incident Manager ![](media/ssm-aws-logo.png) NOTE: You will incur charges as you go through either of these workshops, as they will exceed the [limits of AWS free tier](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/free-tier-limits.html). To go back to the previous section, click here: [Episode 5: Problem and Incident Management with Scale and Automation in an Enterprise Cloud Environment](/episode-05-step-00-overview.md). ## Table of Contents - [Summary](#summary) - [Instructions](#instructions) - [Create prerequisite resources using CloudFormation](#create-prerequisite-resources-using-cloudformation) - [Configure Incident Manager to replicate data](#configure-incident-manager-to-replicate-data) - [Create contact details](#create-contact-details) - [Create an escalation plan](#create-an-escalation-plan) - [Create a response plan](#create-a-response-plan) - [Next Section](#next-section) ## Summary AWS Systems Manager **Incident Manager** enables faster resolution of critical application availability and performance issues. It helps you prepare for incidents with automated response plans that bring the right people and information together. With Incident Manager, you can automatically take action when a critical issue is detected by an Amazon CloudWatch alarm or Amazon Eventbridge event. Incident Manager immediately executes pre-configured response plans to engage responders via SMS and phone calls, links designated chat channels using AWS Chatbot, and executes AWS Systems Manager Automation runbooks. Incident Manager helps you improve service reliability by suggesting post-incident action items, such as automating a runbook step or adding a new alarm, based on Amazon’s post-incident analysis template. ## Instructions In this section you will create prerequisite resources using a CloudFormation template. You will then setup Incident Manager and prepare for a incident by creating contacts, escalation plans, and response plans. ### Create prerequisite resources using CloudFormation The [CloudFormation template](cfntemplates/ssm-workshop-resources-episode-05.yml) creates a test Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance, IAM instance profile role for System Manager, an Amazon CloudWatch alarm for the instance to monitor CPU performance, an IAM role for Amazon EventBridge, and an EventBridge rule to start the incident. **To save the CloudFormation template locally** 1. Open the CloudFormation template [ssm-workshop-resources-episode-05.yml](cfntemplates/ssm-workshop-resources-episode-05.yml). 1. Choose **Raw**. ![](/media/github-raw.png) 1. Open Notepad and copy the entire text. 1. Save the file to your local machine as ```ssm-workshop-resources-episode-05.yml```. The CloudFormation template will create the resources depicted in the diagram below. ![](/media/ep05-st01.png) **To create the workshop test resources** 1. Open the [AWS CloudFormation console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home). 1. Choose **Create stack**. 1. For **Specify template**, choose **Upload a template file**, choose the file you saved locally ```ssm-workshop-resources-episode-05.yml```, and choose **Next**. ![](/media/cloudformation-create-stack-ep05.png) 1. For **Stack name**, enter ```ssm-workshop-ep05```, and choose **Next**. 1. On the **Configure stack options** page, leave the defaults and choose **Next**. 1. On the **Review ssm-workshop-ep04** page, choose **I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.** 1. Choose **Create stack**. CloudFormation will begin provisioning the resources specified within the CloudFormation template and once complete, you will have one Amazon Linux EC2 instance, an Amazon CloudWatch alarm, and an Amazon EventBridge rule to work with during this workshop. You can also use the refresh button to see the latest events related to the CloudFormation stack. Once the status of the CloudFormation stack changes to ```CREATE_COMPLETE```, you can proceed with the next steps. This process should complete within 7 minutes. ### Configure Incident Manager to replicate data **To replicate Incident Manager data to other AWS Regions** 1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/. 1. In the navigation pane, choose [**Incident Manager**](https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/incidents). 1. Choose **Prepare**. 1. On the **Get prepared** page, choose **Go to Settings** in the **General settings** section. 1. On the **Settings** page, choose **Add Region**. 1. In the **Add Region** window, choose **US East (Ohio)** from the drop-down list, and choose **Add**. The replication set for Incident Manager will begin to be processed. You can continue to move forward with the next steps. ![](media/configure-replication-set.png) ### Create contact details 1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/. 1. In the navigation pane, choose [**Incident Manager**](https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/incidents). 1. Choose **Prepare**. 1. On the **Get prepared** page, choose **Create contact** in the **Contact details** section. 1. In the **Contact details** section, perform the following steps: - For **Name**, enter your first name. - For **Unique alias**, enter a unique alias, this can simply be the lowercase version of your name. 1. In the **Contact channel** section, perform the following steps: - For **Type**, choose **Email**. - For **Channel name**, enter ```email```. - For **Detail**, enter your email address. 1. In the **Engagement plan** section, perform the following steps: - For **Contact channel name**, choose **email** created above. - For **Engagement time (min)**, leave the default value ```0```. - :information_source: Outside of the workshop, you can specify varying engagement times on when contacts should be engaged as part of incidents that take occur.
:information_source: Example Contact information


1. Choose **Create**. This step creates a contact and sends activation codes to the configured contact channels. You will then be brought to a subsequent page to activate the contact channel using an activation code in an email you will receive. **To activate the contact channel** 1. On the **Contact channel activation - optional** page, perform the following steps: - For **Activation code**, enter the six-digit code specified in the email sent by AWS. 1. Choose **Finish**. **Repeat the process to create an escalated contact** Repeat the process above to create a second contact. For the second contact, specify **Name** and **Unique alias** as ```yourname-escalated``` and specify **Engagement time (min)** as ```15```.
:information_source: Example Escalated Contact information


### Create an escalation plan Escalation plans use **stages** where each stage lasts a defined number of minutes. Each stage has the following information: - **Duration** - The amount of time the plan waits until beginning the next stage. As soon as the engagement starts the first stage begins. - **Contacts** - The escalation plan engages each contact using its defined engagement plan. You can set up each contact to stop the progression of the escalation plan before it goes to the next stage. Each stage can have multiple contacts. **To create an escalation plan** 1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/. 1. In the navigation pane, choose [**Incident Manager**](https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/incidents). 1. Choose **Prepare**. 1. On the **Get prepared** page, choose **Create escalation plan** in the **Escalation plans** section. 1. On the **Create escalation plan** page, perform the following steps: - For **Name**, enter ```workshop-escalation-plan```. - For **Alias**, enter ```workshop-escalation```. - Before making modifications to **Stage 1**, choose **Add stage**. - For **Stage 1**, perform the following steps: - For **Stage duration** enter ```15```. - For **Contact name**, select the first contact you created above (```yourname```) and disable **Acknowledgement stops plan progression**. - :information_source: By disabling this option, the engagement plan will escalate to **Stage 2** 15 minutes after the incident has been created. - For **Stage 2**, perform the following steps: - For **Contact name**, select the second contact you created above (```yourname-escalated```) and disable **Acknowledgement stops plan progression**. 1. Choose **Create escalation plan**. ![](media/prepare-escalation-plan.png) ### Create a response plan Use response plans to plan for incidents and define how to respond to incidents. Response plans provide a template for when an incident occurs. This template includes information about who to engage, the expected severity of the event, automatic runbooks to initiate, and metrics to monitor. To create a response plan, use the following steps. **To create a response plan** 1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/. 1. In the navigation pane, choose [**Incident Manager**](https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/incidents). 1. Choose **Prepare**. 1. On the **Get prepared** page, choose **Create response plan** in the **Response plan** section. 1. For **Response plan details**, enter the following: - For **Name** enter ```sampleapp-performance-issues-response-plan```. - :exclamation: **Important**: The name of the response plan is case-sensitive and must match exactly. - For **Display name**, enter ```SampleApp Performance Issues response plan```. 1. For **Incident creation details**, enter the following: - For **Title**, enter ```[SampleApp] Performance Issues Detected```. - For **Impact**, choose **High**. - For **Summary** enter the following: ``` ### 🚨🚨🚨 Performance Issue Detected on SampleApp 🚨🚨🚨 A performance spike has been detected based on specific CloudWatch alarms firing (see Metrics tab for details). --- ### Summary of Incident **Resolver**: *Edit this section to provide a high level summary for other responders who are viewing this Incident.* ``` - For **Dedupe string**, enter ```SampleAppPerformance```. 1. For the purpose of this workshop, skip the **Chat channel** section. 1. For **Engagements**, choose **workshop-escalation-plan** from the drop-down list. 1. For the **Runbook** section, perform the following steps: - Choose **Clone runbook from template**. - For **Runbook name** enter ```sampleapp-response-runbook```. - For **Execution permissions**, choose **Create an IAM role using a template**. - For **Role name**, enter ```IncidentManager-role```. 1. Choose **Create response plan**. ![](media/prepare-response-plan.png) ## Next Section Click the link below to go to the next section. [![](media/episode-05-step-02-mitigate-respond.png)](/episode-05-step-02-mitigate-respond.md)