:information_source: Example Escalated Contact information

### Create an escalation plan
Escalation plans use **stages** where each stage lasts a defined number of minutes. Each stage has the following information:
- **Duration** - The amount of time the plan waits until beginning the next stage. As soon as the engagement starts the first stage begins.
- **Contacts** - The escalation plan engages each contact using its defined engagement plan. You can set up each contact to stop the progression of the escalation plan before it goes to the next stage. Each stage can have multiple contacts.
**To create an escalation plan**
1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/.
1. In the navigation pane, choose [**Incident Manager**](https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/incidents).
1. Choose **Prepare**.
1. On the **Get prepared** page, choose **Create escalation plan** in the **Escalation plans** section.
1. On the **Create escalation plan** page, perform the following steps:
- For **Name**, enter ```workshop-escalation-plan```.
- For **Alias**, enter ```workshop-escalation```.
- Before making modifications to **Stage 1**, choose **Add stage**.
- For **Stage 1**, perform the following steps:
- For **Stage duration** enter ```15```.
- For **Contact name**, select the first contact you created above (```yourname```) and disable **Acknowledgement stops plan progression**.
- :information_source: By disabling this option, the engagement plan will escalate to **Stage 2** 15 minutes after the incident has been created.
- For **Stage 2**, perform the following steps:
- For **Contact name**, select the second contact you created above (```yourname-escalated```) and disable **Acknowledgement stops plan progression**.
1. Choose **Create escalation plan**.

### Create a response plan
Use response plans to plan for incidents and define how to respond to incidents. Response plans provide a template for when an incident occurs. This template includes information about who to engage, the expected severity of the event, automatic runbooks to initiate, and metrics to monitor. To create a response plan, use the following steps.
**To create a response plan**
1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/.
1. In the navigation pane, choose [**Incident Manager**](https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/incidents).
1. Choose **Prepare**.
1. On the **Get prepared** page, choose **Create response plan** in the **Response plan** section.
1. For **Response plan details**, enter the following:
- For **Name** enter ```sampleapp-performance-issues-response-plan```.
- :exclamation: **Important**: The name of the response plan is case-sensitive and must match exactly.
- For **Display name**, enter ```SampleApp Performance Issues response plan```.
1. For **Incident creation details**, enter the following:
- For **Title**, enter ```[SampleApp] Performance Issues Detected```.
- For **Impact**, choose **High**.
- For **Summary** enter the following:
### 🚨🚨🚨 Performance Issue Detected on SampleApp 🚨🚨🚨
A performance spike has been detected based on specific CloudWatch alarms firing (see Metrics tab for details).
### Summary of Incident
**Resolver**: *Edit this section to provide a high level summary for other responders who are viewing this Incident.*
- For **Dedupe string**, enter ```SampleAppPerformance```.
1. For the purpose of this workshop, skip the **Chat channel** section.
1. For **Engagements**, choose **workshop-escalation-plan** from the drop-down list.
1. For the **Runbook** section, perform the following steps:
- Choose **Clone runbook from template**.
- For **Runbook name** enter ```sampleapp-response-runbook```.
- For **Execution permissions**, choose **Create an IAM role using a template**.
- For **Role name**, enter ```IncidentManager-role```.
1. Choose **Create response plan**.

## Next Section
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