AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: SSM Document for Domain Join Automation Parameters: DomainJoinSSMDocumentName: Type: String Description: Name for the Domain Join SSM Run Document created by this stack Default: DomainJoinAutomation Resources: MySSMDocument: Type: 'AWS::SSM::Document' Properties: Content: schemaVersion: '2.2' description: This document will be used for domain join of EC2 instances. parameters: DomainName: type: String description: (Required) FQDN of AD default: DomainJoinUserName: type: String description: (Required) Domain Username SSM Parameter default: domainAdmin DomainJoinPassword: type: String description: (Required) Domain User password SSM Parameter default: domainPassword mainSteps: - precondition: StringEquals: - platformType - Windows action: aws:runPowerShellScript name: DomainJoinWindows inputs: timeoutSeconds: 7200 runCommand: - "Import-Module -name AWSPowerShell" - "$DomainJoined = ''" - "##### Get Current Computer info #####" - "$ComputerInfo = get-computerinfo" - "$CurrentDomain = $ComputerInfo.csdomain" - "##### Check if Computer is not joined to Domain #####" - "IF ($CurrentDomain -eq 'WORKGROUP'){" - "$DomainJoined = '$False'}" - "Else {" - "$DomainJoined = '$True'" - "echo \"Instance is joined to the domain\"" - "exit 0" - "}" - "##### Domain Join Credentials #####" - "$DomainAccount = (Get-SSMParameter -Name {{DomainJoinUserName}} -WithDecryption $True).Value" - "$UserAccount = \"{{DomainName}}\\$DomainAccount\"" - "$Password = (Get-SSMParameter -Name {{DomainJoinPassword}} -WithDecryption $True).Value | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force" - "##### Create credential object #####" - "$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserAccount,$Password)" - "##### Join Domain#####" - "IF ($DomainJoined -eq '$False'){" - "Add-Computer -DomainName {{DomainName}} -Credential $credential -Verbose" - "$DomainJoined = '$True'" - "#Restart-Computer -Force" - "exit 3010" - "}" - "##### Exit Gracefully after setting Domain Joined to True #####" - "IF ($DomainJoined -eq '$True')" - "{" - "echo \"Run document execution completed successfully\"" - "exit 0" - "}" - precondition: StringEquals: - platformType - Linux action: aws:runShellScript name: DomainJoinLinux inputs: timeoutSeconds: 7200 runCommand: - "if [ -f /tmp/ad_join_reboot ]; then" - "echo \"Document executed successfully\"" - "rm -f /tmp/ad_join_reboot" - "exit 0" - "fi" - " " - "sudo yum -y update" - "sudo yum -y install sssd realmd krb5-workstation samba-common-tools" - "sudo yum -y install oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir sssd adcli" - "domainJoinPassword=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name {{DomainJoinPassword}} --with-decryption --query \"Parameter.Value\" --output text)" - "domainJoinUsername=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name {{DomainJoinUserName}} --with-decryption --query \"Parameter.Value\" --output text)" - "## test if already joined to {{DomainName}} realm ##" - "if [[ $(realm list | grep {{DomainName}}) ]] ; then" - "echo \"{{DomainName}} realm configured\"" - "exit 0" - "fi" - " " - "#### Join Domain ####" - "echo ${domainJoinPassword} | sudo realm join -U ${domainJoinUsername} {{DomainName}} -v" - "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then" - "echo \"Unable to join domain.Exiting..\"" - "exit 1" - "fi" - " " - "#### Update sshd_config ####" - "/usr/bin/sed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config" - " " - "touch /tmp/ad_join_reboot" - "exit 194" DocumentType: Command Name: !Ref DomainJoinSSMDocumentName