AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: "Conditional Launch Example (qs-tb1p1t01)" Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: Enable CI (optional) Parameters: - EnableCIPipeline - ReleaseBranch - SourceRepoBranch - GitHubUser - GitHubRepoName - GitHubOAuthToken - Label: default: Staging Bucket Parameters: - QSS3BucketName - QSS3KeyPrefix Parameters: EnableCIPipeline: AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' Default: 'false' Description: "If true deploy taskcat ci pipeline" Type: String GitHubUser: Description: Enter GitHub username of the repository owner Type: String GitHubRepoName: Description: Enter the repository name that should be monitored for changes Type: String SourceRepoBranch: Description: Enter the branch name to be monitored Type: String ReleaseBranch: Description: >- Enter the release branch name. On successfull build, above branch will be merged into this branch. Type: String GitHubOAuthToken: Description: >- Create a token with 'repo' and 'admin:repo_hook' permissions here Type: String NoEcho: 'true' QSS3BucketName: AllowedPattern: "^[0-9a-zA-Z]+([0-9a-zA-Z-]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*$" Default: avattathil Description: "Default s3 bucket (Must be a valid bucket name)" Type: String QSS3KeyPrefix: AllowedPattern: "^[0-9a-zA-Z-/]*$" Default: aws-cloudformation-conditional-launch/ Description: "s3 prefix must end with forward slash (/)." Type: String Conditions: EnableTaskcatCI: !Equals - !Ref EnableCIPipeline - 'true' Resources: LambdaRandomStringStack: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub https://${QSS3BucketName}${QSS3KeyPrefix}templates/lambda_random_string.template.yaml CIStack: Condition: EnableTaskcatCI Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL: Parameters: QSS3BucketName: 'aws-quickstart' QSS3KeyPrefix: 'quickstart-taskcat-ci/' GitHubUser: !Ref GitHubUser GitHubRepoName: !Ref GitHubRepoName GitHubOAuthToken: !Ref GitHubOAuthToken ReleaseBranch: !Ref ReleaseBranch SourceRepoBranch: !Ref SourceRepoBranch