#! /bin/bash # ======= Change these values [REQUIRED] ======= # : ${KeyName:=my-north-virginia-key} # Private key name for EC2 instances : ${SAPInstallMediaBucket:=my-sap-install-files} # Bucket where SAP Install media is stored : ${SAPInstallMediaFolder=nw-ase-dev-edition} # Bucket where SAP Install media is stored # ======= Change these values [OPTIONAL] ======= # : ${VpcCIDR:=} # CIDR for the existing VPC : ${SAPSubnetCIDR:=} # CIDR for a Subnet in existing VPC where SAP system will be installed : ${BastionCIDR:=} # CIDR for a VPC or Subnect which has your Bastion host : ${STACKNAME:=sapapidemo} : ${Environment:=sapdemo} # Added to artifact names created this template : ${SAPInstanceType:=r4.large} # Instance type you want for the SAP EC2 instance : ${SAPMasterPwd:=welcome1} # SAP Master Password : ${OA2ClientPassword:=welcome1} # Password used by SAP System user for OAuth token gen # ======= Donot Change anything below this line ======= # # All attributes SAPSubnetCIDR=$SAPSubnetCIDR BASTIONCIDR=$BastionCIDR SAPDomainName=dummy.nodomain SAPHostName=vhcalnplci SAPEBSVolumeSize=200 InstallSAP=true SAPInstallationTimeOut=14000 TEMPLATE=./SAPABAPDeveloperEditionWithVPC.yaml aws cloudformation deploy \ --template-file $TEMPLATE \ --stack-name $STACKNAME \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \ --parameter-overrides \ Environment=$Environment \ VpcCIDR=$VpcCIDR \ SAPSubnetCIDR=$SAPSubnetCIDR \ BASTIONCIDR=$BASTIONCIDR \ SAPInstanceType=$SAPInstanceType \ KeyName=$KeyName \ SAPDomainName=$SAPDomainName \ SAPHostName=$SAPHostName \ SAPEBSVolumeSize=$SAPEBSVolumeSize \ SAPInstallMediaBucket=$SAPInstallMediaBucket \ SAPInstallMediaFolder=$SAPInstallMediaFolder \ SAPMasterPwd=$SAPMasterPwd \ SAPInstallationTimeOut=$SAPInstallationTimeOut