# SAP Commerce on AWS This repository contains an example of how to deploy the on-premise version of SAP Commerce on AWS. You can use this script for development and demonstration purposes. ## Step 1. Download the SAP Commerce software and upload to a S3 bucket Download the SAP Commerce software from SAP and upload to an S3 bucket. For example, ``` s3://[S3 Bucket]/[S3 Software Folder]/CXCOM200500P_0-70004955.ZIP ``` ## Step 2. Download the Scripts in this Github repository and upload to a S3 bucket Download the script and template folder from Github repository and upload to an S3 bucket. For example, ``` s3://[S3 Bucket]/[scripts]/ ``` ## Step 3. Prepare AWS account If you don’t already have a AWS account, VPC, Security Group and IAM role. Follow the step-by-step instruction, to create an [AWS account]( https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/create-and-activate-aws-account/), [VPC]( https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-getting-started.html), [Security Group ](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_SecurityGroups.html) and [IAM Role]( https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/iam-roles-for-amazon-ec2.html). ## Step 4. Launch the stack The quickest way to do this is using AWSCLI. $ aws cloudformation create-stack --region= --stack-name --template-url --parameters ParameterKey=InitialPassword,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=InstanceRoleSAP,ParameterValue=< the name of the instance role to be attached to your EC2 instance > ParameterKey=KeyPairName,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=LinuxAMIOS,ParameterValue=Amazon-Linux2-HVM ParameterKey=InstanceType,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=PDatabaseHostName,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=PrivateSubnet1ID,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=Recipe,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=SWS3BucketName,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=Version,ParameterValue=2005 ParameterKey=SWS3KeyPrefix,ParameterValue=< S3 folder hosting SAP Commerce Software > ParameterKey=CreateDocker,ParameterValue=False ParameterKey=ScriptsS3BucketName,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=ScriptsS3KeyPrefix,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=SecurityGroupID,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=VPCID,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=OSImageOverride,ParameterValue=< your custom AMI if needed > --on-failure DO_NOTHING --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM | Parameter | Example Value | |---------|-------------| |region| us-east-1 | |stack-name| sap-commerce | |template-url| https://\.s3.\.amazonaws.com/hybris/templates/sap-commerce-1905.yaml | |InitialPassword| nimda | |InstanceRoleSAP| Admin-EC2 | |KeyPairName|my-default-key-pair| |LinuxAMIOS|Amazon-Linux2-HVM | |InstanceType|m5.xlarge| |PDatabaseHostName|saponaws| |PrivateSubnet1ID|subnet-1234567891011| |Recipe|cx| |SWS3BucketName|sap-on-aws-blog| |SWS3KeyPrefix|hybris/core2005| |ScriptsS3BucketName|sap-on-aws-blog| |ScriptsS3KeyPrefix|hybris/scripts| |CreateDocker|False| |SecurityGroupID|sg-1234567891011| |VPCID|vpc-1234567891011| |OSImageOverride|| ### Step 5. Access SAP Commerce to verify your deployment You can access SAP Commerce by IP address and the default port 9002 via your web browser ### Step 6. Complete any post-deployment tasks Before you start using SAP Commerce on AWS, change the initial password and make sure that your system is backed up and configured correctly. Refer to the [SAP Commerce on AWS blog](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/awsforsap/driving-new-levels-of-agility-for-your-sap-workloads-an-example-with-sap-commerce/) on how you can leverage Amazon Aurora Serverless and Amazon EC2 Hibernation for SAP Commerce on AWS. THe JDBC driver for Amazon Aurora can be downloaded [here](https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-8.0.19.zip). # License This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.