######################################################################################################################## # Any code, applications, scripts, templates, proofs of concept, documentation and other items provided by AWS under # # this SOW are "AWS Content," as defined in the Agreement, and are provided for illustration purposes only. All such # # AWS Content is provided solely at the option of AWS, and is subject to the terms of the Addendum and the Agreement. # # Customer is solely responsible for using, deploying, testing, and supporting any code and applications provided by # # AWS under this SOW. # ######################################################################################################################## AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Prepares the Management Account for adding custom solutions Parameters: pRemoteRegionalCidrDEV: Type: String Description: Remote regional CIDR that will be connected to the CloudWAN pRemoteRegionalCidrProd: Type: String Description: Remote regional CIDR that will be connected to the CloudWAN pRemoteRegionalCidrSharedService: Type: String Description: Remote regional CIDR that will be connected to the CloudWAN Resources: DevelopmentSSMParameter: Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter Properties: Name: /networking/cloudwan/Development Type: String Value: !Ref pRemoteRegionalCidrDEV ProdSSMParameter: Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter Properties: Name: /networking/cloudwan/Production Type: String Value: !Ref pRemoteRegionalCidrProd SharedServiceSSMParameter: Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter Properties: Name: /networking/cloudwan/SharedServices Type: String Value: !Ref pRemoteRegionalCidrSharedService