import argparse import json import logging import time import boto3 import yaml logger = logging.getLogger('query_cloudwatch_logs_by_term') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) _MIN = 1000 _HOUR= 60*1000 _DAY = 86400 LOGGABLE_RESOURCES = [ "AWS::Lambda::Function", "AWS::Logs::LogGroup" ] LOG_QUERY_RANGE = { "MIN": _MIN, "HOUR": _HOUR, "DAY": _DAY } # boto3 clients cfn_client = boto3.client('cloudformation') logs_client = boto3.client('logs') def get_stacks_for_partial_stack_name(partial_stack_name: str) -> list[str]: """ Gets a list of stacks that include a partial stack name. Parameters: partial_stack_name (str): The partial name to be matched Returns: list[str]: List of Cloudformation stack names that include the partial stack name """ matching_stacks = [] paginator = cfn_client.get_paginator('list_stacks') response_iterator = paginator.paginate( StackStatusFilter=[ 'CREATE_COMPLETE', 'UPDATE_COMPLETE' ] ) for page in response_iterator: for stack_summary in page['StackSummaries']: if partial_stack_name in stack_summary['StackName']: matching_stacks.append(stack_summary['StackName']) return matching_stacks def list_cloudformation_resources(stack_name: str) -> list[dict]: """ Lists 'loggable' resources belonging to a Cloudformation stack. A 'loggable' resource is one that is defined in the LOGGABLE_RESOURCES list. Parameters: stack_name (str): The Cloudformation stack name Returns: list[dict]: List of 'loggable' resources belonging to the Cloudformation stack """ response = cfn_client.describe_stack_resources( StackName=stack_name ) logging_resources = [] for stack_resource in response.get('StackResources',[]): # remove non castable items if 'Timestamp' in stack_resource: del stack_resource['Timestamp'] if 'DriftInformation' in stack_resource: del stack_resource['DriftInformation'] # only include valid resources if stack_resource["ResourceType"] in LOGGABLE_RESOURCES: logging_resources.append(stack_resource) return logging_resources def _get_lambda_log_group_name(stack_resource: dict) -> str: """ Gets the CloudWatch Log Group associated with a Lambda function Parameters: stack_resource (str): The Cloudformation stack resource Returns: str: The CloudWatch Log Group associated with a Lambda function """ return f"/aws/lambda/{stack_resource['PhysicalResourceId']}" def get_log_group_names(logging_resources: list[dict]) -> list[str]: """ Gets the CloudWatch log group name associated with Cloudformation resources Parameters: logging_resources (list[dict]): List of Cloudformation resources Returns: str: The CloudWatch Log Group names associated with loggable resources from the Cloudformation stack """ log_group_names =[] for logging_resource in logging_resources: if logging_resource["ResourceType"] == "AWS::Logs::LogGroup": log_group_names.append(logging_resource['PhysicalResourceId']) if logging_resource["ResourceType"] == "AWS::Lambda::Function": log_group_names.append(_get_lambda_log_group_name(logging_resource)) if logging_resource["ResourceType"] not in LOGGABLE_RESOURCES: raise ValueError( str( f"ResourceType: {logging_resource['ResourceType']} does not match " + f"one of the expected types: {','.join(LOGGABLE_RESOURCES)}." ) ) return log_group_names def _get_query_time_range(start: int, end: int) -> tuple: """ Gets a start and end epoch time that establishes a CloudWatch log group time range Parameters: start (int): The start time of the time frame to search the CloudWatch logs end (int): The end time of the time frame to search the CloudWatch logs Returns: tuple: The start and end time to search the CloudWatch logs """ end_time = end start_time = end_time - start return start_time, end_time def _get_cloudwatch_insights_query_string(query_terms: list[str], query_limit: int) -> str: """ Gets the CloudWatch insights filter to be used to query for terms Parameters: query_terms (list[str]): The query terms to be searched query_limit (int): The limit to the number of results queried Returns: str: CloudWatch insights filter query containing the query terms to be searched """ filter_concat_all_but_last = " ".join([f"@message like '{query_term}' or " for query_term in query_terms[:-1]]) filter_concat = f"{filter_concat_all_but_last}{query_terms[-1]}" insights_query = ( 'fields @timestamp, @message ' + '| sort @timestamp desc ' + f'| filter ({filter_concat}) ' + f'| limit {query_limit}' ) return insights_query def _start_query_with_query_string( log_group_name: str, query_terms: list[str], query_limit: int, start_time: int, end_time: int ) -> dict: """ Starts a CloudWatch insights query Parameters: log_group_name (str): The log group name to be queried query_terms (list[str]): The query terms to be searched query_limit (int): The limit to the number of results queried start_time: (int): Epoch time representing the query period start time end_time (int): Epoch time representing the query period end time Returns: dict: Dict containing the log group name and the query id """ start_time, end_time = _get_query_time_range(start=start_time, end=end_time) try: response = logs_client.start_query( logGroupName=log_group_name, startTime=start_time, endTime=end_time, queryString=_get_cloudwatch_insights_query_string( query_terms=query_terms, query_limit=query_limit ), limit=query_limit ) return { "log_group_name": log_group_name, "query_id": response['queryId'] } except logs_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: logger.error("Log group %s not found. This normally means the log group has no log stream.", log_group_name) return {} def query_log_files_for_terms( log_group_names: list[str], query_limit: int, start_time: int, end_time: int ) -> list[dict]: """ Queries CloudWatch log groups for query terms that are defined in query_terms.yaml Parameters: log_group_names (list[str]): The log group names to be queried query_limit (int): The limit to the number of results queried start_time (int): Epoch time representing the query period start time end_time (int): Epoch time representing the query period end time Returns: list[dict]: List of Dict containing the log group name and the query id """ query_ids = [] for log_group_name in log_group_names: _query_id = _start_query_with_query_string( log_group_name=log_group_name, query_terms=get_query_terms(), query_limit=query_limit, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time ) query_ids.append(_query_id) return query_ids def get_query_results(query_ids: list[dict]) -> list[dict]: """ Gets the results of a CloudWatch insights query Parameters: query_ids (list[dict]): A list of query ids from which to obtain search results Returns: list[dict]: List of Dict containing the search results """ query_results =[] for query_id in query_ids: if 'query_id' in query_id: response = logs_client.get_query_results( queryId=query_id['query_id'] ) if len(response.get('results', [])) > 0: query_results.append( { "log_group_name": query_id['log_group_name'], "results": response.get('results') } ) return query_results def progress(percent=0, width=40) -> None: """ Displays a progress bar in the console Parameters: percent (int): The percentage of completed progress width (int): The width of the progress bar Returns: None """ left = width * percent // 100 right = width - left tags = "#" * left spaces = " " * right print("\r", tags, spaces, sep="", end="", flush=True) def query_loggable_resources( stack_name: str, query_wait: int, query_limit: int, start_time: int, end_time: int ) -> None: """ Queries the loggable resources of a Cloudformation stack for query terms over a specific time range Parameters: stack_name (str): The name of the Cloudformation stack query_wait (int): The width of the progress bar query_limit (int): The limit to the number of results queried start_time (int): Epoch time representing the query period start time end_time (int): Epoch time representing the query period end time Returns: None """ loggable_resources = list_cloudformation_resources(stack_name=stack_name) "Found %d loggable_resources for Cloudformation stack: %s.", len(loggable_resources), stack_name ) if len(loggable_resources) == 0:"No log groups to query for for Cloudformation stack: %s.", stack_name) return None log_group_names = get_log_group_names(logging_resources=loggable_resources) query_ids = query_log_files_for_terms( log_group_names=log_group_names, query_limit=query_limit, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time )"Starting queries.")"Waiting %d seconds before getting the query results.", query_wait) for i in range(query_wait): percent = int((i / query_wait) * 100) progress(percent) time.sleep(1) print("")"Getting the query results") query_results = get_query_results(query_ids=query_ids) if len(query_results) > 0: logger.warning("Query term match has been found in %d log groups.", len(query_results)) logger.warning("Affected log groups are:") for log_group_result in query_results: logger.warning(log_group_result['log_group_name']) with open(file=f"{stack_name}_results.json", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(query_results, indent=2)) "Results file for stack %s written to %s_results.json", stack_name, stack_name ) else:"No query terms match after checking %d log groups", len(log_group_names))"The following log groups were checked:") for log_group_result in query_results:['log_group_name']) def _validate_args(_args: list) -> int: """ Validates the CLI arguments Parameters: _args (list): The command line arguments Returns: int: The start time of the range period to be searched """ if _args.partialStackName: if _args.stackName: raise ValueError( "The partialStackName argument has been added. " + "Please do not supply a stackName." ) if _args.stackName: if _args.partialStackName: raise ValueError( "The partialStackName argument has been added. " + "Please do not supply a stackName." ) start_time = 0 if _args.startTimeMins is not None: if _args.startTimeHours is not None and _args.startTimeDays is not None: raise ValueError( "Multiple startTime types are not supported. " + "Please select only one type of startTime." ) start_time = _args.startTimeMins * LOG_QUERY_RANGE['MIN'] if _args.startTimeHours is not None: if _args.startTimeMins is not None and _args.startTimeDays is not None: raise ValueError( "Multiple startTime types are not supported. " + "Please select only one type of startTime." ) start_time = _args.startTimeHours * LOG_QUERY_RANGE['HOUR'] if _args.startTimeDays is not None: if _args.startTimeMins is not None and _args.startTimeHours is not None: raise ValueError( "Multiple startTime types are not supported. " + "Please select only one type of startTime." ) start_time = _args.startTimeDays * LOG_QUERY_RANGE['DAY'] return start_time def get_query_terms() -> list[str]: """ Gets the terms to be queried during the CloudWatch Log Group search. The terms are read from the query_terms.yaml file. Parameters: None Returns: list[str]: The query terms """ with open(file="query_terms.yaml", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as stream: try: return yaml.safe_load(stream)['query-terms'] except yaml.YAMLError as exc: ValueError(exc) def main(_args: list, start_time: int) -> None: """ Orchestrates the search for query terms contained in CloudWatch Log Groups associated with a Cloudformation stack over a defined time range. Parameters: _args (list): The command line arguments start_time (int): Epoch time representing the query period start time Returns: None """"Query terms; %s.", ', '.join(get_query_terms())) if _args.partialStackName: matching_stacks = get_stacks_for_partial_stack_name(partial_stack_name=_args.partialStackName) for matching_stack in matching_stacks: query_loggable_resources( stack_name=matching_stack, query_wait=_args.queryWait, query_limit=_args.queryLimit, start_time=start_time, end_time=_args.endTime ) return None if _args.stackName: query_loggable_resources( stack_name=_args.stackName, query_wait=_args.queryWait, query_limit=_args.queryLimit, start_time=start_time, end_time=_args.endTime ) return None # Argument parsing _parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Check a CloudFormation stacks CloudWatch logs for query terms.' ) # Add the partialStackName argument _parser.add_argument( '--partialStackName', type=str, required=False, help='CloudFormation stacks which include the partial name' ) # Add the stackName argument _parser.add_argument( '--stackName', type=str, required=False, help='the CloudFormation stack name' ) # Add the queryWait argument _parser.add_argument( '--queryWait', type=int, required=False, default=60, help='how many seconds to wait for the queries to complete' ) # Add the queryLimit argument _parser.add_argument( '--queryLimit', type=int, required=False, default=1000, help='the number of results to return per query' ) # Add the startTimeMins argument _parser.add_argument( '--startTimeMins', type=int, required=False, help='the start time, in minutes, for which the logs are to queried' ) # Add the startTimeHours argument _parser.add_argument( '--startTimeHours', type=int, required=False, help='the start time, in hours, for which the logs are to queried' ) # Add the startTimeDays argument _parser.add_argument( '--startTimeDays', type=int, required=False, help='the start time, in days, for which the logs are to queried' ) # Add the endTime argument _parser.add_argument( '--endTime', type=int, required=False, default=int(time.time()), help='the end time for which the logs are to queried.' ) args = _parser.parse_args() main(_args=args, start_time=_validate_args(args))