Installing the AWS CodeDeploy Agent with Chef ============================================= In the previous post, we learned how to use the power of AWS CodeDeploy to orchestrate chef-solo. It took the perspective of having half of your dependencies already installed – namely, the CodeDeploy agent. For this post, we'll look at it from a different angle: the CodeDeploy host agent isn't installed yet, but you have a pre-existing Chef environment running on Amazon EC2 instances. Setup and Preconditions ----------------------- The post below makes a few assumptions about your environment that may or may not be true. First and foremost is that you have a working Chef environment. We'll assume that you've worked through your own workflow for managing that environment and your chef-repo. If you are still new to Chef, their documentation has a lot of very helpful information: []( AWS CodeDeploy Host Agent Cookbook ---------------------------------- We've built a custom Chef cookbook to help ease the process of installing the CodeDeploy agent. You can download that cookbook [here]( To install the CodeDeploy agent, simply download the linked archive, copy the codedeploy-agent directory into your chef-repo, and add `recipe[codedeploy-agent]` to your run list. If you just want to test this out with a chef-solo instance, we've included a sample configuration for you. The cookbook has three simple steps: 1. Download the package for the CodeDeploy host agent. 1. Install the agent. 1. Start the agent.