#This solution, non-production-ready template describes AWS Codepipeline based CICD Pipeline for terraform code deployment. #© 2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. #This AWS Content is provided subject to the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement available at #http://aws.amazon.com/agreement or other written agreement between Customer and either #Amazon Web Services, Inc. or Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL or both. output "codecommit_name" { value = module.codecommit_infrastructure_source_repo.repository_name description = "The name of the Codecommit repository" } output "codecommit_url" { value = module.codecommit_infrastructure_source_repo.clone_url_http description = "The Clone URL of the Codecommit repository" } output "codecommit_arn" { value = module.codecommit_infrastructure_source_repo.arn description = "The ARN of the Codecommit repository" } output "codebuild_name" { value = module.codebuild_terraform.name description = "The Name of the Codebuild Project" } output "codebuild_arn" { value = module.codebuild_terraform.arn description = "The ARN of the Codebuild Project" } output "codepipeline_name" { value = module.codepipeline_terraform.name description = "The Name of the CodePipeline" } output "codepipeline_arn" { value = module.codepipeline_terraform.arn description = "The ARN of the CodePipeline" } output "iam_arn" { value = module.codepipeline_iam_role.role_arn description = "The ARN of the IAM Role used by the CodePipeline" } output "kms_arn" { value = module.codepipeline_kms.arn description = "The ARN of the KMS key used in the codepipeline" } output "s3_arn" { value = module.s3_artifacts_bucket.arn description = "The ARN of the S3 Bucket" } output "s3_bucket_name" { value = module.s3_artifacts_bucket.bucket description = "The Name of the S3 Bucket" }