B -<` @sddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlm Z ddl m Z m Z mZmZmZmZmZmZddlmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZm Z m!Z!ddl"m#Z#dd l$m%Z%dd l&m'Z'dd l(m)Z)dd l*m+Z+dd l,m-Z-ddl.m/Z/ddl0m1Z1ddl2m3Z3ddl4m5Z5ddl6m7Z7ddl8m9Z9ddl:m;Z;mddl:m?Z?m@Z@e#jAjBZBeCeDZEeFZGGdddeFZHejIejJhZKGdddeHe)ZLGdddeLZMddZNdd Z=dS)!)absolute_importN)error)timeout) BaseSSLErrorBrokenPipeErrorDummyConnectionHTTPConnection HTTPExceptionHTTPSConnectionVerifiedHTTPSConnectionport_by_scheme) ClosedPoolErrorEmptyPoolErrorHeaderParsingErrorHostChangedErrorInsecureRequestWarningLocationValueError MaxRetryErrorNewConnectionError ProtocolError ProxyErrorReadTimeoutErrorSSLError TimeoutError)six)queue)CertificateError)RequestMethods) HTTPResponse)is_connection_dropped)connection_requires_http_tunnel) LifoQueue)set_file_position)assert_header_parsing)Retry)Timeout)Url_encode_target)_normalize_host)get_host parse_urlc@sBeZdZdZdZeZd ddZddZddZ d d Z d d Z dS)ConnectionPoola; Base class for all connection pools, such as :class:`.HTTPConnectionPool` and :class:`.HTTPSConnectionPool`. .. note:: ConnectionPool.urlopen() does not normalize or percent-encode target URIs which is useful if your target server doesn't support percent-encoded target URIs. NcCs0|s tdt||jd|_||_||_dS)NzNo host specified.)scheme)rr)r-hostlower _proxy_hostport)selfr.r1r3=/tmp/pip-target-7cdyy134/lib/python/urllib3/connectionpool.py__init__Js  zConnectionPool.__init__cCsdt|j|j|jfS)Nz%s(host=%r, port=%r))type__name__r.r1)r2r3r3r4__str__RszConnectionPool.__str__cCs|S)Nr3)r2r3r3r4 __enter__UszConnectionPool.__enter__cCs |dS)NF)close)r2exc_typeexc_valexc_tbr3r3r4__exit__XszConnectionPool.__exit__cCsdS)zD Close all pooled connections and disable the pool. Nr3)r2r3r3r4r:]szConnectionPool.close)N) r7 __module__ __qualname____doc__r-r"QueueClsr5r8r9r>r:r3r3r3r4r,<s  r,c @seZdZdZdZeZeZdde j dddddddf ddZ dd Z d!d d Z d d ZddZddZddZddZedfddZddZddZddZdddddeddddf dd ZdS)"HTTPConnectionPoola: Thread-safe connection pool for one host. :param host: Host used for this HTTP Connection (e.g. "localhost"), passed into :class:`http.client.HTTPConnection`. :param port: Port used for this HTTP Connection (None is equivalent to 80), passed into :class:`http.client.HTTPConnection`. :param strict: Causes BadStatusLine to be raised if the status line can't be parsed as a valid HTTP/1.0 or 1.1 status line, passed into :class:`http.client.HTTPConnection`. .. note:: Only works in Python 2. This parameter is ignored in Python 3. :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds for each individual connection. This can be a float or integer, which sets the timeout for the HTTP request, or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout` which gives you more fine-grained control over request timeouts. After the constructor has been parsed, this is always a `urllib3.util.Timeout` object. :param maxsize: Number of connections to save that can be reused. More than 1 is useful in multithreaded situations. If ``block`` is set to False, more connections will be created but they will not be saved once they've been used. :param block: If set to True, no more than ``maxsize`` connections will be used at a time. When no free connections are available, the call will block until a connection has been released. This is a useful side effect for particular multithreaded situations where one does not want to use more than maxsize connections per host to prevent flooding. :param headers: Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given explicitly. :param retries: Retry configuration to use by default with requests in this pool. :param _proxy: Parsed proxy URL, should not be used directly, instead, see :class:`urllib3.ProxyManager` :param _proxy_headers: A dictionary with proxy headers, should not be used directly, instead, see :class:`urllib3.ProxyManager` :param \**conn_kw: Additional parameters are used to create fresh :class:`urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection`, :class:`urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection` instances. httpNFrc Kst|||t||||_t|ts4t|}|dkrBtj}||_ ||_ | ||_ ||_ | |_| pli|_| |_xt|D]} |j dqWd|_d|_| |_|jr|jdg|j|jd<|j|jd<dS)Nrsocket_optionsproxy proxy_config)r,r5rstrict isinstancer& from_floatr%DEFAULTrretriesrBpoolblockrF proxy_headersrGxrangeputnum_connections num_requestsconn_kw setdefault)r2r.r1rHrmaxsizerNheadersrL_proxy_proxy_headers _proxy_configrT_r3r3r4r5s.      zHTTPConnectionPool.__init__cCsR|jd7_td|j|j|jp$d|jf|j|j|jj|jd|j }|S)z9 Return a fresh :class:`HTTPConnection`. rz(Starting new HTTP connection (%d): %s:%s80)r.r1rrH) rRlogdebugr.r1 ConnectionClsrconnect_timeoutrHrT)r2connr3r3r4 _new_conns  zHTTPConnectionPool._new_conncCsd}y|jj|j|d}WnBtk r8t|dYn&tjk r\|jrXt|dYnX|rt|rt d|j | t |dddkrd}|p|S) a Get a connection. Will return a pooled connection if one is available. If no connections are available and :prop:`.block` is ``False``, then a fresh connection is returned. :param timeout: Seconds to wait before giving up and raising :class:`urllib3.exceptions.EmptyPoolError` if the pool is empty and :prop:`.block` is ``True``. N)rNrzPool is closed.z>Pool reached maximum size and no more connections are allowed.z Resetting dropped connection: %s auto_openrr)rMgetrNAttributeErrorrrEmptyrr r]r^r.r:getattrrb)r2rrar3r3r4 _get_conns"  zHTTPConnectionPool._get_conncCs\y|jj|dddStk r(Yn$tjk rJtd|jYnX|rX|dS)a Put a connection back into the pool. :param conn: Connection object for the current host and port as returned by :meth:`._new_conn` or :meth:`._get_conn`. If the pool is already full, the connection is closed and discarded because we exceeded maxsize. If connections are discarded frequently, then maxsize should be increased. If the pool is closed, then the connection will be closed and discarded. F)rNNz2Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s) rMrQrerFullr]warningr.r:)r2rar3r3r4 _put_connszHTTPConnectionPool._put_conncCsdS)zU Called right before a request is made, after the socket is created. Nr3)r2rar3r3r4_validate_conn6sz!HTTPConnectionPool._validate_conncCsdS)Nr3)r2rar3r3r4_prepare_proxy<sz!HTTPConnectionPool._prepare_proxycCs2|tkr|jSt|tr$|St|SdS)z< Helper that always returns a :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout` N)_DefaultrclonerIr&rJ)r2rr3r3r4 _get_timeout@s   zHTTPConnectionPool._get_timeoutcCsjt|trt||d|t|dr>|jtkr>t||d|dt|ksVdt|krft||d|dS)zAIs the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or passz!Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)errnoz timed outzdid not complete (read)N)rI SocketTimeoutrhasattrrq_blocking_errnosstr)r2errurl timeout_valuer3r3r4_raise_timeoutLs z!HTTPConnectionPool._raise_timeoutc Ksn|jd7_||}||j|_y||Wn:ttfk rp}z|j|||jdWdd}~XYnXy*|r|j ||f|n|j ||f|WnLt k rYn:t k r}z|j t jt jt jhkr؂Wdd}~XYnX|j} t|ddrB| dkrt||d| | tjkr6|jtn |j| yjy|jdd} WnTtk ry |} Wn0tk r}zt|dWdd}~XYnXYnXWn<tttfk r}z|j||| dWdd}~XYnXt|d d } t !d |j"|j#|j$||| | j%| j& yt'| j(Wn@t)tfk rh} zt j*d |+|| dd Wdd} ~ XYnX| S)a Perform a request on a given urllib connection object taken from our pool. :param conn: a connection from one of our connection pools :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds for the request. This can be a float or integer, which will set the same timeout value for the socket connect and the socket read, or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout`, which gives you more fine-grained control over your timeouts. r)rvrwrxNsockrz!Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)T) buffering _http_vsn_strzHTTP/?z%s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %sz$Failed to parse headers (url=%s): %s)exc_info),rSrp start_connectr`rrlrrrryrequest_chunkedrequestrIOErrorrqEPIPE ESHUTDOWN EPROTOTYPE read_timeoutrgrr&DEFAULT_TIMEOUTrz settimeoutsocketgetdefaulttimeout getresponse TypeError BaseExceptionr raise_from SocketErrorr]r^r-r.r1statuslengthr$msgrrj _absolute_url) r2ramethodrwrchunkedhttplib_request_kw timeout_objerhttplib_response http_versionhper3r3r4 _make_requestesx      ( z HTTPConnectionPool._make_requestcCst|j|j|j|djS)N)r-r.r1path)r'r-r.r1rw)r2rr3r3r4rsz HTTPConnectionPool._absolute_urlcCsZ|jdkrdS|jd}|_y"x|jdd}|r |q WWntjk rTYnXdS)zD Close all pooled connections and disable the pool. NF)rN)rMrdr:rrf)r2old_poolrar3r3r4r:s  zHTTPConnectionPool.closecCsx|drdSt|\}}}|dk r0t||d}|jrF|sFt|}n|js^|t|kr^d}|||f|j|j|jfkS)zj Check if the given ``url`` is a member of the same host as this connection pool. /TN)r-) startswithr*r)r1r rdr-r.)r2rwr-r.r1r3r3r4 is_same_hosts    zHTTPConnectionPool.is_same_hostTc Kst|}|j}|dkr|j}t|ts8tj|||jd}| dkrL| dd} |rf||sft |||| drt t |}n t |j}d}| }t|j|j|}|s|}||jd}d}t|| } zzy||}|j| d}|j|_|jdk o t|dd }|r"|r"|||j||||||| d }| sD|nd}|| d <|jj|f|||d | }d}Wntk rd}d}Ynt t!t"t#t$t%t&fk rF}zd}t|t$t&frt%|}n>t|t"t'fr|jrt(d |}nt|t"t!frt#d |}|j)||||t*+dd}|,|}Wdd}~XYnXWd|sd|o^|-}d}|rt|.|X|st/0d||||j1|||||||f|| | | | d| S|o|2}|rd|j3dkrd}y|j)||||d}Wn(t4k r|j5r|6|SX|6|7|t/8d|||j1||||f||||| | | | d| St9|:d}|;||j3|r y|j)||||d}Wn(t4k r|j<r|6|SX|6|,|t/8d||j1||||f||||| | | | d| S|S)a+ Get a connection from the pool and perform an HTTP request. This is the lowest level call for making a request, so you'll need to specify all the raw details. .. note:: More commonly, it's appropriate to use a convenience method provided by :class:`.RequestMethods`, such as :meth:`request`. .. note:: `release_conn` will only behave as expected if `preload_content=False` because we want to make `preload_content=False` the default behaviour someday soon without breaking backwards compatibility. :param method: HTTP request method (such as GET, POST, PUT, etc.) :param url: The URL to perform the request on. :param body: Data to send in the request body, either :class:`str`, :class:`bytes`, an iterable of :class:`str`/:class:`bytes`, or a file-like object. :param headers: Dictionary of custom headers to send, such as User-Agent, If-None-Match, etc. If None, pool headers are used. If provided, these headers completely replace any pool-specific headers. :param retries: Configure the number of retries to allow before raising a :class:`~urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError` exception. Pass ``None`` to retry until you receive a response. Pass a :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry` object for fine-grained control over different types of retries. Pass an integer number to retry connection errors that many times, but no other types of errors. Pass zero to never retry. If ``False``, then retries are disabled and any exception is raised immediately. Also, instead of raising a MaxRetryError on redirects, the redirect response will be returned. :type retries: :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry`, False, or an int. :param redirect: If True, automatically handle redirects (status codes 301, 302, 303, 307, 308). Each redirect counts as a retry. Disabling retries will disable redirect, too. :param assert_same_host: If ``True``, will make sure that the host of the pool requests is consistent else will raise HostChangedError. When ``False``, you can use the pool on an HTTP proxy and request foreign hosts. :param timeout: If specified, overrides the default timeout for this one request. It may be a float (in seconds) or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout`. :param pool_timeout: If set and the pool is set to block=True, then this method will block for ``pool_timeout`` seconds and raise EmptyPoolError if no connection is available within the time period. :param release_conn: If False, then the urlopen call will not release the connection back into the pool once a response is received (but will release if you read the entire contents of the response such as when `preload_content=True`). This is useful if you're not preloading the response's content immediately. You will need to call ``r.release_conn()`` on the response ``r`` to return the connection back into the pool. If None, it takes the value of ``response_kw.get('preload_content', True)``. :param chunked: If True, urllib3 will send the body using chunked transfer encoding. Otherwise, urllib3 will send the body using the standard content-length form. Defaults to False. :param int body_pos: Position to seek to in file-like body in the event of a retry or redirect. Typically this won't need to be set because urllib3 will auto-populate the value when needed. :param \**response_kw: Additional parameters are passed to :meth:`urllib3.response.HTTPResponse.from_httplib` N)redirectdefaultpreload_contentTrF)rrz)rbodyrWrrequest_method)rM connectionrLzCannot connect to proxy.zConnection aborted.)r_pool _stacktracez1Retrying (%r) after connection broken by '%r': %s)r pool_timeout release_connrbody_posi/GET)responserzRedirecting %s -> %s)rLrassert_same_hostrrrrrz Retry-Afterz Retry: %s)=r+r-rWrIr%from_intrLrdrrrr ensure_strr(rwr!rFrGcopyupdaterOr#rprhr`rrgrmr ResponseCls from_httplibrrr rrrrrrr incrementsysr}sleepr:rkr]rjurlopenget_redirect_locationrrraise_on_redirect drain_connsleep_for_retryr^bool getheaderis_retryraise_on_status)r2rrwrrWrLrrrrrrr response_kw parsed_urldestination_schemerarelease_this_connhttp_tunnel_requiredrv clean_exitris_new_proxy_connr response_connrrredirect_locationhas_retry_afterr3r3r4rs(m                      zHTTPConnectionPool.urlopen)N)r7r?r@rAr-r r_rrr&rr5rbrhrkrlrmrpryrnrrr:rrr3r3r3r4rChsF: * ' vrCcspeZdZdZdZeZddejdddddddddddddddfddZ dd Z d d Z d d Z fddZ ZS)HTTPSConnectionPoola Same as :class:`.HTTPConnectionPool`, but HTTPS. :class:`.HTTPSConnection` uses one of ``assert_fingerprint``, ``assert_hostname`` and ``host`` in this order to verify connections. If ``assert_hostname`` is False, no verification is done. The ``key_file``, ``cert_file``, ``cert_reqs``, ``ca_certs``, ``ca_cert_dir``, ``ssl_version``, ``key_password`` are only used if :mod:`ssl` is available and are fed into :meth:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket` to upgrade the connection socket into an SSL socket. httpsNFrc Ks\tj|||||||||| | f || |_| |_| |_||_||_||_||_||_ ||_ dS)N) rCr5key_file cert_file cert_reqs key_passwordca_certs ca_cert_dir ssl_versionassert_hostnameassert_fingerprint)r2r.r1rHrrVrNrWrLrXrYrrrrrrrrrrTr3r3r4r5rs,zHTTPSConnectionPool.__init__c Cs@t|tr<|j|j|j|j|j|j|j|j |j d|j |_ |S)z Prepare the ``connection`` for :meth:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket` and establish the tunnel if proxy is used. )rrrrrrrr) rIr set_certrrrrrrrrr)r2rar3r3r4 _prepare_conns  z!HTTPSConnectionPool._prepare_conncCs2||j|j|j|jjdkr&d|_|dS)z Establishes a tunnel connection through HTTP CONNECT. Tunnel connection is established early because otherwise httplib would improperly set Host: header to proxy's IP:port. rTN) set_tunnelr0r1rOrFr-tls_in_tls_requiredconnect)r2rar3r3r4rms z"HTTPSConnectionPool._prepare_proxyc Cs|jd7_td|j|j|jp$d|jr8|jtkr@td|j}|j}|jdk rf|jj}|jj}|jf|||j j |j |j |j |jd|j}||S)zF Return a fresh :class:`http.client.HTTPSConnection`. rz)Starting new HTTPS connection (%d): %s:%s443zCCan't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.N)r.r1rrHrrr)rRr]r^r.r1r_rrrFrr`rHrrrrTr)r2 actual_host actual_portrar3r3r4rbs0   zHTTPSConnectionPool._new_conncs@tt||t|dds$||js>> conn = connection_from_url('http://google.com/') >>> r = conn.request('GET', '/') Prr1N)r*r rdrrC)rwkwr-r.r1r3r3r4connection_from_urls rcCs.t||}|dr*|dr*|dd}|S)z? Normalize hosts for comparisons and use with sockets. []r)normalize_hostrendswith)r.r-r3r3r4r)s  r))O __future__rrqloggingrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r r exceptionsrrrrrrrrrrrrrpackagesrZpackages.six.movesrZpackages.ssl_match_hostnamerrrrrZutil.connectionr Z util.proxyr!Z util.queuer"Z util.requestr#Z util.responser$Z util.retryr%Z util.timeoutr&Zutil.urlr'r(r)rr*r+movesrP getLoggerr7r]objectrnr,EAGAIN EWOULDBLOCKrtrCrrr3r3r3r4sN   ( <              ) ~