AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Create AWS Config rules to scan IAM roles, users and groups for IAM policy attachment, with an Automation remediation document to replace the policy on IAM roles with the specified policy or policies. Requires AWS Config to first be enabled. Parameters: DocumentName: Description: >- Name of the Automation remediation document. Must not begin with reserved prefixes: aws, amazon, or amzn. Type: String MinLength: "3" MaxLength: "128" Default: ConfigRemediateIamPolicy ConstraintDescription: This parameter is required. RoleConfigRuleName: Type: String Default: Iam-Roles-Deprecated-AmazonEC2RoleforSSM Description: The name that you assign to the AWS Config rule to scan and remediate IAM roles. MinLength: "1" MaxLength: "128" ConstraintDescription: This parameter is required. UserGroupConfigRuleName: Type: String Default: Iam-UsersGroups-Deprecated-AmazonEC2RoleforSSM Description: The name that you assign to the AWS Config rule to scan IAM users and groups. MinLength: "1" MaxLength: "128" ConstraintDescription: This parameter is required. exceptionList: Type: String Default: "" Description: >- Comma separated list of resourcetypes and list of resource name pairs to exclude from Config rule scan. (for example, users:[user1;user2], groups:[group1;group2], roles:[role1;role2;role3]). policyToRemove: Description: >- ARN of the IAM policy to scan in AWS Config rule and remediate by replacing with "policiesToAdd" Type: String Default: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM' MinLength: "1" ConstraintDescription: This parameter is required. policiesToAdd: Description: >- ARN(s) of an IAM policy or policies to attach to the role, in comma separated list format. Note the default limit is 10 policies attached to a role. Type: String Default: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore,arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMDirectoryServiceAccess,arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy' MinLength: "1" ConstraintDescription: This parameter is required. Resources: RemediationDocument: Type: "AWS::SSM::Document" Properties: DocumentType: Automation Name: !Ref "DocumentName" Content: description: >- Remove a selected policy from an IAM role resource discovered by AWS Config rule, and replace it with a new policy. schemaVersion: '0.3' assumeRole: '{{AutomationAssumeRole}}' outputs: - describeResourceId.RoleName - attachNewRolePolicies.OutputPayload parameters: ResourceId: type: String description: >- (Required) The UniqueId name of the target role on which to replace the chosen policy. PolicyToRemove: type: String description: >- (Required) The IAM policy ARN to remove from the role. NewPolicies: type: StringList description: >- (Required) ARN(s) of an IAM policy or policies to attach to the role, in comma separated list format. AutomationAssumeRole: type: String default: '' description: >- (Required) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. mainSteps: - name: describeResourceId action: 'aws:executeAwsApi' maxAttempts: 2 onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: config Api: ListDiscoveredResources resourceType: 'AWS::IAM::Role' resourceIds: - '{{ ResourceId }}' outputs: - Name: RoleName Type: String Selector: '$.resourceIdentifiers[0].resourceName' isCritical: 'true' nextStep: attachNewRolePolicies - name: attachNewRolePolicies action: 'aws:executeScript' maxAttempts: 2 inputs: Runtime: python3.7 Handler: replace_old_policies InputPayload: roleName: '{{ describeResourceId.RoleName }}' newPolicies: '{{ NewPolicies }}' PolicyToRemove: '{{ PolicyToRemove }}' Script: |- import boto3 iam = boto3.client('iam') def is_policy_attached(role_name, policy_arn): results_per_page = 10 there_is_more = True marker = '' while there_is_more: if marker == '': response = iam.list_attached_role_policies( RoleName=role_name, MaxItems=results_per_page ) else: response = iam.list_attached_role_policies( RoleName=role_name, Marker=marker, MaxItems=results_per_page ) for policy in response['AttachedPolicies']: if policy['PolicyArn'] == policy_arn: return True there_is_more = response['IsTruncated'] if there_is_more: marker = response['Marker'] return False def attach_new_policies(role_name, new_policies): for policy in new_policies: iam.attach_role_policy(RoleName=role_name, PolicyArn=policy.strip()) print('[INFO]: Attaching policy: ', policy.strip()) def detach_old_policy(role_name, policy_arn): if is_policy_attached(role_name, policy_arn): iam.detach_role_policy(RoleName=role_name, PolicyArn=policy_arn) def replace_old_policies(events, context): role_name = events['roleName'] new_policies = events['newPolicies'] old_policy = events['PolicyToRemove'] print('[INFO]: Attaching replacement policies') attach_new_policies(role_name, new_policies) print('[INFO]: Detaching noncomplying policy') detach_old_policy(role_name, old_policy) return {'roleName': role_name} isCritical: 'true' isEnd: true AWSConfigRuleIamRole: Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule Properties: ConfigRuleName: Ref: RoleConfigRuleName Description: >- Checks that none of your IAM roles (excluding exceptionList) have the specified policies attached. InputParameters: policyArns: !Ref policyToRemove exceptionList: Fn::If: - exceptionList - Ref: exceptionList - Ref: AWS::NoValue Scope: ComplianceResourceTypes: - AWS::IAM::Role Source: Owner: AWS SourceIdentifier: IAM_POLICY_BLACKLISTED_CHECK AWSConfigRuleIamUserGroup: Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule Properties: ConfigRuleName: Ref: UserGroupConfigRuleName Description: >- Checks that none of your IAM users or groups (excluding exceptionList) have the specified policies attached. InputParameters: policyArns: !Ref policyToRemove exceptionList: Fn::If: - exceptionList - Ref: exceptionList - Ref: AWS::NoValue Scope: ComplianceResourceTypes: - AWS::IAM::User - AWS::IAM::Group Source: Owner: AWS SourceIdentifier: IAM_POLICY_BLACKLISTED_CHECK iamRemediationRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: Path: / AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - '' Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' Policies: - PolicyName: 'AllowIamAutomationPolicyRemediation' PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies - iam:AttachRolePolicy - config:ListDiscoveredResources Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: iam:DetachRolePolicy Resource: arn:aws:iam::*:role/* Condition: ForAllValues:ArnEquals: iam:PolicyARN: !Ref policyToRemove AWSConfigRemediationConfig: Type: "AWS::Config::RemediationConfiguration" DependsOn: AWSConfigRuleIamRole Properties: ConfigRuleName: Ref: RoleConfigRuleName Parameters: AutomationAssumeRole: StaticValue: Values: - Fn::GetAtt: [ iamRemediationRole, Arn ] PolicyToRemove: StaticValue: Values: - Ref: policyToRemove NewPolicies: StaticValue: Values: !Split - "," - !Ref policiesToAdd ResourceId: ResourceValue: Value: RESOURCE_ID TargetId: !Ref RemediationDocument TargetType: "SSM_DOCUMENT" Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: Required Parameters: - policyToRemove - policiesToAdd - RoleConfigRuleName - UserGroupConfigRuleName - DocumentName - Label: default: Optional Parameters: - exceptionList Conditions: exceptionList: Fn::Not: - Fn::Equals: - "" - Ref: exceptionList