import boto3 import uuid import datetime dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='') # TODO:: Update with aws-region where thes stack is deployed table = dynamodb.Table('aws-samples-budgets') # TODO:: Once stack is deployed, update the DynamoDB Table Name def insert_data(db_item): table.put_item(Item=db_item) budgets = [ { "partitionKey": "BUDGET", "rangeKey": str(uuid.uuid4()), "budgetName": "bu1-monthly-budget", "budgetLimit": 0, "actualSpend": 0, "forecastedSpend": 0, "approverEmail": "", # Email address of the admin for the business unit "notifySNSTopic": "arn:aws:sns:ap-south-1:1234567891235:approval-notification", # Update the SNS notification for the business unit "accruedForecastedSpend": 0, "accruedBlockedSpend": 0, "accruedApprovedSpend": 0, "businessEntity": "business_entity_1", "budgetForecastProcessed": False, "budgetUpdatedAt": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) }, { "partitionKey": "BUDGET", "rangeKey": str(uuid.uuid4()), "budgetName": "bu2-monthly-budget", "budgetLimit": 0, "actualSpend": 0, "forecastedSpend": 0, "approverEmail": "", # Email address of the admin for the business unit "notifySNSTopic": "arn:aws:sns:ap-south-1:1234567891235:approval-notification", # Update the SNS notification for the business unit "accruedForecastedSpend": 0, "accruedBlockedSpend": 0, "accruedApprovedSpend": 0, "businessEntity": "business_entity_2", "budgetForecastProcessed": False, "budgetUpdatedAt": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) }, { "partitionKey": "BUDGET", "rangeKey": str(uuid.uuid4()), "budgetName": "bu3-monthly-budget", "budgetLimit": 0, "actualSpend": 0, "forecastedSpend": 0, "approverEmail": "", # Email address of the admin for the business unit "notifySNSTopic": "arn:aws:sns:ap-south-1:1234567891235:approval-notification", # Update the SNS notification for the business unit "accruedForecastedSpend": 0, "accruedBlockedSpend": 0, "accruedApprovedSpend": 0, "businessEntity": "business_entity_3", "budgetForecastProcessed": False, "budgetUpdatedAt": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) }, { "partitionKey": "BUDGET", "rangeKey": str(uuid.uuid4()), "budgetName": "bu4-monthly-budget", "budgetLimit": 0, "actualSpend": 0, "forecastedSpend": 0, "approverEmail": "", # Email address of the admin for the business unit "notifySNSTopic": "arn:aws:sns:ap-south-1:1234567891235:approval-notification", # Update the SNS notification for the business unit "accruedForecastedSpend": 0, "accruedBlockedSpend": 0, "accruedApprovedSpend": 0, "businessEntity": "business_entity_4", "budgetForecastProcessed": False, "budgetUpdatedAt": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) } ] for item in budgets: insert_data(item)